Germany Annual Week-long Intensive CQC/MSD Course of Instruction 2017

Phase 3 Bayonet disarming.

Germany has become the Todd Group’s European primary country for the conducting of Todd Systems CQC/MSD course of instruction.

Ken Oesterreich, the Todd Group Germany chief instructor, was the course manager and coordinator for the Leipzig course.

The May 6th to 11th CQC/MSD course was conducted in Leipzig and it ran smoothly with phase 1 basic, phase 2 advanced and phase 3 specialist small groups training simultaneously.

All phases joined for combined training in such subjects as tactical control and restraint.

The phase 3 pers underwent training in armed combat threat neutralisation as well as unarmed methods of threat neutralisation.

Knife combat, lethal unarmed combat, primary and secondary weapon retention, and the use of improvised weapons as well as the full bayonet course of instruction were but some of the phase 3 training modules instructed.

Phase 1 worked on their unarmed offensive assault, unarmed counter offensive assault, seizure prevention and seizure escapes as well as short and long edge and bludgeon weapon disarming under incoming assault and when ambushed at weapon point or shaft.

They also were introduced to some of the toughener and sickener CQC conditioning training in combat milling and coming back from the dead.

Phase 2 worked away diligently on ground combat, combating multiple armed and unarmed foes, CQC take downs enemy incapacitation or elimination as well as CQC strangulation and choking and phase 2 advanced self- defence skills.

Daily CQC/MSD video presentations were provided so all phases could view recent testing on the annual Australasian course of instruction as well as other exported courses of instruction.

Ken our Todd Group Germany Chief instructor had recently attended the Todd Group 90th reunion and annual Australasian course of instruction at Camp Todd and the old Todd Group HQ in New Zealand. He had told his understudies about the reunion Australasian course and testing phase and they appreciated us being able to show them a video presentation of this special occasion and testing phase.

Exponents on course racked up another 40+ hours of intensive training working towards completing the mandatory training hours required to volunteer for testing.

Ken managed and coordinated the course very well having all the equipment in place and all logistics taken care of with attention to detail.

We will return to Germany conducting a two-day introductory short course in Berlin July 22-23 followed by another such course in Hanover July 25-26.

These courses are to offer an opportunity for accepted exponents to determine if European military CQC/MSD is for them and if they have the commitment and resolve required to undertake a week-long intensive course of instruction in the future and volunteer to undergo a testing phase.

Is most important to us that our ranks are made up of committed realists to future proof our training provision in Europe. Providing introductory short courses as well as a German-based instructor conducting ongoing training has proven to be an effective means of recruiting in the past in other countries and will now be utilised in Europe.

Utilising Germany as a European primary country for conducting courses makes considerable sense with such a strong instructor base already established there.

The upcoming Berlin and Hanover short courses joining instructions and information can be found at

Article written by Todd Group

The Todd Group, established by the late Harry Baldock, have been providing CQC, CQB, unarmed combat, defensive tactics, and self protection training since 1927.

They are instructors and consultants to military, police, close protection, corrections, security, and civilians.

The Todd Group has over 35 training depots nationally and internationally.