Germany CQC Annual Course 2018

Phase military unarmed combat training

Mil CQC/MSD serious civi continuation training exponents and Todd Group depot training exponents with the smarts and resolve are what conducting intensive courses are all about. Continuation training exponents and by that I mean individuals that have proven themselves under training and testing and those that have identified themselves training at Todd Group depots all with a dedication and commitment to being the best exponent they can be accept courses challenges time and time again. New entry level exponents identify themselves one exponent at a time under training and testing.

Committed Individuals that can accept orders and instructions respect the chain of command and accept CQC challenges with a quiet determined demeanour are few and far between because of the nature of the training and testing. The Phase 1 training on the 2018 annual Germany course included CQC conditioning toughener training as well as mil CQC drills to command, CQC Battle lanes, military self-defence, Brain to Boot military CQC/MSD mental toughness enhancement and psychological conditioning training, CQC/MSD battle handling exercises and actions on CQC threat neutralisation combative objective achievement training.

Combined Phases CQC Battle Lanes training

These quietly confident types are who we seek to identify under training. They must volunteer for testing after completing mandatory training hours and under testing prove their mental toughness and combative tactics and skills capabilities for promotion and higher level training.

Evasion training

CQC testing phase

Individuals without any other agenda other than gaining higher level CQC/MSD capability earn the respect of their superiors and the exponents and proponents they train with by their attitudes and actions.

I have heard the following same or similar comments immediately post mil CQC/MSD test phases as well as post civi test phases all around the globe post courses time and time again, such comments as I have never experienced anything like that before or that was one of the toughest things I have ever experienced that I will never forget. Such comments are testament to the candidates completing the challenge of testing and their honesty understanding and grasp of practical reality.

These are tough often military experienced individuals as well as PSD long term contractors that have proven themselves in training and testing time and time again as well as serving in conflict.

Mainly alpha males with the occasional alpha female make up those that prove themselves and achieve rank and status.

Many of these tough and willing individuals have had extensive backgrounds in traditional based fighting arts styles.

Some are instructors of martial arts styles and have high grades in their particular styles and more fail the CQC test phases than pass as it is a very different beast than what they are accustomed to not only in skills but also in the military combative methods of training and testing.

The most recent test phase conducted in Germany saw one such determined lad that broke his arm on a previous course prove himself under testing this time.

MSD Phase 1 testing

The Todd Group prove one candidate at a time and it is because of our global course managers coordinators and facilitators that we can export specialist small group intensive week-long courses and conduct testing phases.

The reality is those that want to self-improve and advance will make this happen by putting their noms in fronting up and giving it their very best.

If they fail to achieve the objectives the first time round and if they are mentally tough and want to be the best exponent they possibly can be they will make it happen.

Those that have previously passed testing phases that want to remain current and progress will undertake more training and volunteer for phase testing if they still have the desire and dedication.

The norm under testing is if a candidate fails to achieve the required objectives and surpass the required ratings they are immediately withdrawn from the testing phase.

Occasionally a candidate that has failed to achieve the required ratings is given the option of continued involvement on the test phase as a member of the enemy party.

This is because of the individuals level of commitment, controlled aggression and them achieving ratings of under but close to the required levels when removed from the test phase. The test phase chief instructor determines if continued involvement as part of the enemy party would be beneficial to the individuals future training and re- testing and if they would be a suitable enemy per on the immediate test phase.

Advising the candidate they have failed to achieve the objectives and will be immediately removed from the testing phase is the reality of not achieving the required ratings. A candidate that accepts the offer to continue as a member of the enemy party tells us a lot about their character and make up as well as their support of other candidates that are still undergoing testing.

This was the case on this test phase and the candidate in question conducted himself with the desired attitudes and continued commitment as an enemy per giving it his best.

He gained the respect of the instructors and exponents on course as well as achieving valuable immediate future testing gained experience as a member of the enemy party.

The course in Germany like most of our courses are small group intensive courses where long hard days of training are the reality and intensity increases come with increases in skills capabilities throughout the course.

The Germany course included a phase 1 Basic course of instruction and a phase 2 advanced course of instruction being conducted simultaneously.

Phase 2 Detainee disarming training

Phase 2 target impact training

The course was conducted at the residence and personal training location of Ken Oesterreich in Leipzig.

Ken the Todd Group Chief Instructor in Germany was the course coordinator and facilitator and he ensured all the lads needs were taken care of including on course meals.

We had six days of sun shine and high temperatures so apart from several morning lectures and video presentations we got to train out on the grass under the trees in a fitting environment for unarmed combat.

