The Power of Positive Bastardisation

The Todd Group Schools of Instruction are truly a bastion of positive bastardisation where all ranks must conduct themselves by our codes of conduct, protocols, ethics, rules and regulations.

Being instructed from the source while learning our mil elite trade-craft training skills sets is a privilege and not a given right and comes with uncompromising standards that must be upheld to maintain membership and training rights.

To best understand the need for positive bastardisation you need to understand the responsibilities that come with training selected civilians in our military self-defence and close combat as a professional specialist training provider.

You also need to understand the nature of the training and how it is based on our mil close combat trade-craft.

The type of training provided and who it is provided to concur and are completely connected.

We as specialist close combat training providers have a major responsibility to do our best to ensure those that we train are of integrity and are responsible and fitting people to be instructed in our mil CQC/MSD/CQB and other specialist courses and training.

Those that we train must be law-abiding citizens that respect the NZ Government and its authorities abiding by the laws of the land and common decency.

We have multiple layers of detection processes to identify those that are not fit and deny or terminate their application or training respectively.

The mandatory joining requirements combined with mandatory training hours prior to volunteering for testing and post testing requirement to be approved for promotion and advancement are all important in doing everything we can to ensure anyone that is not fit for our training is identified.

Just like in training and testing methods we have vetting methods and ongoing updates checks that are to ensure anything untoward is identified.

Members must understand their membership is reliant on them conducting themselves with respect, integrity, honesty, responsibility and reliability and a wrong doing may be their last undertaking as a training member.

Being training providers to small groups of enthusiasts means having close connections and friendships.

Exponents, proponents and instructors must never confuse friendliness and decency with weakness as when it comes to the training and testing the regimes are uncompromising and everyone on courses are equals.

The training does not favour or prejudice anyone and there are no easy soft options, political passes or backhand salutes.

We support the NZ police and military and the safety of NZ citizens and this is a responsibility we take very seriously.

The nature of the training can often expose character flaws, attitude issues and unsafe practices that the first means of correction is positive bastardisation.

The majority seek our training because we are the only training providers of our specific European mil close combat and mil self-defence systems with the longest history as private specialist European mil elite close combat training specialists.

Serious enthusiasts want to be trained by a military elite Master-Chief Instructor and Master-Instructors in our most current primary practices the mil elite way and as such understand this means at times hard heavy and hostile realities and direct harsh bastardisation when character adjustment or situational intervention is required.

If this offends, upsets or offputs then they are in the wrong place and do not understand the reasoning and primary practices of our mil CQC trade-craft training and testing.

Basic training for new entry exponents is predominantly based on our mil CQC trade-craft training practices and SOPs to best in a lower intensity training environment, promote controlled learning and positive retention.

Exponents must conduct themselves respectfully and diligently taking orders and following instructions to the best of their abilities and conducting themselves in a safe and responsible manner.

They must respect the chain of command and the rules and regulations as per joining agreements and codes of conduct contracts at all times.

There can be no mistaking what the rules, regulations and codes of conduct are with applicants having to complete application/declaration/questionnaires that are clear and require their honest disclosure.

They also receive briefs on CQC training and testing protocols and etiquette specific to our mil CQC training and for other courses of instruction including close protection, defensive tactics and other specialist short courses training there are briefs specific to the delivered training.

Such briefs include the importance of punctuality, respect, loyalty with honour and never interrupting or disrupting an instructor’s course and always conducting oneself as per ones rank and status.

Applicants apply because they want to be trained in our European military CQC and military self-defence and this application process is undertaken from the Todd Group HQ website where there is a considerable amount of information.

They are also informed of our CQC Times online magazine where there are volumes of trade-craft information that provides to the point nature of the beast text, photographs and depictions.

HQ applicants attending intake inductions, undergo pre-entry training and are given presentations on what we do and what they can expect.

Non-members applying for courses additionally have to complete a CQC code of conduct contract and now all courses applicants including course confirming current members must complete the CQC code of conduct contract for every course that they course confirm for.

