Kapiti CQC, MSD, C&R and D-WAR Training 5th-6th September

Phase 2 advanced armed and unarmed enemy threat neutralisation training

The borders closures and restrictions have provided slots for the Todd Group to conduct increased NZ regional as well as HQ and Camp Todd courses.

The latest being the September 5th and 6th weekend training was conducted at the Todd Groups most recently established depot, that being the Kapiti depot operated by Brent McFarlane.

This short course, like other regional and recent HQ short introductory and continuation training courses was again a full muster of new and current training exponents.

Along with Brent there were two other Wellington instructors, a Foxton depot instructor and a Taranaki Phase 3 proponent in attendance.

The Kapiti depot is located off the grid in the great outdoors and provided a fitting environment for mil unarmed combat/self-defence training.

Both Saturday and Sunday kicked off with two hours of phase 2 advanced training followed by Phase 1 Basic training. Saturday afternoon included several hours of D-WAR declare war against rape anti and counter sexual violence training for female attendees and their male training partners.

Sunday included two hours introductory training in head and neck as well as arms tactical control and restraint.

Familiarisation with primary arm control and restraint employments

The final training on Sunday was MSD military self-defence and included seizure prevention and escapes as well as weapons disarming.

Brent had set up an outdoors training area that was just what was required for mil CQC training.

Brent on his slip line moving target

Training in the outdoors is the best environment for mil CQC training and the Kapiti depot provided good close quarters training outdoors realities in rain, wind, sun, grass and mud.

Brent has established a very good outdoors training facility with stamp kicking stands, a moving close range CQC striking target and wet weather covered training area.

The exponents on course included males and females and they were all serious about their CQC/MSD training and they trained with quiet commitment to skills competency achievement and personal attributes self-improvement.

The weekend course provided the opportunity for attendees to have their questions answered and learn of the Brain to Boot mil CQC/MSD mental toughness package.

The Todd Group are not only the oldest global organisation instructing our European mil CQC and MSD programs but also are the only training providers of our mil close combat training packages in NZ and world wide.

Todd Group members get their training from the HQ source and at Kapiti it was under the instruction of the Todd Group Master-Chief Instructor.

Todd Group members receive many privileges including course fees generous discounts and training resources wholesale purchasing.

Every conducted course identifies and recruits solid exponents that join as country or HQ training members.

The civi exponents that become Todd group members join a specialist European mil CCC/MSD training organisation with a credentials lineage earned from former allied leading military Master-Chief instructors of no other training private specialist training organisation.

Those that are serious about mil combative training seek out or end up under our instruction because they want to be trained in our most current mil CQC/MSD skills sets by a military trained tested and qualified Master instructor with a long record of military CQC/MSD instructing service.

We identify, recruit, prove and eventually qualify individual exponents one by one and we have had some new members join our ranks from the Kapiti course and look forward to having them on upcoming CQC or CPP courses.

Having three Wellington based instructors and a Foxton based instructor will foster joint depot’s training in the near future.

The next weekend course will be in Christchurch Sept 26-27 and will include:

  • Phase 1 Basic European Military Unarmed Combat/Military Self-Defence for new entry and current training exponents.
  • D-WAR (Declare War Against Rape) female’s Introductory, anti and counter sexual violence training.
  • Tactical Control and Restraint.
  • Current Phase 2 advanced exponent’s Phase 2 continuation training.

October 10-22 at Camp Todd and Todd Group HQ will be our specialist Close Personal Protection course made possible by the border restrictions.

This is the only NZ CPP course that includes all the trade-craft skills sets that we do including practical training exercises. The course fee is considerably less than similar subject matter CPO courses and this is strictly because of the border restrictions current situation.

Application information joining instructions for upcoming courses www.toddgroup.com

Lower North Island training/instructors


Instructors: Nick and Gina Betty Phone: 027 491 8940


Instructor: Philip Stevenson Phone: 021 156 0492


Instructor: Brent McFarlane Phone: 027 517 4235

Petone/Hutt Valley

Instructor: Glen Duncan Phone: 021 0233 6103

Only responsible committed citizens of integrity need apply.

Article written by Todd Group

The Todd Group, established by the late Harry Baldock, have been providing CQC, CQB, unarmed combat, defensive tactics, and self protection training since 1927.

They are instructors and consultants to military, police, close protection, corrections, security, and civilians.

The Todd Group has over 35 training depots nationally and internationally.