We have been conducting annual courses in Germany for six years now and our primary intention has always been to recruit and prove serious committed practical realists and bin or cut those that don’t prove themselves to be of the required attitude and attributes.

The testing phases take care of this as they always have and without such testing candidates would not prove their skills and inner resolve levels and have to surpass high levels and standards of competency and confidence required for the realities of advanced training. The testing is also imperative to determining threat neutralisation capabilities for real life actions on encounters if up against formidable foes.

CQC Milling under Phase 1 testing

MSD Phase 1 Disarming Testing

While not all our exported courses are combined military groups and civilian exponents musters the attendees generally tend to be current or former military, law-enforcement officers or civilians that want the military CQC/MSD training experience of being trained in the Todd Groups most current military self-defence and unarmed combat skills instructed by a military CQC Master-Instructor.

Exponents get the opportunity to ask questions on wide ranging CQC/MSD subjects that include the Todd Groups instructor lineage longest specialist private European military CQC/MSD training provision status and about our former military unarmed combat pioneer chief instructor predecessors as well as on tactics and skills specifics.

The environment intensity camaraderie and training in the most current Todd Systems military unarmed combat and military self-defence skills are what attract the calibre of exponents and see them continue to volunteer for courses.

If it wasn’t challenging and didn’t come with its risks and didn’t require intestinal fortitude combative mental and physical toughness as well as practical smarts it would not best prepare individual exponents to neutralise high level threats and courses would be made up of numbers of attendees that would not have the required levels of commitment and as such may not commit to the challenges with an uncompromising attitude. This would interfere with course conducting objectives achievement requirements by negative participation. This is why it is so important that only those that meet courses joining requirements and candidates that are ready willing for testing phases volunteer and are accepted testing. To accept the masses would detract from our modus operandi of setting and maintaining the highest possible standards. Setting and maintaining the highest possible mil CQC/MSD tradecraft standards would be close to if not impossible to achieve and maintain if the ranks were made up from the masses without course joining and testing mandatory requirements and standards. Weaknesses can be infectious and interfere with serious committed candidates progress and are negatives that we must eliminate on identification confirmation.

Individuals looking for easy soft options have no place on our courses.

The Todd Group testing modus operandi for our serious civilian candidates remains as it has been for the past nine plus decades, that being hard heavy and hostile.

Live blade disarming testing under armed incoming assault

Hard Heavy Hostile testing is a must to set and ensure testing candidates surpass mandatory high-level confidence and competency requirements and this begins with Phase 1 Basic testing. Phase 2 advanced training and testing requires even higher levels of combative conditioning and high level commitment. The Phase 1 Basic training and testing process will identify individual candidate’s every strength, weakness, character flaws and if they are worthy and capable of achieving promotion and advancement.

Many candidates fail to pass their phase 1 testing on their first testing phase.

Those that are removed from testing phases for not achieving the required levels of competency but commit to continuing their training increasing their competency and test again demonstrate their desire and worth.

Those that are removed for not showing the required mental toughness and intestinal fortitude self-eliminate and are not likely to test again or pass a testing phase.

The 2019 Germany course dates which will be June 1-6 and the joining instructions and application facility will soon be up on

This brings to an end the latest circuit of military and civilian exported courses that kicked off in April and included NZ Africa Thailand and Europe ending in June.

Upcoming courses

Article written by Tank Todd

Special Operations CQB Master Chief Instructor. Over 30 years experience. The only instructor qualified descendent of Baldock, Nelson, and Applegate. Former instructors include Harry Baldock (unarmed combat instructor NZ Army WWII), Colonel Rex Applegate OSS WWII and Charles Nelson, US Marine Corps. Tank has passed his Special Forces combative instructor qualification course in Southeast Asia and is certified to instruct the Applegate, Baldock and Nelson systems. His school has been operating for over eighty years and he is currently an Army Special Operations Group CQB Master Chief Instructor. His lineage and qualifications from the evolutionary pioneers are equalled by no other military close combat instructor. His operation includes his New Zealand headquarters, and 30 depots worldwide as well as contracts to train the military elite, security forces, and close protection specialists. Annually he trains thousands of exponents and serious operators that travel down-under to learn from the direct descendant of the experts and pioneers of military close combat. Following in the footsteps of his former seniors, he has developed weapons, and training equipment exclusive to close combat and tactical applications. He has published military manuals and several civilian manuals and produced DVDs on urban self protection, tactical control and restraint, and close combat. He has racked up an impressive 100,000+ hours in close combat.