Todd Group HQ Mililtary CQC/MSD Intake Induction for Civilians

The intake comprises an introductory brief and the checking of all admin requirements, the taking of ID photos and a short video presentation showing the longest history of our kind in our CQC/MSD tradecraft as well as training and testing footage from Todd Group HQ and our global civi and military combined exported courses of instruction.

Then the applicants, without any Todd Systems training provision, are evaluated under various threats.

Assessing the individual applicant’s mental toughness and decision-making capabilities at the hands of Todd Group enemy party provides an insight into the applicants combative physicality, inner resolve and capabilities under duress.

The next section is to provide the applicants with basic principles training to identify their abilities to take orders and instructions and achieve objectives.

This is followed up by evaluating their new learnt capabilities starting from a static position under threat to determine if they can correctly identify the threat and employ the prior instructed principles to neutralise the threat to prove they can take primary practices on-board, retain them and make assessments and decisions under threat, and employ the correct primary means of threat neutralisation.

The final section of the intake induction is a battle handling exercise (BHE) comprising multiple threats in low to no light with various artificial coloured lit enemy pers armed and unarmed threats coming at them as they make their way through the combative proving corridor.

The threats comprise of sudden aggressive shock actions from unseen locations and hides.

The threat categories means of threat neutralisation will have been instructed in the previous two hours so the applicants have the capabilities but have to overcome their fears, factors of confusion, and reactions to surprise sudden aggressive shocks actions on and make correct best means and methods of threat neutralisation.

Those with the will smarts and mental toughness that make it through tend have a post intake induction air of satisfaction about them.

The reasoning for conducting such intake inductions is to recruit those that have the attributes we are looking for as responsible military and civilian CQC/MSD training providers requires.

The following provides more intake induction reasoning information.

European Military CQC training for civilians is a privilege and not given right.

Applicants must be responsible citizens, willing and prepared to undertake and endure mil CQC joining and training regimes and requirements.

You can’t just join up, you must be approved to undertake an intake induction and fulfil all the requirements including completing a CQC code of conduct contract.

Often more are turned down than accepted as the Todd Group are responsible recruiters and applicants must meet our responsible citizen’s conditions and requirements.

The intake induction is of three or more hours duration and requires being prepared for the combative physicality and mental toughness make up to achieve objectives under duress.

From the masses come the willing and it is the fraction of 1% of practical realists with the correct attitudes commitment and intestinal fortitude we aim to identify.

We want to train individuals that are determined committed practical responsible realists that can follow orders and instructions and that understand the best of battle proven skills when they are exposed to them.

These individuals have higher chances of passing testing phases and achieving competency and combative advancement.

These qualities make them more likely to effectively overcome a violent aggressor than someone that may be good at talking themselves up but under threat fall into helplessness.

You can get most people more physically fit, but the same can’t be said of installing intestinal fortitude inner resolve and mental toughness in an individual that simply does not possess the WILL to WIN up against adversity. Those that are not strong minded have little chance of mil CQC high achievement and no hope of defeating a dangerous aggressor bent on doing them grievous bodily harm under a life-threatening assault.

The training for accepted applicants will take individuals outside their comfort zone and this is important to best prepare and arm exponents with the best of battle proven means of defeating formidable foes.

Low to no light sudden aggressive shock actions on coming from anywhere and of different and varied threat categories and levels of intensity make the intake experience very much the unfamiliar territory and the unknown.

Those that surpass the intake induction grow in self-confidence with the knowledge they have overcome adversity that many others could not.

Our mill CQC/MSD intake induction and training for civilians scares off many before they even begin and identifies others that thought they were capable but under the realities of actions on evaluation training found they were out of their comfort zone and were as such overwhelmed and overcome under threat.

Some apply with no intention of undertaking an intake induction and always find a reason to withdraw the day of the intake or are no shows.

They like the thought and telling people they are going to do it but getting close to the intake induction they fall victim of their own weaknesses and do a heartilage, a cartilage in the heart gives out.

Some are foolish enough to boast copious claims of prior training and achievement in their applications or tell other applicants immediately prior to the intake induction of how good they think they are.

Then under evaluation and in the presence of their evaluators and their peers with nowhere to hide all is revealed.

Some find their prior knowledge ineffective and are unable to achieve simple objectives quickly or at all while exposed to enemy party hostilities.

Others with no previous training other than that undertaken at the intake induction achieve the objectives quickly quietly by means of their newly learnt skills.

Some freeze and give up or turn their back on the threat while some fall to the ground in a foetal position with their back turned to the enemy boot party.

The reason is simple they either cannot overcome their fears, or they use methods they thought were effective but find out they are not and become over-whelmed under intake induction enemy party adversity.

Sometimes it’s a combination of the both and this is truly a rude awakening and a dire situation for them.

They are told at the outset of the intake induction if they are not up to the challenge they can simply stamp their boot several times and the hostilities will be stopped, and they can get their gear and remove themselves from the training facility ending their chances of joining the group.

All the training in the world is worth little value if you do not have the intestinal fortitude and mental toughness to overcome adversity and do what must be done.

The masses are accustomed to studio training self-defence techniques derived from traditional arts and sporting codes. The Todd Systems European mil CQC/MSD primary practices are from our mil CQC/MSD dirty and deadly battle proven packages that give you the best chances of winning not merely surviving.

Mil dirty deadly and foul means and methods are not permitted even in any official no holds barred competitions.

In an actions on-encounter up against a much bigger stronger skilled and dangerous aggressor anything less than the best of battle proven dirty or deadly means of threat neutralisation for military self-defence and military close quarters combat will only increase risks and dangers and jeopardise safety.

There are no genders categories or weight divisions on the street or battle field and this is what our people are prepared for.

The skills have to provide the best combative chance of enemy neutralisation even when wounded or injured.

Military CQC skills require considerably less physicality as they are designed to eliminate or incapacitate threats by targeting life support systems with the best of battle proven armed and unarmed strategies.

The serious committed enthusiast applies because they want the best and most current mil CQC/MSD training provided by a military qualified Master Instructor and are quietly confident individuals that understand expect and accept joining training and testing will be challenging.

Military CQC/MSD intake inductions training courses and testing phases are what enhance prove and improve candidate’s capabilities.

Practical realists know what they want and what they need to best arm themselves with the best and most proven capabilities. Todd Group CQC training ethos is about setting and maintaining the highest combative standards in military armed and unarmed combat and military self-defence training provision.

This includes conducting intakes that identify applicants every strength and weakness to ensure those that are accepted have the determination, dedication and commitment to achieve advancement and capability.

If just anyone could join up, it would attract the masses and the unique elite status and high standards would be compromised as weaknesses can be infectious and interfere with maintaining high standards.

Article written by Todd Group

The Todd Group, established by the late Harry Baldock, have been providing CQC, CQB, unarmed combat, defensive tactics, and self protection training since 1927.

They are instructors and consultants to military, police, close protection, corrections, security, and civilians.

The Todd Group has over 35 training depots nationally and internationally.