The elbow strike can deceptively and effectively be employed in the following way to neutralize your foe in military CQC or military self-defence.
For deceptive face-to-face military self-defence
The offensive action timely executed cohesively with the pivot step walk away arm action and supporting verbiage is initiated from your right arm at your right side neutral status. Drive and smash a diagonally forward and upward elbow strike under your foes peripheral vision contacting with their throat and or chin/jaw depending on your military rules of engagement or civilian laws of self-defence, remembering that you are responsible for your actions and the outcomes of your actions.
Always remember anything that goes up must come down and if required a hand edge strike to the carotid can be employed post elbow strike on the retraction.
Originating from under your foes peripheral vision provides opportunity with reduced likelihood of them realizing the specific threat before it is too late and as such being able to counter it. The combined multiple deceptive set up actions are incorporated to cause autonomic reactive confusion or prevent deliberate human counter-responses because of the deceptive confusion made possible by multiple different deceptive set up actions to mask and make covert the actual offensive action.
The support contingency, if your foe attacks you during the set up pivot step deception, is simply to crouch hard cover guard with right arm and stamp kick.