Phase 1 Basic Testing Realities and Requirements

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Phase 1 Basic CQC drill skills to command to learn skills by title and execution important for testing

The most important consideration for volunteering to undertake phase 1 basic testing is being honest with yourself as to if you are ready or not for testing.

You must know when you make major and minor skills execution errors including not understanding drills commands, CQC terminology and you must know when you have not achieved objectives.

You must have completed a minimum of 100 training hours of scheduled phase 1 basic training with in the 18 months immediately prior to volunteering for testing or have completed a week long intensive course of instruction immediately before volunteering for testing.

Never volunteer for testing for any other reasons that you know you are ready able and willing to test and have high chances of passing.

Individual candidates must be practical realists and able to determine if they can surpass the required testing levels in relation to confidence and competency.

You must have trained and practiced until you can perform your skills without error.

You must be able to surpass requirements in training every time you train and never allow anything to affect or interfere with your performance.

There should not be any difference in interpretation execution or requirements between training and testing and candidates must be able to conduct themselves under controlled aggression levels commensurate to the testing threat level and objectives achievement requirements equally in training and testing.

There are methods and means of skills employments for training and testing that are trade-craft safety variations of actions on threat neutralisation skills employments.

These variations do not change the specific skills other than being safety variations specifically for training and testing.

Weaknesses in threat assessment and threat neutralisation decision-making or the employment of tested skills must be eliminated prior to volunteering for testing.

Everything must be deliberate definite controlled and trade-craft safe.

Volunteering for testing when you know you are not fully prepared ready and willing is unwise and increases your chances of failing to achieve objectives and as a result being removed from the testing phase.

An exponent that believes they are performing at a high level of competency when they are not is only going to fail to achieve testing requirements and levels.

Anyone that cannot identify in training their errors in relation to being unable to make primary threat neutralisation decisions and employ them with confidence and competence, will have a real reality check if they volunteer to undertake testing.

Exponents and candidates that do not listen to instructor’s advice or critiquing will find out the hard heavy and hostile way just how good they are under testing.

It is not only correct skills selection initiation and execution but also your level of mental toughness commitment to objective achievement and being able to accept the physicality of CQC testing.

Undertaking self- assessments of your competency and commitment levels combined with listening to your instructor’s advice is most important to confirm you are in fact at a fitting level to undertake testing or are not ready.

Your instructor’s advice and critiquing must be taken on board and you must address any weaknesses and shortcomings to have your best chance at passing phase 1 basic testing.

Those that pay lip service without taking on-board their instructors instructions and advice are not best preparing themselves for testing and are not conducting themselves as a serious CQC exponent and candidates is expected to.

Range correction training by tethering to ensure the skills employment ranges are correct

Your instructor will critique your faults and will make adjustments to your skills executions as well as introducing you to CQC trade-craft means and methods that promote correct skills employments.

Occasionally an exponent will have an impression of themselves that is far from factual and unfortunately some simply will not listen to their instructor’s advice and will end up failing under testing. That is if they are permitted to test because of being a danger to themselves or others through a lack of competency.

Quiet confidence commitment to objective achievement and an uncompromising mentally tough attitude combined with high level skills competency and proficiency are a must.

Practice your skills until you cannot get them wrong and you can execute them with committed fluid action and controlled aggression.

Undertake factual threat assessments and make tactics and skills selection that provide the quickest safest and most correct tradecraft means of specific faced threat neutralisation.

This requires utilisation of your brain to boot mental toughness tactics and skills combined with your decided physical CQC/MSD threat neutralisation skills to ensure you conduct yourself with quiet committed confidence and high level capability.

You must be able to maintain a controlled ready and alert status at all times to best achieve under testing.

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The hand book of our mil CQC and MSD mental toughness strategies, Brain to Boot

Mental toughness is most important to ensure you are focused on positive self- hard targeting and constant vigilance to identify changes in threat or threat situation.

Utilising pre-actions on brain to boot mental toughness tactics and skills can eliminate the likelihood of developing self-doubt or anticipation of threat risk and danger over factual situational assessment and correct CQC tradecraft threat recognition and best means threat neutralisation.

Skills must be practiced under controlled aggressive fluid action without hesitation stalling or indecision.

Even if testing errors are made the candidate must not stop and must continue with their commitment to achieving their objective.

