About The Todd Group
The Todd Group provides The Todd Group offers close quarter combat and self-defence courses in New Zealand and internationally. close quarter combat (CQC) is also known as military combatives training, close quarter battle (CQB), hand-to-hand combat, combatives, and military unarmed combat. An important part of the training is military self-defence (MSD), which can be taken as individual or group training and is part of the close quarter combat curriculum. The Todd Group run training throughout New Zealand and at various international locations including Australia, South Africa, England, Germany, Thailand.
Todd Group courses
- February – First in-take for Dunedin residents – Learn more about Todd Group HQ Intake
- March – Annual week-long training in Dunedin – Learn more about the annual March course
- August – Final in-take for Dunedin residents – Learn more about Todd Group HQ Intake
See all upcoming Todd Group close quarters combat / self-defence courses.
Other Todd Systems training options
The Todd Group provides combative and defensive tactics training for clubs, businesses, security firms, and corporate groups, and individual civilians including:
- close quarters combat (CQC)
- close quarters battle (CQB)
- military self-defence (MSD)
- European unarmed combat
- hand-to-hand combat
- tactical control and restraint
- crowd control
- close personal protection (bodyguard)
Enquiries: coms@toddgroup.com
For more information, visit the Todd Group website.
D-WAR (Declare War Against Rape)
Tank Todd developed the D-WAR course of instruction after more than 30 years of instructing specialist self-defence and developed skills that give the victim of sexual violence the best chance of winning, not merely surviving, an attack. The principles, tactics, and skills are all based on military specialist close quarters combat where one always considers the enemy to be bigger, stronger, faster, physically fitter, highly skilled, and committed to causing grievous bodily harm. The D-WAR package has been designed and developed to provide the best and most proven means available under extensive test conditions to safely neutralise serious sexual predators and predatory sexual violence threats. For more information, see Todd Group D-WAR or read the D-WAR article.