Phase 2 Advanced Standalone CQC Course Sattahip Thailand August 2018

Day 1 departure for Sattahip

A Quick Stop Off On The Way Into Camp To Pick Up Kit

The decision to conduct a standalone CQC course at the Royal Thai Navy facility Sattahip Thailand was a good one.

This was a small group course comprising of current Todd Group phase 2 advanced exponent’s and Royal Thai Navy per’s along with a Todd Group phase 3 proponent undergoing phase 2 assistant instructor training.

It was decided to accommodate the course at our pre-and post course group stay Pattaya accommodation for the course full duration rather than staying in camp.

This meant transporting the course to and from the Navy Base facility at Sattahip each day.

This arrangement proved to work well and will be continued in the future for other phase 2 advanced and phase 3 specialist courses of instruction.

Being a stand-alone phase 2 advanced course meant there was maximum phase 2 training time and not the usual interruptions of exported combined phases courses of instruction.

The Todd Group having the required members numbers and in country facilitators to be able to conduct exported standalone single phase small group courses is advantageous to maximising training time and achieving the best skills competency attainment levels.

Exponents on this course came from NZ Australia UAE Africa and Thailand and the course was a combined military and civilian pers course.

The course exponents were quietly confident committed lads that progressed well through their phase 2 advanced tradecraft skill sets training.

Military CQC tradecraft skills comprise of dirty and deadly tricks brigade best of battle proven military armed and unarmed combat immediate threat neutralisation options and this is why attendance is restricted. The ruthless brutality objectives achievement means and methods for most outsiders could be deemed inhuman.

The dirtiest and deadliest armed or unarmed combat is a must for military life or death actions on.

Quality training and no time restraints pressure being the modus operandi of this advanced course of instruction produced sound outcomes.

The lads enjoyed a half day on the range of aimed and instinctive point shooting training on day 4 followed by the remainder of the day taken up with continued phase 2 advanced training.

Day 5 started with half day of military amphib unarmed combat and mil self defence followed by half a day of land based CQC training.

Some of the other mil CQC/MSD phase 2 advanced trade craft skills sets instructed on course included advanced ground combat, military assault strangulation and choking, battlefield enemy takedowns, urban operators crowd combat combating enemy fighting styles and advanced armed and unarmed mil self-defence.

The course was coordinated very well by our in country staff and ran like clockwork.

Aimed and Instinctive Point Shooting Instruction

Post Amphib CQC Training Back At The Shoreline

Day five included detainee handling skills and mil advanced CQC/MSD urban operators crowd combat phase combat measures against multiple armed and unarmed aggressors.

Detainee Rapid Decentralisation Training

Day 6 was scheduled as an in country R&R day but the dedicated and committed lads on course requested more training in specific skills sets and taking notes on requested specific skills, so we that is exactly what we did.

This training included the most current developed primary trade craft practices of Phase 1 Basic CQC/MSD.

Attending regular courses is the only way exponents and proponents can remain current.

The military provided excellent Thai cuisine and plenty of the most important requirement water.

They facilitated and supported the course as always not only in course participation but also with taking care of all our needs and requests.

The camaraderie on course and outside of training as a result of the course being a tight group of committed responsible individuals made this not only an excellent training experience, but also provided a chance for serious civilian exponents to experience mil CQC the military combative way.

Todd Group courses require attendees to be responsible and of integrity and all members must understand that Mil CQC/MSD training for civilians is a privilege and not a given right.

One breach of their code of conduct contracts and all privileges can be taken away.

We will certainly conduct another such course next year in Thailand and would encourage as many of our phase 2 advanced exponent’s to attend this top training opportunity as possible.

There will be only one Phase 1 new entry exponents course conducted in Thailand next year which will be a small group course for serious exponents.

Course joining instructions and information as well as the on-line application facility.

[email protected]

Post course has been hectic with business meetings in Bangkok and courses planning meetings in Pattaya.

We have plans for a courses circuit taking in three different mil camps in different parts of Thailand for two days training at each camp next year along with a full calendar of members only as well as private contract courses for Thailand our International Hub country in 2019.

We will be back in Thailand to conduct our international specialist CPP (Close Personal Protection) course in October that is being jointly conducted at Camp Todd in New Zealand and in Thailand so attendees experience dual country training and training exercises as well as an international travel protective exercise.

Our final Thailand course for 2018 will be a Phase 3 specialist proponents armed and unarmed close combat course for Todd Group members that is already a full muster.

The requests for our European military CQC and MSD are constant as a result of being the only training providers of our mil CQC/MSD systems tactics and skills packages not only in Thailand but globally.

Article written by Tank Todd

Special Operations CQB Master Chief Instructor. Over 30 years experience. The only instructor qualified descendent of Baldock, Nelson, and Applegate. Former instructors include Harry Baldock (unarmed combat instructor NZ Army WWII), Colonel Rex Applegate OSS WWII and Charles Nelson, US Marine Corps. Tank has passed his Special Forces combative instructor qualification course in Southeast Asia and is certified to instruct the Applegate, Baldock and Nelson systems. His school has been operating for over eighty years and he is currently an Army Special Operations Group CQB Master Chief Instructor. His lineage and qualifications from the evolutionary pioneers are equalled by no other military close combat instructor. His operation includes his New Zealand headquarters, and 30 depots worldwide as well as contracts to train the military elite, security forces, and close protection specialists. Annually he trains thousands of exponents and serious operators that travel down-under to learn from the direct descendant of the experts and pioneers of military close combat. Following in the footsteps of his former seniors, he has developed weapons, and training equipment exclusive to close combat and tactical applications. He has published military manuals and several civilian manuals and produced DVDs on urban self protection, tactical control and restraint, and close combat. He has racked up an impressive 100,000+ hours in close combat.