Phase 3 Specialist Proponents Course Thailand November/December 2023


This was the final exported course to our international hub country of Thailand for 2023.

We have already received confirmation of attendance for the November 2024 Thailand course from lads on this course and others that could not make this course.

This course of instruction included update training in the most current phase 1 Basic and phase 2 Advanced skill sets.

It also included training in newly developed self- protection and close combat connected programs/courses of instruction and individual skills from various training packages.

The course also included training in CQF (close quarters fighting) of the Todd systems that are based on ancient and later European combat sports codes and military self-defence and unarmed combat tradecraft training. The CQF is considered to include lesser lethal skills including ancient gladiatorial techniques and European combat sports codes techniques of yesteryear.

These skills are often part of toughener training and kill sports type conditioning training and can be deadly in their own right.

The course was conducted at our most recently established Thailand facility in Chonburi that is situated close to amenities and our accommodation.

We are fortunate to have secured this facility that provides a considerable chunk of outdoors training area that is part of a driving circuit.

It is a really fitting close quarter’s combat and mil self-defence training location that we will develop over the next several years to include custom set up CQC/MSD training facilities.

We conducted phase 1 Basic/phase 2 Advanced and phase 3 Specialist armed and unarmed combat as well as and military self-defence training at this our new standalone facility.


This most recent established Thailand facility has open training ground, trees and bamboo and ponds and a waterway.

We also conduct training at other facilities provided by long term allied facilitators. On this Specialist proponents course we transported the course to the satellite range for the CQB live fire component.

The course also underwent Anphib CQC/MSD revision and training in our most current Todd Group developed amphib skills training on the foreshore and in the seawater.

The Todd Group Thai in country staff took care of the course, logistics, accommodation and general needs allowing them to focus on their training.

There were proponents on course from several countries that all come up through the ranks passing basic and advanced testing enabling them to qualify for phase 3 specialist training.

These courses are perfect opportunities or attendees to not only up skill and achieve or maintain a current specialist proponent’s status but also be involved in the planning for upcoming courses and be part of training in the development of our European mil close combat and self-defence tactics and skills.

Now being well and truly into the post Covid timeframe, more and more members are committing to courses attendance and enthusiasts of European military close combat and self-defence are applying for upcoming entry level courses.

Having our HQ and Camp Todd in New Zealand and our own facilities and staff in our international hub country of Thailand provides us with the best of both worlds in providing HQ training and an international hub country that enables the same training with less flight times.

Having 30 plus depots instructors providing training enables the identifying of individual practical realists globally for ongoing training testing promotion and achieving advancement on intensive courses of instruction.

The Phase 3 Specialists training package encompasses wide ranging elite trade-craft skills training.

Dedicated and committed Phase 3 specialist proponents capabilities strengths are not only in their completing of mandatory pre-testing training hours and passing of testing phases but importantly of their continued and regular ongoing training and instructing duties.

Many of the lads and lasses we get on HQ and exported courses have attended such courses for decades and understand the importance of remaining current, committed and dedicated.

It is the serious, committed and dedicated exponents and proponents that future proof our training provision and these intensive courses of instruction are a primary means of ensuring they can maintain their primary current status.

While most close combat training available today is based on predominantly traditional fighting arts or competitive codes, the Todd systems are based on European military battlefield armed and unarmed combat and military self-defence and this is what attracts the serious enthusiasts on our courses of instruction.

Exported courses also involve consultancy and training provision meetings by referrals and requests and this exported course included tactical trade craft training provision meetings as well as trade craft tactical technology consultancy.

Being involved in wide ranging aspects of my tradecraft including the design of training equipment, training weapons, combat knives and mil close combat training protectors is an important aspect of my work that attracts considerable interest.

Interested parties follow our Todd Group website and our CQC Times e-magazine and request meetings often in countries where we conduct exported courses which was the case on this Thailand course. Meetings consultancy included on exported courses make for capacity schedules and provide the opportunity to meet with likeminded people that share in our commitment to our tradecraft.

On this exported course, I was asked to meet with a developer of a non-lethal tactical incapacitation device and view trial demonstrations of it.

We are building up to our 2027, 100 years anniversary celebrations as leading private specialist training providers in our European military armed, unarmed combat and military self-defence trade craft training provision.

The most common comment from attending exponents and proponents on courses is that they have never seen the European mil CQC skills we instruct and that their previous close combat experience has been based on traditional fighting arts and competitive codes techniques that are considerably different to our European mil elite CQC/MSD.

This point of difference or catch fact as we know it is what attracts serious exponents one by one and has for the past 96 years.

Course recruiting

Article written by Todd Group

The Todd Group, established by the late Harry Baldock, have been providing CQC, CQB, unarmed combat, defensive tactics, and self protection training since 1927.

They are instructors and consultants to military, police, close protection, corrections, security, and civilians.

The Todd Group has over 35 training depots nationally and internationally.