CQC Tips

Essential Timing

All combative armed and unarmed skills employments are reliant on as accurate timing as humanly possible. Accurate timing requires mental toughness and combative physical capabilities. Being honest with yourself in regards to your levels of intestinal fortitude inner-resolve battle fitness and CQC tactics and skills capabilities is a must to identify your personal CQC strengths and weakness […]

Effectiveness and safety of techniques

It never ceases to amaze military combative instructors on how some civilian self-defence instructors never properly test and evaluate the effectiveness and safety of their techniques. All too often we see instructors promoting restraint techniques for security and law enforcement that only work on cooperative passive or submissive people. Hardly high-risk threat, belligerent, formidable foe […]

Mental Toughness

All the skill in the world amounts to little if you do not have the intestinal fortitude tactics and skills to over come your fears and go combative. Up against a formidable foe determined to defeat you and cause you pain and injury requires mental toughness to do what must be done and endure the realities […]

CQC Clinching

Military CQC with its specific stamp kicks, flat hand, palm heel, and bent fork finger striking attacks requires stances and hard cover guarding that provide best set up and execution of such CQC skills. Maintaining point blank body to body contact to reduce risk and enable enemy capabilities reduction by jamming extremities is essential. Utilizing angle to interfere […]

Medical Implications and Body Mechanics

Military CQC benefits by considerable from combative medical aspects and implications knowledge and expertise. Having knowledge on how to target specific bodily targets to achieve enemy incapacitation, manipulation and elimination provides capabilities to achieve specific objectives for various roles and against wide ranging threats. Understanding required impact requirements to destroy the integrity of joints and ligaments and […]

The swivel transition in Todd System CQC

The swivel transition in Todd System of European Military CQC is a straight line slide and pivot action. There is an orthodox option and an unorthodox option. The orthodox option is employed for centre line alignment offensive actions delivery and the unorthodox option for off centre line side quadrants targeting. The orthodox slide and pivot transition from […]

Military combative primary principles and foundations

Military close quarters combat foundation basic principles by majority are based on land air and sea warfare requirements. Ground combat. Like climbing keeps three points of contact with the surface at all times. Ground combat movement and weight distribution is a variation of commando crawling and provides considerable capabilities in relation to enemy threat neutralisation […]

Role threat and environment required combative skills

Role threat and environment required combative skills Skills must be in relation to rules of engagement or laws of self defence of the land being commensurate with the threat. For specialist roles employments. The need for specialist tactics and skills to safely and effectively as humanly possible eliminate the threat is the necessary requirement. Skills […]

ESC – Extra sensory cheating

Extra sensory cheating is not a practice you ever want to get into. This applies often to studio type training where it is more choreography and totally expected  unrealistic  threats  very different to the real world of sudden aggressive shock actions on encounters. This applies not only to the training combatant but also to their […]

Hardcover guard and deflection confidence building

A method I have developed for increasing confidence and competency in cover guarding and deflection of strikes is by utilising a basketball or soccer ball. Putting on your hard cover guard locking the hands on the highest part of your skull  above your ears and keeping your arms in- line with your outer body line […]