Todd Group Close Personal Protection Training

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The Todd Group is the longest operating private training provider of our specialist close personal protection courses of instruction in New Zealand. The demand has changed over the decades from predominantly those wanting to work in the close protection industry to also include those that want to take responsibility for the protection of their families, friends and staff.

This has been increased with Covid-19 and the resulting global economy issues.

Not only do we have the longest history of this training provision in NZ but also our courses include a unique training experience in that they are conducted in both New Zealand and Thailand to provide attendees with the opportunity to experience international long haul travel and training exercises in a foreign country where English is not the first language.

We are able to conduct international specialist close personal protection training for small groups because of our long established history in this field as well as our allies’ associates in New Zealand and overseas that assist with facilitation.

We have the facilities, equipment, personnel and international point of contact facilitators and connections that enable the delivery of dual country and other countries specialist courses at very reasonable rates.

We also have the personnel, facilities and equipment to train courses of large numbers of attendees through our specialist instructors/training team availability. Large or small group courses can be assured of specialist high level training standards being maintained when they get the training from the HQ source under set instructor to exponent small group training ratios.

We have considerable numbers of highly trained former elite forces and specialist law-enforcement associate instructors as well as our HQ and depot’s training team instructors available for large contract training provision.

All these instructors have done decades of training and instructing and all have come up through our training provision and identified themselves as high level proponents and instructors.

Many have been elite operators as well as top instructors with considerable operational service.

Our depth of training provision has been established over more than nine decades and through not only HQ training provision but also specialist services courses conducting.

From our background decades ago as minders and minder training providers through to our long history of specialist close personal protection operational involvement and training roles as private specialist training providers, our understudies get our most current trade-craft training from the HQ source where it is developed.

We can provide the specialist courses at reasonable course fee rates due to our HQ structure training provision scope, multiple facilities and resources and having a dedicated training team.

The Todd Group Master Chief Instructor commands and controls the specialist close personal protection courses making all the advance course facilitation arrangements and decisions along with undertaking the course management and Chief instructor roles.

Having a fully equipped HQ facility and major training camp along with satellite facilities globally enables us to conduct individual application courses along with contract courses at even short notice, dates permitting.

Our close personal protection training tradecraft skills sets are constantly evolving being part of a living package to provide attendees with our most current primary tactics and skills training.

Similarly attendee’s reasons for undertaking CPP training can vary and does not only include those seeking a career in close protection

We have trained close protection details for royal families; diplomatic protection as well as corporate, entertainment and professional sport close personal protection teams and operators.

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While being a private specialist training provider we have also written long duration close protection courses that have been delivered by our qualified CPP instructors under the NZ qualification authority regime.

Many of our CPP trained operators have worked high level close protection in the private sector and in diplomatic roles.

A considerable amount of our training packages have been developed in-house and we specialise in close protection related close combat. These tradecraft training skills sets are based on our European military elite close combat systems third party protective principles, tactics and skills. These specialist close personal protection specialist roles and duties capabilities are not based on or derived from traditional fighting arts or combat sports. They are tradecraft role and duty specific ensuring the exponents are armed with the best tools fit for purpose.

The origins of some of our primary close protection trade-craft training being from war time close protection have stood the test of time and are still best practices because they were developed for the most high risk environments. Some of these primary skills that date back to World War II and the training provided for presidential, prime minister and generals protection during war time are still the most deliberate proven means and methods.

Combined this with the training provision connection with next generation close protection high level instructors and operators through to the current instructors and operators and we have a considerable private specialist training provider history and depth.

It takes decades of full time training provision and commitment to become established in our specialist trade-crafts training provision and we are coming up to our 100 years anniversary in 2027.

All our exponents, proponents and instructors have completed all mandatory training and passed all qualification testing and have proven records of official qualification service and rank.

Our close personal protection is a living tradecraft practice with an ethos of staying ahead of the most current threats.

The reasons why people take close protection training courses has varied over time and in the last decade considerations such as the economy, world stability, crime rates and the need to take responsibility for the protection of ones families, friends, associates and staff has become more common. Corporates, professionals and practical realists know you can’t guarantee on emergency assistance with high crime rates and law-enforcement capabilities stretched to the maximum.

Covid-19 has changed things by considerable and has heightened the awareness in that people more than ever need to take more responsibility for their own and their families, friends and staff’s security and safety.

