CQC Tips

Combative ground recovery

If you are unable to immediately recover your footing when decentralised  you need to know how to ground protect counter engage and recover your footing. Keep your feet  facing your foe and utilise stamp kicks and oblique stamp kicks to combat their approach kicks and stomps. Combat a kick with a kick. When the time […]

Combating enemy fighting arts

An important part of military CQC is the combating of enemy fighting arts by means of dirty or deadly threat neutralisation. The utilisation of primary through emergency dirty and deadly options that can neutralise stand up, clinch and ground combat threats can be the difference between winning and losing life or death. Understanding how to […]

Rear flank threats

Always remember threat recognition and identification is essential to increase your chances of threat neutralisation. The only time you will employee blind skills employments is when  visual assessment is not available to you. Under such conditions your additional senses will be heightened primarily your sense of hearing and utilise your sense of touch to locate […]

Planning, preparation, practice

Planning preparation practice applies to training in actions on tactics and skills employments. Anti-and counter skills through prior planning and preparation are very important in relation to self protection as well as close protection. Doing your research and recce’s of places you will visit and avoiding danger and risk areas is a means of anti-encounter […]

The execution of stamp kicks

I get a lot of questions in relation to the execution of stamp kicks and the following is some of the reasoning behind the employment of military leg stamp and oblique stamp kicks. Military stamp kicks target the knee joint or immediately below the knee joint on the shin primarily to hyperextend the leg or […]

Majority procrastinators, minority proponents

I look at the copious amount of emails and signups on my Todd Group general email list and notice that by majority most never commit to accepting the combative challenge of undertaking an intensive course of instruction. I understand that many are interested in the subject in a theory capacity only, but others claim practical capability, […]

Civilian Publications

I get a lot of questions about civilian publications, especially of yesteryear, on military unarmed combat. I have trained and instructor qualified under several World War II army CQC instructors and the following is based on my hands-on experience. Most of the publications include individual skills, often primary skills, but not the full instruction in […]

Knowing how to deliberately decrease the physiological effects of hormonal dumping post training testing or after actions on encounters

While it is vital that the trained combatant knows how to employ psychological enhancement to increase objective achievement chances it is also very important that they know how to quickly reduce the post situation affects as a result of hormones being dumped into the bloodstream. Post encounter physiological return to normal status can take between […]

Combative footwear

I’ve been asked by a medical doctor to write an extensive article on practical footwear in relation to close quarters combat training. I will do this when time permits but for now will provide an insight into the importance of footwear in military self defence and close quarters combat training. The late Brigadier Mike Calvert […]

Titles mean little in self defence without primary proven capabilities, expertise, and intestinal fortitude

I have met tens of thousands of martial artists and fighters through my ownership of fight Times Magazine, and the former Australasian martial arts magazine and New Zealand martial arts magazine. I have personally attended many demonstrations as a guest and watched many highly graded individuals performing what they proclaimed to be practical self defence. […]