Todd Group HQ week-long intensive CQC Course August 2024

The annual August Mil CQC and Self-Defence for serious civilian enthusiasts is both an exponents and instructors course of instruction conducted at Todd Group HQ Dunedin.

Todd Group instructors/assistant instructors and training exponents and proponents staying current in their skills capabilities as well as being privy to the most recently introduced primary skills and practices is a must for instructors that need to provide their depot training exponents with the most current primary skills.

Mil CQC/MSD being a living, evolving tradecraft demands instructors maintain a current status.

Todd Group HQ develops all the tactics and skills and we are the caretakers of the doctrine and take this responsibility very seriously.

We provide all the training resources, aide-mémoire’s, pams, manuals and training equipment that we develop in house.

We conduct courses/training year-round and it is the member’s responsibility to ensure they are current and at their highest level of capability.

Daily throughout the Covid-19 lockdowns members received updates that included training programs.

There is never any stop or slowing in our CQC trade-craft duties and there never has been over 97 years as this is our commitment to the people we train.

We are fully committed and involved with all aspects of our mil close combat and self-defence trade-craft.

This is not just a hobby to us this is what we have been doing as full time specialist training providers since 1927.

We provide every opportunity and give all required assistance to those that are dedicated and committed and our small group instructor/assistant instructor and exponent attendee courses like the just completed August course attract members that want to be the best they can be.

The August Phase 1 Basic course being conducted in our own standalone CQC specific custom set up HQ facility provides layouts and facilities and equipment that enable specialist training environment mock ups and a fitting learning environment for serious member’s development and advancement.

Much of the CQC specific kit is developed by the Todd Group as it simply is not available in the open market place.

From CQC rooms layouts for intake inductions to CQC battle lanes, urban environments modular mock-ups and confined spaces safety training areas, we have the diverse situational training environments and kit required to safely and effectively enhance threat and situational specific required threat neutralisation capabilities.

Confined CQC training

This is important to inoculate exponent’s, proponents and candidates against negative effects of such threats and threatening environments and situations.

Combine this with our mil CQC trade-craft training delivery expertise that includes wide ranging and diverse training means and methods to best arm our peeps with capabilities. We pride ourselves in delivering courses attendees with our most current proven best of CQC trade-craft training provision and there is no better way than on intensive week or two week long courses of instruction.

Being able to train our exponents as individuals and addressing any of their errors in not only skills executions but also in their mental toughness make ups enhancement provides all attendees with the best training conditioning and rates of achievement gains.

We have instructed courses with over 200 recruits and more than 15 Todd Group instructors from the training team but at HQ we focus predominantly on small group specialist training and larger courses for visiting exponents we conduct at Camp Todd close to the Dunedin Airport.

We have the training team and equipment to conduct such large multiple group courses at Camp Todd or export them overseas which we have been doing for decades.

This most recent Phase 1 Basic course was a volunteer’s course like all our general public application courses and as such enables attendees to train at a level commensurate with their physical capabilities.

This annual Todd Group HQ course is a small group course where exponents get small group instruction including individual instruction.

Being conducted at Todd Group HQ formerly the Baldock institute established 1927 provides the attendees with a unique training experience getting their training from the trade-craft source with the longest history as private specialist European mil CQC and mil self-defence training providers of our systems.

The Dunedin central city HQ facility is fully custom equipped for mil CQC/MSD training and is the only such facility of our mil elite European CQC/MSD in NZ.

We conduct two one week long Phase 1 Basic courses annually the first in March at Camp Todd and the second in August at Todd Group HQ.

The course for exponents covers the full Phase 1 Basic package and for members of Phase 2 and 3 ranks provides 2.5 days of assistant instructor training and 2.5 days of instructor under training under assessment.

Exponents that are confident competent and willing can volunteer for Phase 1 Basic testing that is conducted on day 6.

Common sense must apply for volunteer candidates for testing as they must be ready for testing and if they are they will clearly know this based on their training performance on the pre-testing week long intensive course.

Practical realists know their strengths and weaknesses and as such want to be best prepared and ready for testing.

