Leading the Way in European Military CQC and MSD

Leading the Way in European Military CQC and MSD

Many New Zealand martial artists and fighters look to overseas and to traditional fighting arts and combat sports for their knowledge and training. When it comes to military self-defence and military unarmed combat, serious realists look to the Todd Group.

Military Mental Toughness for Sport and Combat Sports

Military Mental Toughness for Sport and Combat Sports

It takes mental toughness to endure the effects of heavy contact and fight back. The Todd Group in our 90th year have a long history as military CQC (close quarters combat) tactics and skills developers and training providers. Our training provision includes to the military elite and specialist police squads. The Todd Group systems are […]

Kowley “Cowboy” Mitchell Todd Group CQB/CQC Master Instructor

Kowley “Cowboy” Mitchell Todd Group CQB/CQC Master Instructor

CQB/CQC Master Instructor Kowley “Cowboy” Mitchell , centre, after presentation of his Master Instructor certification and International Close Combat Instructors Association membership certificate. To his left, fellow Todd Group CQB/CQC Master Instructor Howard Bell, and to his right Todd Group Master-Chief Instructor Tank Todd. Kowley, or Cowboy as he is known in military CQB/CQC, on […]

Brain to Boot mental toughness manual and training package

My Brain to Boot recently released manual all 449 pages of it and soon to be released accompanying audio training package has been a work of over 30 years. I have been most fortunate and privileged as a civilian to have been European military close quarters combat exponent and instructor and master instructor trained and […]

Michael Strauch

Michael Strauch was born in Coburg, Germany. His father is a computer engineer and his mother is a nurse. Mike’s father served in the air force protection squad and his grandfather was a professional career soldier.