Combine this with briefs on rules, regulations and required high integrity and responsibility and there can be no mistakes with what is expected of all members and courses attendees.

In the entry level learning phase at a pre-enabling level bastardisation is seldom employed except to stop unacceptable behaviour or for real time safety reasons intervention.

Our modus operandi for our European origins mil CQC training provision with its long history and its evolving progressive live training packages development ensures our most current best primary practices are provided at real time.

This is important with keeping ahead of threats capabilities and to ensure that any historic skills that are no longer best primary practices are made redundant.

Similarly with changes in times and society we have proven practices for dealing with attitude changes and behavioural issues and breaches of codes of conduct that have also evolved over decades to address these changes in society including attitudes that do not fit with the required character or attitudes required for training in our mil CQC/MSD as civilian enthusiasts.

Exponent’s proponents and candidates must meet our strict and to the point membership/training regimes or they will be binned.

Our mil CQC skills training is different from traditional arts and competitive codes in trade craft practices and its objectives and outcomes and as such we have a huge responsibility to ensure exponents and proponents are responsible individuals of integrity so as to do our very best to ensure skills are not abused or misused.

We receive a lot of inquiries as to how we have conducted training for over nine decades and how we command and control our training organisation maintaining the required uncompromising high standards. While we are not going to divulge our restricted specific training and management practices and SOPs, we will outline some generic un-restricted content such as this file on positive bastardisation and other files in the future with operating training and dealing with human factors issues the mil CQC way including our disciplinary actions decision making.

The application/declaration official forms course/training joining codes of conduct and regulations are clear and all exponents must abide by them and all training rules and safety practices.

Regular category exponent training practices are the norm for new entry basic training combined with drills training to ensure retention and increased competency is steadily made.

From an enabling level through to higher level competency leading up to phase 1 basic testing some irregular CQC trade-craft training practices are employed by instructors to increase proficiency in decision making under duress required for BHE’s training exercises and for testing.

In our European military self-defence and military armed and unarmed combat positive bastardisation is a very important training tool to ensure exponents and candidates are inoculated against and prepared for the probable adverse effects of violence and aggressive threatening actions including harsh verbiage and profanities.

Derogatory insults to adversely affect by getting under the skin and even cutting deep exploiting weaknesses are a reality of enemy party assaulters using direct line actions tactics to distract, disrupt or infuriate the exponent.

Insulting offensive verbiage and intimidation actions where nothing is off limits are but some of the tools used to psychologically toughen exponents and candidates against non-physical assault threats and insults.

Our serious high level exponents, proponents and instructors thrive under such close combat tradecraft training that is based on real life actions on and the shock insults and threatening actions that come with the violence threats/assault territory. They through exposure and inoculation remain ready and controlled unaffected by words and threat actions.

Many comment how different it is to styles that they have previously trained in and how valuable it is to their mind-set actions on confidence and skills employments competency.

They seek out our European military close combat training because it is a mil tradecraft comprising of not only battle proven means of threat neutralisation but also provides training in our brain to boot military self-defence CQC and CQB mental toughness enhancement and psychological conditioning to overcome or reduce ones fears of violence threats and effectively deal with stressor factors under threat.

To the practical realist inoculation against the effects of violence is an expected and essential important part of eliminating or minimising the effects of high level violent threats and as such is part of the development of a strong combative mindset. Combine this mil MSD/CQB/CQC mindset with best of battle proven foul primary means threat neutralisation capabilities and you are armed with tactics, skills and mental toughness specific to urban and battlefield threats neutralisation.

Those that are overwhelmed by such threats or over-react, complain or object to such inoculation identify as less than confident in themselves or present themselves as having a lack of control or resilience.

