Thailand CQC Courses March 2025

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Another Todd Group Thailand combined courses of instruction visit completed with several more to come in 2025.

Small training group courses are proving popular with serious enthusiasts of military close combat and military self-defence.

Being a long-term NZ and international training provider well-established in the countries we export courses to; we can conduct basic, advanced and specialist courses of instruction year-round.

The only restriction is available dates as we run at full calendars of scheduled courses with some courses being set down for dates secured several years in advance.

This most recent course at our Todd Group standalone CQC facility in Thailand included both a phase 1 basic course and a phase 2 advanced course of instruction. Having all required training equipment and in country facilitation staff makes exported training provision to our international hub country an easy undertaking.

Along with the phase 1 basic and phase 2 advanced week-long courses of instruction there was also a detainee handling tactical control and restraint component and on day 6 there was an amphib self- defence and close combat training component.

The water of Thailand even at 05.00 was considerably more welcoming than the cold waters of the South Island back home.

It was a hot and dusty environment at our Thailand Todd Group training facility adding to the rigours of the training.

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The heat of Thailand can take its toll on exponents not accustomed to it on intensive courses of instruction, but the benefits of training in CQC/MSD the military way on full time week long intensive courses provides best outcomes skills retention and builds resilience.

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These courses did not include testing components which allowed for continued skills competency training for the full duration.

As exponent’s competency and confidence increased the enemy party intensity was scaled up.

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The Thailand courses attract Todd Group HQ and Todd Group depots training exponents and instructors as well as serious international enthusiasts of our European military armed and unarmed combat and military self-defence. Just as there are no weight divisions there are no separated gender categories and everyone is equal under the same training regimes.

Our European mil dirty tricks brigade and foul trade-craft CQC skills make all exponents’ equal and objective achievement possible for the skilled and willing.

Attendees come from wide ranging backgrounds and professions including military, law enforcement and civilian close protection specialists, security specialists, doctors, lawyers and university students as well as trades persons and labourers.

Generally they are all practical realists that know that mil CQC and MSD provides the best chances of defeating a violent assaulter for them.

Conducting small group specialist courses at our hub country of Thailand at our own facility enables uninterrupted high repetition training. The course can be as challenging as the individual exponents wants it to be to meet their personal requirements in regard to physical and mental make ups and their aspirations, training goals, requirements and objectives.

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Todd Group global recruiting and the course joining requirements and conditions attract responsible individuals seeking European military close combat and self-defence over traditional fighting arts or competitive codes training.

They want to learn and experience military CQC and MSD the military way on intensive courses of instruction under the instruction of a qualified military elite Master Chief instructor.

Getting back to basic outdoors training in regard to threat terrain and environment is what mil CQC has been developed for and is a best means of training provision.

Having our own Thailand based training site that provides wide ranging outdoors training options, fits well with our European mil CQC courses of instruction.

The recently increased in size pond should be filled in the rainy season and add to the training facility. The toughener training exposes exponents to CQC contact and physicality as part of contact inoculation training and enhancement of actions on mental toughness. This when hot sweaty and fatigued demands CQC focus and resilience.

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Situational and spatial awareness, knowing where your boots are and avoiding hazards under actions on is very important for confidence and competency development.

This is as close as it gets to undertaking a military CQC/MSD course of instruction for a civilian enthusiast. The provided civi training skill sets for the dedicated and committed are often more extensive than for mil exponents as advanced and specialist exponents and proponents respectively are long-term or lifelong practitioners of our European military armed and unarmed combat and military self-defence and not just course completion exponents.

The Thailand culture and cuisine and tropical environment make this a very different experience for many and something that many exponents, proponents and instructors return to be part of many times over.

The recruiting interest has led to more Thailand public advertised courses of instruction and we have courses scheduled for May July August October November and December.

Our indigenous long-term staff make the training experience that much more enjoyable by taking care of the attendees not only logistics and training requirements, but also pre-and post-course stay needs.

With over 30 years close combat and self-defence involvement in Thailand and being the only training providers of our European mil CQC in Thailand, the demand for our services continues to increase.

Having other business interests in Thailand that can be jointly undertaken on training provision stays is yet another positive.

It is important that all applicants understand that these courses are for those that are dedicated to up skilling and committed to the required training to achieve competency and increased capabilities and this comes down to being quietly confident taking orders and instructions getting on with tasks to best achieve objectives.

There is no easy way and it comes down to the will and output of serious enthusiasts.

We do not want to appeal to the masses and we will never sacrifice standards to accommodate those that do not have what it takes in achieving at minimum capabilities and with dedication promotion and rank.

Those that do not want to volunteer for testing and come just to learn the tactics and skills can train at a level commensurate with their mental toughness and physicality capabilities as these are volunteers courses of instruction, but those that seek advancement and rank must surpass training and testing requirements and be of the required attitude demeanour and character.

It is most pleasing to note that after 98 years the Todd Group, formerly the Baldock Institute, is still leading in our field as a private specialist training provider of European military elite armed and unarmed combat and military self-defence and we are still attracting, identifying and proving serious high level exponents and proponents one at a time.

The next exported course to Thailand is in May 26 to 31. Information and application info

Article written by Todd Group

The Todd Group, established by the late Harry Baldock, have been providing CQC, CQB, unarmed combat, defensive tactics, and self protection training since 1927.

They are instructors and consultants to military, police, close protection, corrections, security, and civilians.

The Todd Group has over 35 training depots nationally and internationally.