Todd Group HQ Annual All Phases Intensive Courses of Instruction 2021

All phases combined lecture on Brain to Boot psychological conditioning to achieve and maintain high levels of mental toughness at Camp Todd

The annual Australasian course conducted at Camp Todd and Todd Group HQ ended today Saturday, March 27.

The 2020 annual Australasian course had to be cut short due to last year’s Covid-19 lockdown and this year with border restrictions meant international exponents were unable to attend.

This did not prevent the conducting of an all phases 8 days of intensive training.

2021 has had a busy start with constant interest from around New Zealand for week long intensive and weekend short courses. We recently completed the first intake induction for 2021 and have a heavy schedule of new location private and public training plan for the remainder of 2021.

The general consensus from new exponents is that it is our European military self- defence and military close quarters combat that they are looking for.

It is not only the training packages that attract serious exponents but also related trade craft training such as the self- minder, close protection, D-WAR and on this annual course the knife making and blacksmithing special interest additional subject matter instruction.

Todd Group HQ being the source of the doctrine and training packages provides exponents, proponents and instructors with hands-on training in our specialist systems unavailable elsewhere.

We were most fortunate to have eight days of good weather at Camp Todd.

Attendees were accommodated in our World War II army huts and barracks rooms at Camp Todd Berwick. For many living CQC/MSD the military training way was very different to anything they had experienced before.

The course included phase 3 specialist armed and unarmed combat CQB/CQC and phase 1 basic and phase 2 advanced CQC /MSD.

Phase three specialist CPP related CQC/CQB training

The evenings included instruction in knife making and blacksmithing with all participants making themselves under skilled instruction a limited edition version of the Baldock Bowie knife, that was given to Tank by his instructor the late Sergeant Major Harry Baldock.

Special interest additional subject matter instruction in blacksmithing

Special interest additional subject matter instruction in knife making

Finished replica Baldock Bowie knives crafted on course

The course attracts not only new entry-level exponents but also specialist proponents with wide ranging skill sets.

These Todd Group members are very willing and obliging when it comes to introducing new exponent’s to wide ranging close combat, self-defence and other trade craft related training.

Camp Todd is a good place to be if you are interested in hunting and bush craft and on this course. attendees were shown how to skin and cut up a deer that one of the experienced member hunters shot.

The course was transported into Todd Group HQ for an evening training that all ranks participated in.

This training included ambush phase threat neutralisation at weapon point/edge as well as crowd fighting walking drills.

Ambush phase short weapon disarming to command at Todd Group HQ

Crowd fighting walking drills at Todd Group HQ

The mess hall at Camp Todd is a focal point where attendees were provided with plenty of good food and could relax.

Friday afternoon included a phase 2 advanced phase test that’s saw the one female candidate achieve a solid pass and promotion to phase 3 specialist training.

Phase two advanced testing at Camp Todd

She was up against skilled male enemy party including phase 2 exponents and phase 3 proponents with many of them being considerably bigger and stronger than her.

This is one of the most important aspects of our military close combat and military self-defence in providing anyone with the intestinal fortitude with the best of dirty tricks brigade skills that enable them to defeat formidable foes, even when they are the underdog.

Saturday started off with the course phase 1 basic testing that is challenging and neither favours or prejudices any volunteer candidate.

No candidate passed phase 1 testing on this course, but those that did volunteer have experienced the realities of testing and will be better for the experience next time round.

We were receiving inquiries for individual tuition and group training throughout the annual course form individuals that missed out on the recent HQ intake induction and annual Australasian course. We have introduced a new trial initiative to bring late accepted applicants up to speed to enable them to join current group training if there are available positions.

We have advance courses work to finalise over the next few weeks and projects to be completed.

These are very busy times for the Todd Group and we are doing our best to export as many introductory courses around NZ regions before the borders are re-opened and our International courses kick off again.

Unfortunately of recent we have had to turn down a lot of applicants that do not meet our joining conditions and requirements.

The logistics and resourcing aspects of our intensive and extensive courses has grown by considerable with the increased Dunedin and NZ interest in military close combat and just moving the kit is now a major undertaking.

To operate the HQ facility as well as Camp Todd and conduct a full schedule of exported courses is very different to training in a rented hall.

Full trade craft close combat kit and facilities are a must for such training provision.

We identify train test and prove exponents one by one never sacrificing standards and always providing primary practice training that is fully resourced and fully equipped.

This is a must with setting and maintaining standards and has led to our leading status in our field of expertise over the past 94 years.

Operating a private specialist CQC/MSD operation at the highest level requires considerable financial input total dedication and an uncompromising commitment to excellence.

We provide our exponents and proponents with our very best training and they want for nothing as far as tactics skills facilities and kit are concerned, the rest is up to them to prove themselves.

Upcoming courses

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Close Combat e-magazine

Article written by Todd Group

The Todd Group, established by the late Harry Baldock, have been providing CQC, CQB, unarmed combat, defensive tactics, and self protection training since 1927.

They are instructors and consultants to military, police, close protection, corrections, security, and civilians.

The Todd Group has over 35 training depots nationally and internationally.