Those that are not ready and willing will not be accepted for testing.

On this course there were no volunteers for testing so the course was able to move from HQ to Camp Todd for a post course BBQ that was attended by all three Todd Group Master Instructors.

Members know there is no pressure to test but they also know they cannot achieve rank and advancement if they do not test and pass.

All exponents on course were committed to CQC self-improvement and accepted the challenge of living the mil CQC experience the military way for a full intensive week long course.

The attendees were a diverse group of exponents male and female of varied age groups and just as varied physical builds.

Their controlled aggression was of a safe and fitting enabling standard and apart from the aches and pains and bumps and bruises that come with the territory of intensive training in mil CQC they were in pretty good shape and good spirits post course.

The brain to boot mental toughness for self-defence and CQC was covered early in the course along with identifying individual exponent’s primary unarmed offensive assault long and close range primary preferred skills options.

Our mil CQC provides numbers of long and close range threat neutralisation unarmed offensive assault options and although exponents are instructed in all of them, they will identify the options that best fit with their mental and physical make ups and make them their primary options.

They will be instructed in full strategies including contingency options that have complete commonality with their primary skills because they are of the same systems origins.

Likewise the unarmed counter-offensive assault training provides a range of capabilities that not only provide skills selection in regard to the individual exponents make up but also provide threat neutralisation capabilities to meet threat and situational specifics.

Attendees on this course were instructed in some new best of proven skills and enhanced primary skills employments which give them edges and advantages over those that are not current.

Drills to command are an important component of Phase 1 Basic courses to ensure exponents know skills by title and execution and assistant instructors and instructors on course must know how to conduct CQC drills this course.

Skills are also instructed to drills commands in components until the complete skill has been delivered and all exponents can execute it correctly. This includes the below ambush phase edged weapon disarming.

Instructor’s duties also include TOCs (tests of competency) evaluations of exponent’s tactics and skills executions and critiquing.

The course included the medical aspects of mil CQC/MSD and toughener training in the form of contact minimisation and inoculation against the effects of close quarters contact.

Recently developed contact conditioning training equipment was utilised to enhance inoculation and provide high level repetitions practice.

Strategies and contingencies were drilled by means of battle lanes and on day 5 CQC stands provided exponents and instructors with an insight into their individual capabilities and competency in threat neutralisation decision making and execution.

The stands included not only unarmed offensive and counter offensive assault but all weapon disarming, seizure prevention and escapes.

The Monday after this course we had to conduct the final HQ intake induction for 2024 this meant starting off the week with setting up of the HQ training hall sudden shock surprise mock up for conducting the intake induction.

Then it is off to South East Asia and Europe with exported training including a full muster course in Europe.

While mil CQC is not for or available to just anyone or everyone it is the practical realists responsible individual civilians we look to recruit. Our applicants know exactly what they are looking for and it is the combat that they seek not the art or sport. Training

inquiries [email protected]

Article written by Tank Todd

Special Operations CQB Master Chief Instructor. Over 30 years experience. The only instructor qualified descendent of Baldock, Nelson, and Applegate. Former instructors include Harry Baldock (unarmed combat instructor NZ Army WWII), Colonel Rex Applegate OSS WWII and Charles Nelson, US Marine Corps. Tank has passed his Special Forces combative instructor qualification course in Southeast Asia and is certified to instruct the Applegate, Baldock and Nelson systems. His school has been operating for over eighty years and he is currently an Army Special Operations Group CQB Master Chief Instructor. His lineage and qualifications from the evolutionary pioneers are equalled by no other military close combat instructor. His operation includes his New Zealand headquarters, and 30 depots worldwide as well as contracts to train the military elite, security forces, and close protection specialists. Annually he trains thousands of exponents and serious operators that travel down-under to learn from the direct descendant of the experts and pioneers of military close combat. Following in the footsteps of his former seniors, he has developed weapons, and training equipment exclusive to close combat and tactical applications. He has published military manuals and several civilian manuals and produced DVDs on urban self protection, tactical control and restraint, and close combat. He has racked up an impressive 100,000+ hours in close combat.