The final Todd Group HQ Phase 2 advanced week-long intensive course for 2024 ended Friday, October 25. The final module was combating multiple armed assaulters as per the above picture.

Week-long intensive courses of instruction provide serious enthusiasts to train intensively and extensively in not only skills but also complete strategies and contingency options.

Phase 2 advanced exponents must complete 400 mandatory training hours prior to volunteering for phase 2 advanced testing.

Testing candidates must be willing, committed, confident and competent in wide ranging skill sets to counter or combat wide and diverse threat situations.

The post Covid-19 environment is somewhat different to the pre-Covid-19 environment and requires more small group specialist courses of instruction to be crammed into the already close to capacity training year.

Between Todd group HQ, Camp Todd and our exported courses to our hub country of Thailand and other countries, we run at capacity with courses, advance duties and courses conducting. 2025 will include exported courses to new countries as well as expanding our current annual training provision.

While European military close combat and military self-defence training attracts a specific type of exponent that wants to train the military way in military armed and unarmed combat and military self-defence under the instruction of a military master instructor, being the only training providers of our systems, demand often exceeds availability with small group courses.

We recruit, train, test and prove exponents one at a time and with the testing regime being as practical and realistic as it gets, it’s not for everyone and in fact is only for those that are true enthusiasts of military close combat and military self-defence that are up for the challenges.

We develop the tactics and skills, write the manuals, design the mil CQC specific training equipment and resources for our rank-and-file to benefit from and they get their training from the HQ source.

This is what serious exponents, proponents and instructors seek and thrive on.

The lads on this latest phase 2 advanced course trained diligently all week all striving for self-improvement.

While CQC tradecraft training is about hard heavy and hostile threat neutralisation, attention to detail at an enabling level is very important.

Training at Todd Group HQ with all our CQC tradecraft custom in-house designed training equipment and facilities is advantageous for our CQC training, especially in the achievement of competency and proficiency as quickly as is individually possible.

From armed and unarmed ground combat to battlefield takedowns and enemy incapacitation by strangulation and choking as well as defensive tactics, control and restraint and other advanced trade craft skill sets, the attending exponents week was non-stop with training, practising and doing one’s utmost to achieve high level competency.

This was one of our non-residential courses with our residential courses being conducted at our own camp close to the Dunedin airport.

There are no half measures when it comes to the conducting, equipping and delivery of our specialist courses of instruction and it is our own peeps that are our major focus.

The only way exponents can progress and volunteer for testing under the mandatory training hours is for them to attend intensive courses and HQ or depots training.

To prepare exponents up to the required candidates standards for volunteering for testing high repetition training and practicing is a must. This is best achieved on intensive courses of instruction where everything is conducive with achieving competency from the environment to the equipment and the high level instruction and methods of accelerating advancement geared towards phase testing passing. Phase 2 advanced testing is considerably more demanding than phase 1 basic testing and requires a full understanding and usage of the Brain to Boot mental toughness enhancement tactics and skills that include controlled output practices to maintain and extend the required physicality capacities to surpass the required levels of commitment and competency.

Even though threat neutralisation is achieved by best of battle proven foul means and methods that require considerably less physicality output than by take on fighting techniques, testing demands a hard heavy and hostile willing and preparedness to deal with contact, impact, intensity and endurance realities. Those that have embraced and fully utilised the Brain to Boot mental toughness enhancement tactics and skills have completed the four hours plus of grueling testing with reserves in their tanks.

We are working towards the phase 3 specialist mil armed and unarmed combat final exported course to our hub country Thailand and this not only includes proponent training but also military elite instructing for attendees. Upcoming courses

Article written by Todd Group

The Todd Group, established by the late Harry Baldock, have been providing CQC, CQB, unarmed combat, defensive tactics, and self protection training since 1927.

They are instructors and consultants to military, police, close protection, corrections, security, and civilians.

The Todd Group has over 35 training depots nationally and internationally.