Real Life Experiences

Real Life Experiences highlights the experiences of operators and civilians who have had to use the skills they’ve learnt in self defence or combat.

If you have had to defend yourself as a civilian or in the execution of your duties as a service person, then don’t hesitate to forward your story. These stories will not include the identities of any of the subjects involved, but will detail the situation and means used to overcome it.

Send your story to [email protected]

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I am a police officer that has travelled to the Todd Group HQ and taken several courses there to ensure I can preform my duties with confidence and safely.
The skills they teach are the very best I have seen and have worked for me and many of my colleagues time and time again.

I was off duty from my specialist unit when I noticed an aggressive male suspect in the street near busy stores.
The suspect was intimidating locals and was looking for a victim in my opinion.
He was approaching lone individuals and mainly females and I could see his comments were alarming and offending them.
I crossed the street and discreetly followed him and he soon realised I was on his tail.
He approached me and clenched his fists and began to act aggressively.
I identified myself as a police officer and he said he would kill me as he had never killed anyone before.
He was highly agitated and obviously an emotionally disturbed person and under the influence of alcohol and or drugs.
During routine questioning he would change from calm to aggressive and then he suddenly went on the attack.
I had used my hard targeting skills learnt on the Todd Group courses to ensure he could not get a direct line of attack and that gave me time distance and angle to react.
I employed the EDP skills to counter the assault and they stopped the suspect in his tracks.
He was temporarily stunned and rather than continuing the assault he tried to leg it but he was still incapacitated and didn’t get far before I instructed him to place him self in the instructed position where I could then safely detain him and take him into custody.
The reality was with out the Todd skills I would have not had the ability to safely and effectively deal with the situation.

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Dear Sir

Wonders never cease to amaze.
I was recently at a martial arts school and privy to general members chatter as to how bad the technique was of mixed martial artists and boxers on recent shows.
This was coming from people that had never been hit in the face let alone hit hard in their life.
I am only a beginner with a background of having boxed and had a few street fights.
I asked them if they thought they could beat the fighters that they were mocking and they said of course they could because they had this or that dan grade.
I asked them why they hadn’t entered the octagon or ring then and taken the titles.
They said because they were too skilled for such opponents.
That night I suggested we test their theory and do some Thai boxing and mixed martial arts training.
Well you should have seen these people when jabbed in the face or taken to the ground.
The word lost come into relevance time and time again.
Lost for knowing what to do, lost for a way out, lost for toughness and they lost to several of the beginners with no rank but a real life background.
These people live in a dream world blowing wind and hitting air or tummy tapping.
They had better never get into a real life fight for their sake.
I thought maybe this was just an isolated incident but it would appear not.
I even saw footage of a wing chun master in a one on one end up on the ground and losing.
The most basic grappler would have known how to deal with this situation but this master did practically nothing.
To top it all off I watched a Chinese martial arts master take on a mixed martial arts fighter and pre-fight lay claim to super human internal powers only to end up on his backside with a punch to the face and not a devastating one at that.
After a time consuming recovery he met some more of the same treatment and the bubble was burst.
Some of these dreamers need to take a reality check and should be ashamed to teach such rubbish and call it self defense.

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A good friend of mine who is a capable fighter was visiting a training facility overseas where the instructor implied that he was military qualified, that was between going backwards and forwards to his book to check on what to teach next.
Well see this visitor was the real deal trained and qualified and when he asked the hard and direct question of the man child instructor and the man child saw this man was no fool and meant business his acting teeth went back into his mouth and he changed his tact.
The report was the techniques were very poor as far as being practical went and the instructor was equally as poor and would fool no one of any background.
He was only lucky he didn’t get cocky or he may have got his butt slapped in public.
He decided to take the only effective option available to him and that be grease and squirm.
He forget that you can only fool a fool and sooner or later you will get found out and that wont change with time, as if you have never earned the right the correct way you will never have the right.
You will be a wannabe forever.

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I spent 20 years in the US Army and I am now a police officer.
Recently my partner and other officers were having difficulty dealing with a violent offender on the ground.
I as the new boy initially let them take the lead but when I saw they were in difficulty I employed the one foot pain compliance skill taught to me at the Todd Group and much to everyone’s surprise single handedly or in this case single footedly took control of the situation.
Thanks for the best training for on the job.

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I recently had to enlist the services of a work related lawyer who has a reputation of being the best in his field.
I was most surprised when he found out that I trained in the Todd systems that he used the comparison with Tank Todd in saying Tank is the best in his field and that is what he was in his field.
Gave me confidence in both my CQC training and legal representation.

Article written by Todd Group

The Todd Group, established by the late Harry Baldock, have been providing CQC, CQB, unarmed combat, defensive tactics, and self protection training since 1927.

They are instructors and consultants to military, police, close protection, corrections, security, and civilians.

The Todd Group has over 35 training depots nationally and internationally.

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