Depicted M-CQC controlled range tethered training

Range along with commitment and skill are most important components of CQC/MSD threat neutralisation.

The combatant must be inside the primary execution range of the specific selected threat neutralisation to increase chances of achieving threat neutralisation.

Range recognition requires effective real time assessment and decision-making in relation to decided skills best range initiation and execution as well as mental toughness/entry and employment confidence.

The skills execution ranges in military close combat are extremely close and have to be to meet role requirements, battledress and situational considerations.

Ranges in urban actions on are predominantly very close as well especially in street fighting or urban actions on deliberate targeting of bodily function specific targets.

Close Quarters actions on with the nut

Terrain, injury or wounding load bearing as well as enemy physical attributes and physicality realities require definite and deliberate decision-making and highly committed unarmed offensive assault/counter offensive assault skills employments.

For urban self-defence especially if targeted when out socially or in formal dress high physicality techniques may not be able to be successfully executed and this is but another reason why best mil dirty tricks brigade tactics and skills that provide high level chances of threat neutralisation are best means of threat neutralisation.

The combatant must be proficient in hard cover guarding and the real time fast mapping assessment and decision-making in relation to threat and situational changes that require the employment of contingency or change of tack options.

Most importantly the combatant must be prepared and willing to employ high intensity commitment by expedient entry and threat neutralisation momentum achievement. There can be no leaning back and reaching striking forwards in defeating formidable foes.

Such antics as leaning back and striking or reaching forward identify a lack of commitment and confidence and any skilled enemy wouldn’t hesitate in exploiting such weaknesses.

This leads to what this file is about and that is developing range, decision-making and highly committed groundcover threat neutralisation.

This all begins in training when the exponent as a basic level exponent learns of the different ranges of close quarters combat in relation to effective threat neutralisation.

Training in controlled calculated groundcover from commencement to skills execution range is essential and must include contingency skills if engaged prior to or during skills employments.

Proper decided skills initiation and execution to maximise high level momentum combined with hard target hard cover guard safety practices are all part of making range contact and objective achievement.

The exponent must have been trained in mental toughness enhancement and inoculated against the effects of close quarters contact to ensure their resolve and capabilities will not be interfered with or weakened under the rigours of threat neutralisation employments.

This requires exposure to contact for the purposes of inoculation against the effects of contact in training.

Point blank contact inoculation training

Some people simply do not have the intestinal fortitude to close on their foe and employ unarmed skills for fear of contact.

Combining mental toughness enhancement tactics and skills with primary threat neutralisation strategies executed with cohesion and in seamless fluid actions is what all high-calibre exponents and proponents strive to achieve.

There are important requirements in close combat specific tradecraft training practices that Master-Instructors will provide that will drill and confirm ranges and means and methods of initiation and execution of high level momentum threat neutralisation.

These practices will not be found in books/manuals or online as they are the tradecraft training essential tactics and skills that must be learned hands on.

There are various methods practices and close combat specific tradecraft pieces of equipment used to develop range required initiation and employment of skills capabilities.

CQC lanes close range unarmed offensive assault training

Mil CQC being a progressive trade-craft is constantly evolving and being developed to surpass enemy threats and this is why staying current is most important for the combatant to be the very best they can be.

These tradecraft training practices are not about sports or traditional practices but are specifically about battlefield or urban operator’s threat neutralisation by means of dirty/foul or deadly tricks brigade battle proven practices.

Regular drills training in such practices as well as a regular covert range making and highly committed unarmed offensive and counteroffensive skills executions combined with all required contingency options need to be decided deliberate highly committed actions that are performed with proficiency and most important mentally tough confidence.

Military close combat Master-Instructors will critique and provide correction including changes of options if faults and errors cannot be overcome by correction and adjustments.

In some situations it can come down to the exponent selecting a skill that does not best fit with their mental and physical make-ups.

In that situation the Master-Instructor would introduce a specific selected skill that would best fit with the exponent’s mental and physical make up and capabilities.

If such expertise in instruction and critiquing is not undertaken the exponent may well not achieve the highest level of capabilities and threat neutralisation and could be exposed through fault and error, making them vulnerable to defeat.

It is important that close combat skills best meet the roles and duties of the combatant and that they have been armed with the skills that best fit with their physical and mental make-ups.

They must practice them until they achieve the highest level of constant objective achievement.

Range skill commitment equates to your best combative chance of threat neutralisation when combined with the best of battle proven skills and an uncompromising mentality that is prepared to endure the realities of close quarter’s actions on and never give in or give up until threat neutralisation has been achieved.

The foundations and fundamentals of competency achievement begin in training and require dedicated commitment to achieving excellence.

Maintaining a current status and highest level competency capabilities and confidence is most important in military close quarters combat and military self-defence as our tradecraft is a living and progressive tradecraft that continuously strives to stay ahead of enemy threats and trends.

Article written by Tank Todd

Special Operations CQB Master Chief Instructor. Over 30 years experience. The only instructor qualified descendent of Baldock, Nelson, and Applegate. Former instructors include Harry Baldock (unarmed combat instructor NZ Army WWII), Colonel Rex Applegate OSS WWII and Charles Nelson, US Marine Corps. Tank has passed his Special Forces combative instructor qualification course in Southeast Asia and is certified to instruct the Applegate, Baldock and Nelson systems. His school has been operating for over eighty years and he is currently an Army Special Operations Group CQB Master Chief Instructor. His lineage and qualifications from the evolutionary pioneers are equalled by no other military close combat instructor. His operation includes his New Zealand headquarters, and 30 depots worldwide as well as contracts to train the military elite, security forces, and close protection specialists. Annually he trains thousands of exponents and serious operators that travel down-under to learn from the direct descendant of the experts and pioneers of military close combat. Following in the footsteps of his former seniors, he has developed weapons, and training equipment exclusive to close combat and tactical applications. He has published military manuals and several civilian manuals and produced DVDs on urban self protection, tactical control and restraint, and close combat. He has racked up an impressive 100,000+ hours in close combat.