Stopping will result in a zero rating for that objective achievement.

Learning CQC/MSD skills in training requires both hard boots and soft boots means and methods of perfecting skills and developing controlled threat neutralisation capabilities.

Being proficient in fast mapping assessment on the move in relation to deciding on contingency options and employing them while maintaining momentum is essential if primary skills initial employments do not achieve the objective.

You must be proficient in your skills executions complete employment strategies including set up initiation execution continuation and all fast mapping decided contingency options employments before testing.

You must be able to constantly assess decide on any required changes make any required adjustments and execute skills maintaining fluid action momentum. You must be able to employ hard targeting/hard cover guarding under assault to reduce the effects of close quarters contact and enable the set up and execution of contingency threat neutralisation options.

To do this you need to be a practical realist quietly confident in your capabilities to achieve threat neutralisation and with skills that are well honed and that will provide you with a quick simple safe capability to achieve the objectives of threat neutralisation under testing.

You need to have high level competency and confidence in all aspects of phase 1 basic testing requirements to surpass the required Phase 1 Basic candidate levels of capability.

You must not allow those four little letters that spell TEST to affect or interfere with your mental toughness inner resolve and physical skills competency.

You must be able to overcome the effects of situational stresses produced by the nature of CQC testing and remind yourself that it is no different from CQC training and the outcomes are achieved by the same methods in training as in testing.

You must never mimic your enemy per’s actions all as to do so is a sign of a lack of confidence and a belief that the enemy per’s methods are superior to yours.

That being said, it is vital that you assess every enemy per and threat situation and make threat neutralisation decisions based on matters of fact in relation to the enemy per/threat situation and the best safest simplest and quickest means of achieving the objectives of threat neutralisation.

You must never allow observers instructors or assessors to interfere with your mind-set and capabilities of objectives achievement.

Never allow anything to weakening your resolve and employ your brain to boot tactics and skills immediately a threat is identified and until the objective is achieved.

You must always maintain a controlled combative demeanor and attitude fully geared towards primary means safe and effective threat neutralisation under the requirements and conditions of testing objective achievement.

If you have been instructed/ordered to conduct yourself in a specific manner and achieve objectives by a specific means then you must do so as this shows strength of mind and confidence and competency in your skills and capabilities.

You must never deliberately or accidentally put a fellow candidate / enemy per/ exponent/ proponent or instructor at risk of injury.

Correct range skill commitment testing safety practices combined with controlled aggression, self-confidence and real time awareness is a must.

Injuries can occur through a lack of control or the execution of skills from an incorrect range position or an off balanced status.

Other injuries reasoning include a lack of accuracy or not executing skills inside force levels or conditions of objective achievement.

Anyone that deliberately attempts to or does cause injury to another candidate or testing enemy per for no other reasoning than wanting to injure them will face the consequences of their actions beginning with being removed from the testing phase.

There is no place for such individuals in CQC training/testing and they will be binned and made persona non-grata.

You must be able to turn on and turn off or turn up and turn down your expedient action momentum and velocity in skills employments.

You must be accurate with your levels and points of contact and you must conduct yourself within the requirements means methods and conditions of testing in skills commitment controlled aggression and objective achievement.

Spatial awareness at all times is essential for safety and effective objective achievement.

If you execute the skills correctly with safety controlled aggression and controlled momentum at your highest capability level your chances of fast threat neutralisation will be raised.

Under training in phase test preparation leading up to your testing all skills errors and any weaknesses must have been addressed and eliminated or at minimum reduced to the lowest level possible to ensure they would not adversely affect your chances of objective achievement.

You need to advise your instructors of any adverse reactions/responses you have in training or have identified under any previous real-life threats actions on.

Effects of fear and stress must be addressed before undertaking phase 1 basic testing.

You must remember that CQC fitness and physicality is different from running physical fitness and as such you must switch on your CQC brain to boot tactics and skills components as soon as the threat is identified.

One of the most important attributes is controlled cycled low intensity respiration from the outset until threat neutralisation has been achieved. This can determine the difference between success and failure under testing regimes or life-and-death in military close quarters actions on.

Turning your senses on maintaining situational and spatial awareness, undertaking any required adjustments to make yourself a hard target and stay as safe ready and prepared as humanly possible are all positives that require constant usage under threat and under testing to prevent slipping into self-doubt or helplessness, including succumbing to the adverse effects of fear in the face of violent threat.

