Role threat and environment required combative skills
Skills must be in relation to rules of engagement or laws of self defence of the land being commensurate with the threat.
For specialist roles employments. The need for specialist tactics and skills to safely and effectively as humanly possible eliminate the threat is the necessary requirement.
Skills must be able to be employed under wide ranging conditions and in different environments including on hard land uneven or slippery terrain on sand in amphibious assault combative requirements as well as in climbing and when hanging from a parachute harness or restricted by mechanical restraints as in prisoner of war combative requirements.
Being able to make primary practical decisions in relation to tactics and skills to threat neutralise as well as when applicable having variations that meet the situation and environment provides increased capabilities under varied situations and conditions.
The proficient competent combatant must be capable making tactics and skills changes and adjustments to meet the real time changing threat situation and environment.
Principles are flexible where set techniques are not.