The use of positive bastardisation under battle handling exercises, training exercises and on testing phases where the actions on environment is hard, heavy and hostile is important in not only correcting attitude/demeanour/character or negative traits but is also an immediate means of critiquing faults and errors that are not primary best means of threat neutralisation or are unsafe training options. Safety issues, employment of less than primary threat neutralisation skills and encouraging controlled aggression and setting and maintaining high level momentum can all be addressed at real time by short hard sharp positive bastardisation.

It’s never personal and it’s always to address correct or critique identified wrong doing, faults, errors or safety issues as well as confirming an immediate stop to actions or end of the actions on.

Unsafe training action issues, bad attitudes, over-inflated egos, disrespect for the chain of command or fellow exponents, proponents or candidates can as a first means of correction or adjustment be subject to short sharp bastardisation in the form of instructor verbiage and actions.

These bastardisation means and methods must have a reason and be positive and for a practical purpose.

Just like positive bastardisation for critiquing correction and character adjustment our mil CQC/MSD SOP’s include intervention practices and tactical means of immediate stopping of actions on for safety or unacceptable behavioural intervention reasons as well as verbal/physical actions to ensure there can be no doubt that the BHEs/testing or the training exercise is over.

They also are a primary means of identifying individuals that are adversely affected by positive bastardisation and allow the words or actions to get under their skin cutting deep and interfering with their mental focus inner-resolve and execution and employment of primary means of threat neutralisation capabilities.

Individuals that display resentment to taking orders instructions or accepting positive bastardisation not only are identifying themselves as not respecting the chain of command and abiding by the codes of conduct rules and regulations by not conducting themselves in the required mil close combat training manner, but also their attitude may be an indicator of inadequacy or underlying character flaws or a lack of self-control identified under such training.

Some simply do not get that prior training in non-mil close combat/self-defence systems or tertiary-level education have nothing to do with their position and status on our close combat or other related courses.

Mil CQC is more rock college than a university college and as such is a specialist trade-craft in its own right and provides expertise both physical and mental for war or when society breaks down and urban violent lawlessness is the faced reality.

There is no purpose in using woke or PC ways of dealing with uncompromising formidable foes that have bad indentations towards you of the grievous bodily harm type.

The fact of the matter is on military close combat courses all ranks undertaking the course are considered equal rank and instructors have full control over the course and this is essential to ensure command and control is maintained.

Exponents and proponents with the smarts on courses know that they need to be grey pers or they will bring attention to themselves and can identify as show ponies, know all’s or even wannabes.

The expected attitude in regards to conducting myself under training in my early days was two eyes two ears and one mouth to look and listen twice as much as you talk and in fact you should have nothing to say other than answering questions from your superiors.

Yes staff or Sir no staff or I don’t understand staff, is very true verbiage for answering questions fast and factually.

None of this long winded excuse making blaming everyone for getting some short sharp bastardisation or definite character adjustment is required or accepted in our world where taking responsibility for your actions or outbursts by answering yes or no when asked is all that is required and all that will be accepted.

Bad attitudes and behaviour in the training testing or on training exercises environments has eyes on from instructors and training exponents and as such is seen, so excuses don’t apply.

When you achieve rank and status you will have your time and opportunity to make decisions and will be able to comment from a trade-craft authority perspective having put in many years of training and learning moving up through the ranks and having tested and earned your rank and qualifications.

The training provision modus operandi is a definite and deliberate process in instructions delivery and learning means and methods where everyone is given the same instructions, orders, demonstrations of skills and errors will be critiqued by instructors leaving no need for unnecessary comment.

We have a full range of training tools and practices that can be utilised to identify by exposure exponents and candidates to stressors stimuli for the purpose of identifying character traits or attitude flaws that we can immediately address by critiquing or if continued by positive bastardisation.

I have trained, overseen and observed enemy party on military courses and dedicated committed civilians on civilian courses as well as combined mil and civi courses where individual enemy pers demonstrated high-level capabilities in regards to presenting themselves as believable menacing, ruthless, violent assaulters.

Some of these aggressive actions threats of violence and profanities have been enemy academy award-winning in the realm of the military close combat enemy party roles and duties.