Never conduct yourself by means of ESC extrasensory cheating through a belief that you know what your enemy per is going to do and as such are unwisely and blindly executing actions other than by factual assessment and direct action targeting.

For example when executing an unarmed offensive assault stamp kick instead of aiming for the enemy per’s closest leg, you aim for the position you believe they will evade to.

Such practices defy tradecraft common sense in relation to factual assessment and decision-making and can increase risks and dangers not only in training but certainly in real life actions on self- defence and close quarters combat.

You must make yourself a hard target at all times and maintain an affinity with the ground to ensure expedient action or hard boot stability is maintained and you are always ready for any actions on.

Under testing deal with only the immediate aspect of testing and never think head to what may be coming next, as this is outside your control and what is expected under testing is dealing with the immediate threat/task.

Foolishly the occasional candidate tries to get details of previous phase tests and work out how to cheat the testing regime only to find out they have been given false information or the current testing phase is set up and conducted at a different testing location and the testing environment is completely different.

Eliminate any guessing anticipation or thought perception and go tactical employing factual assessment in primary decision-making and controlled aggressive objective achievement.

Understand the requirements of the different parts of the testing phase and be well prepared and ready to achieve the required objectives of every specific section of the testing phase.

Your drills/skills to command should be well versed and you must be able to wait until you have taken in the drill command evaluated and decided on the correct skill to be demonstrated and on the command move executed it with committed precision.

CQC/MSD 2018

CQC drill skills to command a most important learning training and practicing requirement

Do not use ESP or go on autopilot as this will inevitably end in execution errors.

The old ESP decision making will be blatantly evident when all other candidates execute the skill in the opposite direction or a completely different skill to you.

Your level of commitment momentum and contact must not be less or more than is expected for testing and going easy or taking it easy on a less physical candidate could see both of you fail and be removed from testing.

Likewise preventing objective achievement by resistance in the belief that your enemy party will not go harder is not only risk increasing but is an identifier to instructors assessing testing that the offending candidate does not possess the smarts to achieve the objectives under the testing regime requirements. Such lazy careless or deliberate practices defy testing safety conditions and prove only that the candidate is not ready for testing and must be removed from the testing phase.

The toughener and sickener phases of testing are there to ensure the candidate is up for the physicality in relation to hard targeting/hard cover guarding and mental toughness required against formidable foes as part of weathering the onslaught/assault and setting up executing and achieving the objectives of threat neutralisation.

Combat milling

Standing ready for CQC milling on a Phase 1 Basic test

The brain to boot mental toughness tactics and skills need to be included in regards to threat and situational awareness, self- protection risk reduction and minimising the effects of actions on contact as well as maximising threat neutralisation. Your brain to boot mental toughness components combined with your primary threat neutralisation skills should be utilised in unison to ensure your personal safety is maintained and that you achieve the required objectives in a confident controlled committed and safe manner.

There should be no time for self-doubt or weakening of resolve under threat if the candidate is employing all their mental toughness tactics and skills as well as all their CQC tactics and skills to set and maintain a primary state of combatant ready and preparedness.

The self- defence modules testing should be simply a matter of threat recognition and threat neutralisation decision-making with the threat neutralisation being executed with precision and controlled aggression objective achievement.

You should have practised your hold prevention, grabs and holds escapes, short and long edged and bludgeon weapon disarming under incoming assault and at weapon point shaft under ambush threats in training until you can decide on the primary option and execute it without error.

Seizure prevention and seizure escape under Phase 1 Basic testing

Ambush Phase short edged training weapon disarming

CQC/MSD 2018

Long bludgeon weapon disarming under Phase 1 Basic testing

Sharp edged armed assault weapon disarming under testing

CQC testing objective achievement

Regardless of the threat category or threat specifics you must be able to assess decide and execute the best means of specific threat neutralisation as previously instructed.

You must be able to do this from the correct range utilising the tradecraft safety testing practice objective achievement requirements and all under controlled aggression.

You must never put your fellow candidates or enemy per’s under testing at risk of injury through your deliberate or accidental actions.

Under testing you must be ready willing and able to achieve the objectives with accuracy safety and by means of controlled aggressive actions.

