Todd Group Self-Defence School Thailand International HQ Inaugural Course

The Todd Group’s CQC involvement in Thailand, begun in 1991 and our footprint has increased by considerable over the past two decades as more individuals have undertaken training and passed testing.

This is mainly because we are the only mil training provider delivering our specialist European MSD/CQC in the Kingdom of Thailand to both military groups and civilians.

We conduct numbers of combined military groups training and civilian enthusiast’s courses at camps throughout Thailand attracting civilian exponents from many countries.

February/March saw the opening of our Todd Group international hub facility under the, “Self Defence School Thailand” banner.

We are running at capacity schedules and want to reduce conducting so many overseas courses and focus on conducting international courses in Thailand our hub country.

This has many benefits including ensuring visiting exponents are committed and dedicated enough to travel and train.

We have extensive training resources in Thailand and many facilitators and course coordinators that we have had several decades of joint courses conducting connections with.

The amphib training is a much better experience in the warm waters of Thailand over the colder waters of NZ.

The facility is second to none with its training simulators CQC training facilities and its specialist military self- defence and military armed and unarmed combat CQB/CQC schools training provision.

The Todd Group are the oldest global training providers of our European military self- defence and military CQC along with our armed combat and law enforcement defensive tactics and detainee handling training provision specific to specific services/forces roles and duties.

We have the capability to conduct multiple different courses of instruction simultaneously in both armed and unarmed training programs at this single facility.

This is a big budget major development that is still under ongoing construction expanding the scope with new facilities being completed on a weekly basis.

The shooting range was close to being completed during our inaugural course along with a new toilets and showers block.

Barracks accommodation and mess facilities are soon to be built on the site.

The Todd Group Self-Defense School Thailand facility is situated in a restricted entry location on the facility and has been established to enable extending or reducing of the specific courses facilities requirements.

We also have a second location Todd Group training area with modern classroom facilities as well as a driving circuit that we will be able to use for our specialist close protection courses in Thailand.

Having a full staff at the Self-Defence School Thailand facility has made pre-courses individual setups including expanding or reducing of CQC training pits dimensions and extending CQC battle lanes possible.

CQC training pits can range from a 10 meter testing phase pit to a 50 metre diameter pit able to facilitate 200 exponents.

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The Todd Group with our extensive in country long-term facilitators network are able to take care of all exponents and instructors requirements from when they arrive at the airport until when they leave.

Apart from the staff at the facility, the Todd Group has two designated course conducting coordinators in country.

We still have advanced and specialists courses in camp at other locations in Thailand that are combined mil and civi courses.

This inaugural course had both civilian and military attending exponents that underwent a short course introduction to the Todd military self- defence and military close quarter’s combat systems training.

The same comments were heard from both military instructors and civilian exponents on course that are synonymous with our European mil CQC courses, that being that the attending mil exponents and instructors had only ever seen traditional arts based training before and this was their first involvement in European military combative and self- defence training under the instruction of a military elite forces mil CQC/MSD Master – Chief instructor.

Over the decades many attending mil pers post course have recommended their personnel be put on our courses and this has led to identifying serious committed proponents from general courses conducting.

We have always known that our military self- defence and close quarters combat tradecraft is very different to civilian self -defence, something that military personnel on courses quickly identify.

This inaugural introductory course was as much about providing introductory training for attendees as testing the new facilities for scope of training provision and compatibility with our CQC training needs provision.

The facilities must be able to provide exponents with constant cohesive training experiences in a military self- defence and military combative fitting training environment that provides both safety and realistic mil CQC/MSD training.

The course included male and female civilian and military attending exponents and some threat specific skills such as counter abduction were included on course.

Everything went to plan and the set up for the inaugural course worked well.

Every course set up is decided by Todd Group HQ based on the specific schools of instruction packages that will be delivered and the muster numbers for the specific course. Being able to custom set up and change the configurations is very important to ensure the C in close quarters combat is maintained and to make sure threat and situational realistic training environments are provided .

