Stamp kicks are just that and they are not slap, flick, chip or sweep kicks.
Exponents that sacrifice destruction for speed of the kicking component or out of training laziness are dramatically reducing the effectiveness of the stamp kick action. Stamp kicks consist of the following components. Ready set to go squatting expedient action set up, expedient kick off entry action, set up actions including fake and deliberate actions and dirty tricks and when in range the destructive stamp kick action execution. The arch of the boot encapsulates the lower leg on or below the knee cap. The stamp kick destructive action should be driven with velocity diagonally through the targets lower leg to the ground. The analogy I often use is a combination of making home base as in baseball and the breaking of a piece of firewood that is against a solid backdrop at one end with the other end secured on the ground. Extreme close range execution off of expedient entry action initiated off of the squat set up combined with interference with the targets visual and mental focus and when in extreme close preferably body line contact range the lifting cocking action of the stamp kick leg combined with high velocity diagonally downward stamp kicking right through the target leg to the ground. Not ankle slapping with the side of the foot or low level chip or sweep kicking for close combat.
Train the way you intend to go combative.