In these PC woke times often exponents do not understand how unprepared they actually are in being able to deal with the realities of such positive bastardisation. In the individual exponent environment that our mil CQC/MSD is where all eyes are on the candidates under testing or the exponents under training there is nowhere to hide and everything is exposed.

Those that are not up for the challengers or are excuse makers will self-identify and often self-eliminate or be binned.

The numbers of such pers over the decades of training tens of thousands are a fraction of one percent which clearly proves the processors and procedures work for the majority.

Those that have psychological defects including associated with over or under responses will be identified by their inability to conduct themselves in a quietly confident, controlled, aggressive manner achieving the objectives.

The hard-nosed, thick skinned, mentally tough types with the CQC smarts can accept orders and instructions and get on with the task and if singled out by means of positive bastardisation can immediately address their own short comings or errors of their ways and sort themselves out.

I can remember my elite forces close combat Master Instructor on an SF CQB course standing over a big lump of a combatant and experienced fighter that was seated asking him if he would like his eyeballs ripped out and eaten for finger food.

In the non PC woke world of mil close combat this is the norm and is part of inoculation under threat and mental toughness enhancement simply known as combative character building.

In these woke PC times when the going gets tough or something upsets the less hardy they may well play the PC woke card if they don’t like the hard heavy hostile nature of the beast and if that’s the case they will like the received swift direct bastardisation even less. The types that feel that they are privileged better than their peers and above being given orders, instructions or a right good bollocking when they get out of line, will soon find out that such an attitude will not be tolerated under our CQC training. Some may well simply not realise how woke PC indoctrinated they have become, while some that can’t handle the heat break out into excuses soft touch reasoning that is simply ridiculousness on a CQC course. Those that believe that no one should speak to them aggressively and that they are always correct, identify as less than made of the right stuff for our mil close combat training.

An important part of our mil CQC training has always been that the Chief instructor or training designated instructor has complete control and is in charge and all exponents and proponents on course are equals regardless of rank or outside civi status, prowess, prior training or external held CQC unrelated positions. Any show pony antics assuming a superior role to the rest of the course or causing dissention in the ranks or disrespecting the chain of command will be met with short sharp positive bastardisation as a first means of stamping out what needs to the sorted including unacceptable behaviour.

The nature of the training demands that command and control is maintained and that all exponents and proponents conduct themselves as equals abiding by regulations and codes of conduct.

Such mentalities and antics may not cause serious issues or outcomes in their everyday PC lives but under training in urban or battlefield actions on anything lesser than a hard-nosed, controlled, aggressive, uncompromising mentality and responsible, respectful, safety conscious character is unacceptable.

Just by individuals thoughts under training being on anything other than their best level of training input is an indicator of issues that need immediate addressing. Those that are complaining, trying to come up with excuses or reasons for what they don’t want to or shouldn’t have to do, that they have been ordered or instructed to do are identifying themselves as not getting what is required and expected of them or that they have an inflated ego or high opinion of themselves when they are factually an exponent or proponent under training.

The MSD/MCQC training modus operandi is all about training the way you will operate/conduct yourself under real life actions on assault the mil combative way and this means the threat must be as real as safely possible under the training, testing and training exercises environment and it must be a hard heavy and hostile environment that includes sudden aggressive shock actions on.

Positive bastardisation is not only for inoculation purposes but also to identify traits and flaws in individual exponents and candidates characters that need immediate addressing by a right short sharp dressing down.

It’s often about breaking them down to just their bare essential physical and mental toughness attributes and then methodically building them up arming them with capabilities until they are at their CQC best and this requires their complete uncompromising commitment.

The correct and best tools must be used to produce the best outcomes and highest levels of competency and this means using the tools/practices specific to mil CQC/MSD and they will be considerably different to civi styles and codes that exponents may have experienced before.

They must be able to adjust from non-mil ways to the direct and downright deliberate foul dirty tricks brigade training modus operandi.