Maintaining your senses at high alert in the achievement of objectives will enable you to avoid unnecessary accidents and injuries to yourself or your enemy per’s by being in total control and able to assess and identify potential risky actions and not undertake them.

You are responsible for your own actions as well as the safety of fellow candidates and enemy per’s even when they execute errors that put them-selves at risk.

You must know when to safely execute skills and when not to, as well as being able to change in your means of objective achievement not only for contingency skills employments but also to prevent putting your fellow candidates or enemy per’s at risk of injury.

In the CQC combative phase you must be able to make immediate objective achievement assessments and decisions and execute them with controlled aggressive accuracy and safety.

The intention is to achieve threat neutralisation in 1 to 3 seconds by means of phase testing combative threat neutralisation putdowns and demonstrated safety ground neutralisation.

You should be committed through your target with your putdowns and either achieve your objective or your enemy per through evasion or other counter action options will put you down and demonstrate safe ground threat neutralisation.

In any situation where contingency options need to be employed post primary options executions, the objective of threat neutralisation becomes more difficult and less guaranteed.

The stresses of testing threat neutralisation just like the stresses and fears of battlefield and urban violence threat neutralisation can weaken resolve and for every additional second required for contingency or continuation skills employments, the candidates/combatants physical capabilities are affected and mental toughness can be weakened .

Under CQC combative actions on testing objective achievement by unarmed offensive assault or unarmed counter offensive assault options must be decided by factual assessment and definite decision-making and achieved by deliberate immediate actions on threat neutralisation.

Your decided option tactics and skills must be definite and deliberate and include effective means and methods of making range that include also a contingency option if your enemy per attacks you under your stalking into range prior to your skill employment.

You must maintain a ground affinity will all senses at high alert, being aware of your situation and surroundings including immediate space.

You must incorporate your brain to boot mental toughness components and physical skills with your setup and execution of your CQC/MSD physical skills threat neutralisation employment.

You must maintain spatial awareness to maximise yours and your enemy per’s safety in the execution of your testing phase threat neutralisation objective acheivement.

Be aware of environmental risks and hazards such as protrusions other candidates/enemy per’s windows steps or stairs anything that could cause injury and avoid them and avoid causing your enemy per coming into contact with them.

You must continue to fast map assess on the move to identify changes in threat or situation and initiate required adjustments or changes in threat neutralisation options that provide the best means of safe objective achievement.

You must be accurate in contact placement and levels of contact impact as well as fully understanding safety tradecraft practices in the execution of putdown/leverage.

As a candidate or enemy per under putdown leverage you must not deliberately resist as this will increase the risk of injury through ligament damage and hinder objective achievement.

Use the deliberate distractions deceptions and set up dirty tricks you have been taught that interfere with your enemy per’s visual and mental focus and as such increase your chances of quick safe threat neutralisation.

In an actions on testing compromised situation employ hard cover guard self- protection at all times to best protect yourself and reduce risk of injury if you cannot clear the CQC kill zone and counter engage.

Under BHE’s battle handling exercises when ordered from position to position ensure your movements are alert and aware but not paranoid and on the recognition and identification of a specific threat, you must decide on the best means of threat neutralisation based on your phase of training and testing and execute it with accuracy quickly and quietly.

Phase 1 testing ambush weapon disarming

Immediately post threat neutralisation, you must turn down any increased levels of agitation/excitement effects of hormonal dumping and return to a controlled calculated ready status to identify the next threat. Never walk around in an unarmed combat stance and guard between threats under BHE’s, just move and conduct yourself in a neutral ready and aware but not over responsive status.

Every identified threat undertake factual assessment and decision-making on the best means of threat neutralisation and objective achievement in relation to the skills you have been taught to neutralise the specific threat.

I reiterate no ESP no ESC no threat imagining or thought perception. Just move carefully being aware of your environment and potential areas where enemy per’s could be taking cover or concealment and maintain responsive distances that will provide time and distance for threat identification decision-making and safe and effective threat neutralisation under testing. Identifying likely enemy per hiding places and by using distance angle and barriers you will make it more difficult for your enemy per to achieve their objective and give yourself more time and distance to effectively decide on best means and neutralise the threat. Employ threat recognition and identification assessment make your decision and employ it combined with your brain to boot mental toughness tactics and skills to increase your chances of effective safe under testing conditions threat neutralisation.