The first week-long intensive course of instruction at our new Self- Defense School Thailand facility will be conducted from May 4-9 and will include phase 1 basic testing for volunteering candidates that have achieved the required competency and commitment levels.

We welcome applications from those seeking top level military self- defence and military close quarters combat training that are practical realists committed to self-improvement.

  • Like with all Phase 1 Basic week long courses the following skills sets will be instructed.
  • Unarmed offensive assault.
  • Unarmed counter offensive assault.
  • Unarmed offensive and counter offensive contingency options training.
  • Seizure prevention.
  • Seizure escapes.
  • Short edged/bludgeon weapon incoming threat weapon disarming.
  • Long edged/bludgeon weapon incoming threat weapon disarming.
  • Bludgeon and sharp edge ambush weapon point/shaft disarming.
  • Brain to Boot mental toughness training.
  • Mil CQC toughener /sickener training.
  • Foul/Dirty enemy fighting arts combat and counter skills.
  • Mil CQC Drills to command.
  • CQC battle preparation training.

This is your opportunity to live military CQC/MSD similar to our military courses of instruction under the instruction of a current military CQC/MSD Master- Chief instructor.

If you are not being trained in current European military CQC/MSD by a qualified instructor of European military CQC/MSD you are not learning military CQC and military self-defence.

The mil CQC trade-craft differences to civi self-defence styles training in techniques and training methods is always evident to those that have never undergone such training and some who thought they knew what to expect and believed they were already training in military CQC/MSD find out that was not the case.

The provided training on our intensive courses is from Todd systems mil CQC/MSD packages that are our most current mil trade-craft skill sets unavailable anywhere else.

Both military and civilian exponents and instructors that have the smarts and mental toughness on completing their first course of instruction often become long-term and some have become life time exponents, proponents and instructors of our European military self- defence and close quarters combat training.

The Todd Group has over 50 instructors that have all come up through the ranks completing mandatory training and passing testing phases required to be instructor qualified and we have qualified close to the same number of military course instructors over the past two decades.

This is testament to our over 90 years as trade-craft specialists in European military self- defence and military armed and unarmed combat.

Being mil CQC/MSD tradecraft specialists that develop the doctrine training and management provision packages as well as writing the training programs and manuals and developing training resources means our exponents and instructors are undergoing the most current training and being tested and qualified from the headquarters source.

We also develop mil CQC/MSD specific training equipment and training weapons giving our rank and file access to extensive CQC trade-craft specific kit resources.

This new Todd Group HQ international hub facility provides global military combative and self- defence enthusiasts with the opportunity to train at a location that is considerably closer than having to travel down under to Todd Group HQ and Camp Todd in New Zealand.

Short specialist courses including tactical control restraint and law enforcement defensive tactics as well as our specialist D-WAR anti and counter serious sexual violence courses will also be conducted at this new facility.

We will also conduct specialist close personal protection courses of instruction geared at working close protection in the corporate and entertainment industries.

These courses include training and training exercises in New Zealand and Thailand along with an international long haul flight component.

These are small group specialist courses with minimal available positions that tradecraft serious individuals undertake.

We have also been asked to deliver role and duty specific bodyguard courses for Thai citizens specific to their duties, roles, and responsibilities in relation to the services they provide in Thailand.

For the past decade we have been delivering Specialist close protection courses in both the Thai and English languages.

Our full specialist close personal protection packages includes extensive CPP subjects PowerPoint presentations that are in both the Thai and English languages.

We train test and qualify and as such identify competent individual exponents one at a time ensuring our ranks are enhanced one exponent at a time to ensure all qualified exponents have exceeded the highest standards required capabilities and are all trained in the same skill sets.

