Todd Group

The Todd Group, established by the late Harry Baldock, have been providing CQC, CQB, unarmed combat, defensive tactics, and self protection training since 1927.

They are instructors and consultants to military, police, close protection, corrections, security, and civilians.

The Todd Group has over 35 training depots nationally and internationally.

CQC United Kingdom Course of Instruction May 2014

Close quarter combat course, United Kingdom,  May 3rd until May 7th with a phase test on the morning of May 8th if we have any candidates willing, able, ready. The  Todd Group, have the longest history globally as  private specialist training providers of military CQB/CQC dating back to our founder the late Harry Baldock who […]

Jessica Todd – Combat Sports School Most Successful Wrestler Retires

  Jessica Todd, after 14 years of wrestling, has retired from competition and training in the sport of wrestling that she loved so much. Competing in wrestling and more recently grappling she has won 19 national titles in wrestling and grappling, competing at national championships conducted under the control of the two major governing wrestling […]

South Africa CQC – September 2013

2013 sees the Todd Group, through its African exponents and instructors, conducting a week-long intensive course of instruction in the phase 1 Todd Systems CQC. Keith Roberts, the Todd Group chief instructor for Africa, will manage the phase 1 intensive course of instruction and the defensive tactics/control restraint and D-WAR (declare war against rape) anti-and […]

The Military’s Expert Civilian Close Combat Chief Instructors – Part 3

We have courses confirmed up to five years in advance and constant inquiries to export the Todd Systems internationally from a wide range of services, riot control, prison staff training, civilian self-protection and every possible requirement for combative self-defense prisoner handling control and restraint and crowd management imaginable. A great percentage of my time is […]

Combative Strength and Smarts

Power House Steve lifting Jeremy prior to Jeremy demonstratinglift escapes. Steve Varga 2008 Training Profile Another competition year has ended for me from the first club lift in March with an 800kg total to the N.Z champs in August with an 840kg total. I have put 25kgs on my squat 10kgs on my bench and […]

The Military’s Expert Civilian Close Combat Chief Instructors – Part 2

Caution: The contents of this article are for education purposes only. The principles described are extremely dangerous and are for military close combat training and operations only. Their application applies solely to the military. Post-training with Col. Applegate at Charles Nelson’s School of Self Defense New York. From left, Tank, Charlie, Herb, and Howard Bell. […]

Annual International Close Combat Course 2008

With 2007 being the 80th anniversary of the Todd group conducted in conjunction with the annual international close combat course and the close personal protection specialist training course 2008 had plenty to live up to. It was apparent several months before the course that all positions would be full and the applications would exceed the […]