Remember in training and testing conduct yourself in the required training or testing CQC manner, and always remember it is training and testing and not battlefield or urban real life actions on.

Operate under your testing means and methods of objective achievement and always inside testing safety practices.

Do not lose focus or be distracted by observer’s instructors or assessors, but always be aware of orders and instructions and obey them immediately as they may be for yours or your enemy per’s immediate safety to prevent injury. When you are fatigued and under the effects of testing hormonal dumping, you must be able to employ your brain to boot control mechanisms to maintain the required degree of controlled aggression to ensure you remain alert aware and can identify threats risks dangers and potential safety considerations as well as continuing to go combative if required.

You will be required to undergo further CQC drills skills to command after the BHEs testing and as such will need to be able to maintain high level awareness which will require you to turn down your controlled aggression levels, use all your senses and not predetermined drills command’s before they have been given and only execute them on the command move.

Phase 1 Basic testing final skills to command

You need to fully understand the Phase testing assessment process and ratings.

It is important that you are being tested assessed and rated on your individual skills assessment decision making and skills employments and not just on defeating your enemy per/candidates.

If you are committed skillful and conduct yourself under the required levels of controlled phase 1 testing aggression you will achieve the objectives.

If you utilise phase 1 basic CQC/MSD tested skills with all the required components and at the required levels regardless of if you are the victor or not, you can achieve the required pass rates.

The complete skills employments are assessed from start to finish and everything in between to ensure candidates know and employ their primary practices.

Just because you did not defeat your fellow candidate or enemy per does not equate to failure if you done everything correctly but your enemy per was better or got in first.

Everyone can be defeated but not everyone can achieve objectives according to requirements. This being the case means outcomes will be evaluated not only on who is the victor but also on candidates confidence commitment skills competency and them doing their very best to achieve the testing objectives combined with their level of momentum and self- protection hard guarding to reduce risk.

If you failed to achieve objectives on a testing phase and are removed, conduct yourself with acceptance of the reasoning why and use it to motivate and fuel your preparation and participation in a future phase 1 basic test. Do not make excuses for failing other than you did not achieve the objectives.

If you passed phase 1 testing, you can be internally happy with your achievement but do not conduct yourself in an over excited uncontrolled manner.

Finally read in your brain to boot manual on the simple exercises for coming down and cooling off after being involved in testing operations or real life actions on encounters and utilise it to keep you safe and out of trouble.

The reasoning is simple as when you have been conducting yourself in the face of danger under adversity and the extremes of close quarter’s actions on, the effects can be long-lasting including the effects of hormonal dumping.

Put in the wrong environment and wrong company including in a social environment with unknowns and you are putting yourself at risk of triggers causing your overreaction or being targeted by some bully thinking you are an easy target because of your distant withdrawn look and demeanor.

In a coming down and agitated state your responses may be extreme and the outcomes of your actions could be costly or you may be withdrawn and not alert or responsive to threats around you and as such vulnerable to increased risks and dangers.

Make sure you understand such effects and keep yourself safe after intensive training testing or any real life actions on.

Utilise your coming down and calling off tactics as per the brain to boot and stay home in the company of friends and family that are well aware of what you have just achieved or been through.

Article written by Tank Todd

Special Operations CQB Master Chief Instructor. Over 30 years experience. The only instructor qualified descendent of Baldock, Nelson, and Applegate. Former instructors include Harry Baldock (unarmed combat instructor NZ Army WWII), Colonel Rex Applegate OSS WWII and Charles Nelson, US Marine Corps. Tank has passed his Special Forces combative instructor qualification course in Southeast Asia and is certified to instruct the Applegate, Baldock and Nelson systems. His school has been operating for over eighty years and he is currently an Army Special Operations Group CQB Master Chief Instructor. His lineage and qualifications from the evolutionary pioneers are equalled by no other military close combat instructor. His operation includes his New Zealand headquarters, and 30 depots worldwide as well as contracts to train the military elite, security forces, and close protection specialists. Annually he trains thousands of exponents and serious operators that travel down-under to learn from the direct descendant of the experts and pioneers of military close combat. Following in the footsteps of his former seniors, he has developed weapons, and training equipment exclusive to close combat and tactical applications. He has published military manuals and several civilian manuals and produced DVDs on urban self protection, tactical control and restraint, and close combat. He has racked up an impressive 100,000+ hours in close combat.