The economy effects close personal protection opportunities as often when the economy crashes the first to go are close protection personnel.

When corporates and general business persons cannot afford close personal protection operators but still need to go about their business including travelling, then they need to take responsibility for the safety, security and protection of themselves and those under their care.

The ethos of specialist close personal protection being prevention over actions on intervention means that through having the knowledge to undertake advance work and compile plans/operational orders to maximise safety and security, risk can be reduced. This anti-threat role is most important to those taking responsibility for the close protection of themselves and those close to them. They seek knowledge to reduce risks by arming themselves with proactive capabilities as part of planning risk/threat identification avoidance or risk reduction to the lowest level possible by making tactically correct protective decisions.

Here at the Todd Group specialist close personal protection training completion is a requirement to be a fully trained and qualified phase 3 close combat specialist proponent.

We also provide continuation training for our previously trained close protection specialists so they can maintain a most current level of competency and capabilities status.

Being a generic specialist security training skill set required for anyone working in the close protection industry makes it under our unrestricted training availability to both members of all phases of our close combat training as well as select non-members that meet our responsible course joining requirements. Those working in the security industry to be able to work specialist close personal protection require the CPP trade-craft training and often attend courses along with former military and law-enforcement personnel to seek contracts or if working for a security company be ready for close protection roles if they come along.

While licensing varies from one country to another in the security/protection industries, the most important requirement is undergoing the most current specialist close protection training to be best prepared for working specialist close personal protection.

The course must be intensive extensive and compressed being conducted over two weeks to ensure all required skill sets are included.

Most attendees could not take more than two weeks off of work to attend an advanced considerably longer duration course.

Long hours of training lectures, practical training, practising of newly learnt tactics and skills along with considerable advance work for upcoming training exercises and the undertaking of training exercises will test individuals focus, resolve, attention to detail and capabilities to manage their personal needs to the maximum.

The initial training under the current training provision regime is undertaken at Camp Todd and Todd Group HQ.

During this training all the required tradecraft skill sets leading up to the long haul flight and training exercises in Thailand will be completed.

The close protection specific close combat, driving along with all the tradecraft practices required to plan and prepare for upcoming exercises including undertaking security surveys, threat assessments and developing operation orders must be completed before heading overseas for the international training exercises phases.

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The course includes land, air, rail and sea close personal protection training as well as an introduction to war zone close protection P:\COURSES CQC DWAR CR CPP\Old Courses\SA Thailand Oct 2013\thai cpp ex longest day\thai cpp ex longest day 028.jpg

Close Personal Protection

All aspects of close personal protection in the corporate and entertainment close protection roles are included in the course.

Attendees get to live and experience the stresses of long hours of specialist close personal protection training as well as the undertaking of advance work, compiling of plans and working on training exercises as part of a small group detail.

The course prepares attendees to work as part of a detail in all roles from small single detail contracts through to multiple detail large scale close protection operations.

It is also valuable for single operator close protection and minder roles. There is no similarity between an untrained minder or a big intimidating lump that is more an overt presence and a close personal protection highly trained specialist armed with all the tradecraft specialist tactics and skills.

While the stress factors are somewhat different to undertaking a CQC intensive course of instruction where it’s all about defeating enemies under actions on assault, close personal protection being predominantly about preventing or reducing to the lowest possible level any risk of an actions on comes with its own rigours, stresses and fatigue factors.

Sleep deprivation can get the better of those that do not know how to manage themselves and tend to their personal needs utilising any available time including down time wisely.

Not everyone can conduct themselves as both a highly confident and competent individual and a valuable member of a small specialist team and under training exercises individual’s strengths and weakness will be identified.

Often those that confuse close protection specialist required security and safety trade craft training and the required mindset and attributes with traditional arts or competitive codes fighting prowess, find difficulty under a specialist regime that demands considerable advance work, attention to detail and abiding by a chain of command.

Those with practical smarts, quiet self-confidence and a willingness to learn and upskill that can be trusted to work on their own or as part of a tight close team will fit in and achieve.

Those that cannot take orders and instructions or do not respect the chain of command, protocols and etiquette will not fit with what is required and expected to be a close protection specialist.

Those that have ego issues or over active imaginations are not suited to specialist close personal protection.

Those that come from military or law enforcement backgrounds or practical realist civilians generally adapt well to the specialist close protection training regime.