Sticks and stones may break your bones but names will never hurt you, if you are of strong mind and have been inoculated against the effects of such threats and insults. Properly trained and prepared with realism and maintaining a controlled aggressive ready able and willing state of preparedness unaffected by insults and pre-assault threatening actions is the CQC/MSD primary pre-actions on required status. This eliminates or minimises adverse effects and negative reactions and responses to non-assault actions and insults as well as prevents or reduces the likelihood of falling victim to distractions deception and visual or mental interference. Anyone that signs up for MSD/MCQC training must understand that hard heavy and hostile are part of training, testing, training exercises and battle handling exercises regimes. If such words and actions off put them and offend them to the point of not being able to remain quietly confident and get on with the achievement of the objective, they may well be not best suited for our military close combat training for civilians.

The fact of the matter is that on the battlefield or under urban assault, there are no rules and one must expect both vicious insults and intimidation and violent assault.

In years gone by coaches could be heard growling at their young charges on the mat or in the ring when they were not performing at the level they could or when they were distracted or showing a lack of tenacity.

This was a real time reminder to do what must be done and do it now.

This brought out the best in some future champion’s capabilities to remain focused under duress and be less affected by combat sports related adversity.

The woke PC be nice don’t hurt anyone attitude along with whining and whinging identifies a weak mental makeup or physical laziness that needs immediate addressing by short sharp bastardisation as such a mentality under actions on increases the likelihood of defeat over victory.

Positive bastardisation is usually a first means of character adjustment or negative traits character flaws or incorrect or unsafe practices correction.

Those that are made of the right stuff and have our MSD/MCQC required attributes and combative attitude, understand the importance of being able to take orders and instructions, even under duress in the pursuit of quick deliberate controlled aggressive objective achievement.

The aim should always be the pursuit of excellence in training and hardening up and getting on with given tasks to the very best of ones capabilities.

If exponents are fully committed and dedicated there will be no thought given or time available for spurting objection making excuses, whinging or whining.

Effective enemy party directed bastardisation by foul pre-actions on surprise shock actions and or verbiage will require exponents or candidates to overcome negative autonomic reactions or negative decided responses. This is through prior inoculation and the employment of uncompromising tactics and skills to maintain a state of confident controlled aggression. This state of readiness unaffected by insults or pre-actions on threatening actions is testament to their mental and physical battle fitness prior training and inoculation and gives them the best chances of safe quick threat neutralisation when combined with best of battle proven dirty tricks brigade skills.

Getting on with the task accepting positive bastardisation without question, correction of ones errors of their ways is the norm and proves positive bastardisation was required and is a true indicator of getting the message loud and clear and shows practical smarts self-respect, respect for the chain of command and is an identifier of the mentality of wanting to be the best one can be.

Unwillingness, disrespect, questioning orders instructions conditions or requirements, excuse making or laying blame on others including ones instructors or other exponents is often a sign of individuals inadequacies and is usually a result of the nature of the training/testing beast identifying underlying issues. This may be as a result of character adjustment or critiquing by positive bastardisation.

Some courses of instruction that are less combative and more tactical come with long hours where attention to detail is essential and the effects of a lack of sleep and constant learning required attention to detail related duties including training practice and training exercises can cause psychological stressors and will identify those that are not up for the challenges.

Sometimes it is the fatigue of long hour’s constant pressures of deadlines and undertaking advance work and compiling of plans that leads to attitude/behaviour issues and failure to perform or complete tasks.

The need to correctly critique is essential to maintain professionalism and ensure all attendees are pulling their weight and conducting themselves with individual-unitism as I put it.

The old mil adage of train the way you will operate but remember you are under training stands true and always has.

Being critiqued or corrected for someone that is struggling to do what must be done is just like on the job where everything must be accounted for, detailed, addressed and completed to the required high standard.

This type of role and duties has stressors of its own and while bastardisation is not commonly used critiquing is a must for meeting deadlines and completion of all tasks.