We get applications from both civilian and former military personnel to join the Todd Group training team as instructors that obviously do not understand that to instruct our specialist trade-craft packages requires completing mandatory training courses, testing and passing and qualifying as an instructor in the specific delivered training.

No one can just start other than on a basic phase 1 course and everyone must train test pass qualify and achieve rank, there are no political passes, recognition of prior learning or easy entry or political pass options.

The reason there is no recognition of prior learning is because the training packages are mil CQC/MSD trade-crafts that need to be trained and qualified in.

While civi self-defence instructors will have confidence in their traditional or competitive based styles techniques they will not be mil CQC trade-craft trained in our training packages and will not be capable of setting up and delivering not only our specific courses of instruction but also taking drills to command and battle handling exercises and other mil CQC trade-craft specific MSD/CQC training in relation to trade-craft standards safety practices and training delivery means and methods .

We have a commitment to conducting small group intensive specialist courses of instruction to ensure our understudies are armed with the most current best of battle proven tactics and skills and this is what our military and serious civilian enthusiasts seek and thrive on.

If you want to experience real European military close quarters combat and military self- defence trade-craft training living such training as close as a civilian can get to experience our military courses of instruction and if you are a quiet committed individual with practical smarts then apply for the May 4-9 Thailand upcoming course and find out what real European mil CQC/MSD is all about.

There is no compulsory testing, however to achieve rank and promotion/advancement, testing phases must be passed.

Some exponents through their age and physical capabilities levels including disabilities just want to learn military self- defence to arm themselves with such skills capabilities but are not wanting to test and that is their decision.

The courses are volunteer courses of instruction and individual exponents can partake or observe any modules in relation to their physical capabilities and desired objectives achievement. Not everyone is up to the required physicality and mental toughness levels to pass testing phases to achieve advancement and we realise this but still want to provide them with the opportunity to learn phase 1 basic mil self-defence and mil CQC for their self- protection.

Everyone is made aware that if they have not passed testing phases and achieved rank and promotion, they are not exponent or instructor qualified and there can be no confusion.

Some advertise the fact that they have attended a basic course without volunteering for testing or passing testing and under our regime of no pass no rank all they do is identify their no quals status.

The most important attributes to achieving increased combative confidence and competency is mental toughness followed by practical realistic hands on smarts.

While physical capabilities can be improved and increased in the masses the same cannot be said of mental toughness requirements for self- protection or close combat especially if the individual does not have the intestinal fortitude to volunteer for testing.

We provide military CQC mental toughness training on all week-long intensive course of instruction to enhance specific requirements for self- defence and close combat.

The Todd Group wrote the Brain to Boot mil CQC/MSD mental toughness manual.

Next Thailand Course joining instructions/information

Thailand – 04 May to 09 May – Todd Group CQC Course Thailand May 2020

Article written by Tank Todd

Special Operations CQB Master Chief Instructor. Over 30 years experience. The only instructor qualified descendent of Baldock, Nelson, and Applegate. Former instructors include Harry Baldock (unarmed combat instructor NZ Army WWII), Colonel Rex Applegate OSS WWII and Charles Nelson, US Marine Corps. Tank has passed his Special Forces combative instructor qualification course in Southeast Asia and is certified to instruct the Applegate, Baldock and Nelson systems. His school has been operating for over eighty years and he is currently an Army Special Operations Group CQB Master Chief Instructor. His lineage and qualifications from the evolutionary pioneers are equalled by no other military close combat instructor. His operation includes his New Zealand headquarters, and 30 depots worldwide as well as contracts to train the military elite, security forces, and close protection specialists. Annually he trains thousands of exponents and serious operators that travel down-under to learn from the direct descendant of the experts and pioneers of military close combat. Following in the footsteps of his former seniors, he has developed weapons, and training equipment exclusive to close combat and tactical applications. He has published military manuals and several civilian manuals and produced DVDs on urban self protection, tactical control and restraint, and close combat. He has racked up an impressive 100,000+ hours in close combat.