Sometimes applicants or even attendees find out that their egos and attitudes are far removed from the security conscious, quietly confident make-ups of professional close protection specialists.

Some quickly realise that their interpretation of close protection is far removed from what the specialist tradecraft actually is all about.

While some complete our close personal protection courses for their achievement of phase 3 specialist close combat qualification, others complete the training to be able to provide protection for themselves and their families, staff, colleagues, associates or friends.

Some attend as part of completing the required training to work in the close protection industry including those that have been in the military or police looking at working close protection when they retire from active service.

Whatever the reasoning the specialist skill sets provide the capability for those that have completed our intensive specialist close personal protection training to be able to effectively plan, prepare and conduct themselves as a close protection operator on a close protection detail.

They will know how to conduct themselves in a close protection specialist role whether it is at home or abroad.

Knowledge is power and arming our understudies with our most current proven primary CPP tradecraft training capabilities is what we pride ourselves in doing and being committed to.

The training will set them up well to be able to identify risks, dangers and weak spots and know how to effectively neutralise them.

From home security and safety through to urban/rural environments protection provision along with tactics and skills for travel, holidays and business trips those that complete the two week dual country course will be capable of undertaking their own advance work and protective requirements.

Those attending to take control of their peoples close protection will be enabled to utilise individual tactics and skills specific to their situations and needs in sole close protection roles drawn from their extensive training on course.

The conducting of small specialist courses of instruction downfall is we can usually only accommodate a small group training course of instruction and when in demand the unfortunate reality is some applicants will miss out and may have to wait up to 12 months for another course.

Many attendees state their reasoning for attending is that they are well aware of the violent times we live in and how no one can expect the authorities to always be able to immediately come to their assistance.

The skills sets provide a new awareness and capabilities to increase personal safety and security that can be applied to general life to keep oneself and ones family and friends safer.

Whether it be residence related security or safety and security as part of being out and about including traveling our specialist close personal protection courses arm attendees with wide ranging capabilities for self and others protection.

On course attendees live close protection as part of a small specialist detail in training planning and on training exercises.

They complete the course with skills for life that can be updated in the future if required.

For those that are seeking a career in close protection it begins with completing our specialist close personal protection training course.

You cannot provide the high level specialist capabilities required to maximise the security and safety of those under your protection without completing the required high level specialist close protection training.

There is no point seeking employment in close protection unless you are fully trained.

Here at the Todd Group it is our objective to make available CPP training to all our serious committed and dedicated exponents and proponents to keep our people and those close to them as safe as humanly possible.

Protecting your self is one thing and having the capabilities to protect yourself and others is a very different undertaking.

The correct tactics and skills to prevent threats are the priority and if compromised the most proven counter actions tactics and skills to neutralise threats are a must.

We are not close protection personnel recruiters and do not offer or promise employment post course. The course is not a qualification course but is a course completion certification course.

Honesty and integrity goes without saying when it comes to providing close protection companies looking at hiring former courses attendees with fact of matter information in regards to the individuals character, capabilities, positive attributes and negative traits.

Upcoming small group specialist CPP course information and joining instructions

Article written by Tank Todd

Special Operations CQB Master Chief Instructor. Over 30 years experience. The only instructor qualified descendent of Baldock, Nelson, and Applegate. Former instructors include Harry Baldock (unarmed combat instructor NZ Army WWII), Colonel Rex Applegate OSS WWII and Charles Nelson, US Marine Corps. Tank has passed his Special Forces combative instructor qualification course in Southeast Asia and is certified to instruct the Applegate, Baldock and Nelson systems. His school has been operating for over eighty years and he is currently an Army Special Operations Group CQB Master Chief Instructor. His lineage and qualifications from the evolutionary pioneers are equalled by no other military close combat instructor. His operation includes his New Zealand headquarters, and 30 depots worldwide as well as contracts to train the military elite, security forces, and close protection specialists. Annually he trains thousands of exponents and serious operators that travel down-under to learn from the direct descendant of the experts and pioneers of military close combat. Following in the footsteps of his former seniors, he has developed weapons, and training equipment exclusive to close combat and tactical applications. He has published military manuals and several civilian manuals and produced DVDs on urban self protection, tactical control and restraint, and close combat. He has racked up an impressive 100,000+ hours in close combat.