Exponents must understand that their superiors will conduct themselves in a very different manner as their role and position is very different to training exponents. Training exponents must conduct themselves as exponents under training because that is what they are.

There are many underlying character traits and flaws that can easily be identified by means of positive bastardisation or firm critiquing making it an essential training tool in identifying everything from bad attitudes to hidden agendas.

Attitude, character and demeanour as far as MCQC/MSD go are black and white and there is no confusion when it comes to exponents/proponents required mentalities make ups and being able to accept orders and instructions, they either do or do not and will be identified either way.

No one can be a hard lad or lass and at the same time be a whinger or expect woke soft easy options, just as there are no backhand salutes or political passes when it comes to one proving oneself under CQC testing.

Candidates are just two boots, two hands, one head and one body and testing assessing instructor’s determinations in rating skills competency and capabilities levels are made by the actions of these body parts and their mental toughness is rated by their range skills commitment and generated momentum and confidence in achieving the objective of threat neutralisation.

The decisions are based on factual assessment and are never personal and in fact we don’t want or need to know anything CQC unrelated about candidates.

They are simply the above bodily parts and a name on a testing record sheet.

Those that try and befriend their superiors as entry level or basic training exponents foolishly do not understand the military exponent/candidate grey per mentality and are identifying as butt lickers.

Not just anyone can maintain a grey controlled aggressive willing able ready mentality under the training testing regimes including when facing positive bastardisation. Positive bastardisation is not only a means of identifying those that cannot control themselves but also is a tool to positively provide self-honesty in relation to fault and error identification, acceptance and self-correction. Character adjustment critiquing and safety warnings by means of positive bastardisation not only correct the error of ones ways but also inoculate them against adverse effects of hard harsh heavy hostile verbiage and actions.

Those that can and are prepared to do what needs to be done to overcome the effects by best trade-craft practices will not only be less affected by positive bastardisation but their competency achievement will not be interrupted and they will increase in capabilities to deal with the realities of pre-actions on and actions on assault.

Some courses of instruction have specialist scenario training and training exercises where group training requires a rank system for the roles and duties mimicking on the job rank and status but under training and training exercises the instructor always must have total control and must intervene if safety is jeopardised or unacceptable actions present.

The respecting of the chain of command rank and service experience structure applies to all ranks and is vital in the maintaining of proper lines of communication correct primary training conducting and safe hard heavy and hostile testing.

Individuals that cannot accept orders and instructions take on board the reason for positive bastardisation and make immediate required changes at real time will get found out in the black and white hard heavy and hostile environments of our CQB/CQC/MSD training and testing and will either change the errors of their ways or will binned.

Those that have asked questions on this subject that come from traditional or sporting styles backgrounds remember that this file is specifically for the provision of our mil CQC/MSD training and was not developed for traditional fighting arts styles or competitive codes.

Article written by Tank Todd

Special Operations CQB Master Chief Instructor. Over 30 years experience. The only instructor qualified descendent of Baldock, Nelson, and Applegate. Former instructors include Harry Baldock (unarmed combat instructor NZ Army WWII), Colonel Rex Applegate OSS WWII and Charles Nelson, US Marine Corps. Tank has passed his Special Forces combative instructor qualification course in Southeast Asia and is certified to instruct the Applegate, Baldock and Nelson systems. His school has been operating for over eighty years and he is currently an Army Special Operations Group CQB Master Chief Instructor. His lineage and qualifications from the evolutionary pioneers are equalled by no other military close combat instructor. His operation includes his New Zealand headquarters, and 30 depots worldwide as well as contracts to train the military elite, security forces, and close protection specialists. Annually he trains thousands of exponents and serious operators that travel down-under to learn from the direct descendant of the experts and pioneers of military close combat. Following in the footsteps of his former seniors, he has developed weapons, and training equipment exclusive to close combat and tactical applications. He has published military manuals and several civilian manuals and produced DVDs on urban self protection, tactical control and restraint, and close combat. He has racked up an impressive 100,000+ hours in close combat.