On The Quest

Dave Stevens

I have been the Chief Instructor for the Todd Group in Australia for approximately 10 years now and I still can’t believe it took me so long to find out about what real combat training was like.

Lets back track for a while. I was the normal kid growing up I enjoyed playing contact sport like Rugby League and Rugby Union and the outdoors; camping, hunting and motor bike riding. I was lucky that I had a very supportive family that encouraged me to try new things and not to be settle for anything second best.

I first started Martial Arts training when I was twelve years old, in Tae Kwon Do. I soon found that this type of training didn’t suit my build, so I looked around for a while until I found judo. I trained in this for about a year or so. I thoroughly enjoyed this type of training but it all came to an end when the police officer that was running the club got transferred and the club closed. I still had a hunger to learn more about self-defence so the next step was to train at the local boxing gym. I loved it, the physical fitness and the confidence that it gave me was great and the respect for others that it instilled has benefited me my entire life.

As I grew up I continued playing football making representative teams and travelling around the countryside playing and meeting all type of people. As the years progressed I continued training in boxing and because of this I was approached by some of the local bouncers to see if I was interested in coming to work with them at the local venues. Little known to me this would be the start of a 14 years doorman’s career. I felt well suited to this type of work but the only thing that was missing was the ability to control violent offenders without punching the crap out of them. I started looking for control & restraint instructors. I was lucky that a friend of mine new about this Kiwi guy who occasionally ran doormen courses in Sydney. I enquired about the next course and enrolled. Little did I know that this would be the start of my education in real world combatives.

The instructor was Geoff ‘Tank’ Todd. Geoff is an easy to get a long with guy. His instructing ability and the ability to adapt techniques to individuals needs are what really hooked me on this type of training. I continued doing these Doormen’s course for about 4 years before I headed to New Zealand to undertake the first annual International Close Combat Course and I then sat my First Phase Test.

Dave watches on during his Phase One testing. Todd Group HQ, 1996

Dave watches on during his Phase One testing.

Dave in line during his Phase One testing. Todd Group HQ, 1996

Dave in line during his Phase One testing.

Group photo at the end of International Close Quarter Combat Course, Dunedin, New Zealand. March 1996

Group photo at the end of International Close Quarter Combat Course, Dunedin, New Zealand. March 1996.

I was successful in passing and under the direct supervision of Tank under went intensive instructor development training. I then came back to Australia and opened up my own depot of the Todd Group. I started teaching the local doorman Geoff’s system and boy did it have an effect on our work. The teamwork increased, we were easily able to take people out with C&R techniques. The publican’s loved us – no more complaints from the patrons or police. I continued training the guys and later that year I invited Geoff over to conduct the first phase test held in Australia. I had three guys who were game / ready for the testing.

After the testing Tank was very pleased with the outcome and happy that I was able to produce exponents of such a high quality and maturity.

Tank, Christiaan, Pete, Brian, and Dave after Phase One testing organised by Dave

Tank, Christiaan, Pete, Brian, and Dave after Phase One testing organised by Dave. NSW.

I decided to venture out and expose Tank’s system to more of Australia so I advertised in various martial arts magazines and organised training seminars and courses to promote the system. This continued on for a number of years with exponents coming from military, law enforcement, APS, AFP, security guards, martial artists and the general public – all with the one thing in common, to experience realistic and effective training.

Close Protection Course - Dave exits from the vehicle during training exercise

Close Protection Course – Dave exits from the vehicle during training exercise

Dave Stevens receiving certificate at end of Close Protection course

Dave Stevens receiving certificate at end of Close Protection course

Close Protection Course group photo. Dave Stevens is 1st person from the right in the second row from the front

Close Protection Course group photo. Dave Stevens is 1st person from the right in the second row from the front.

I continued on with my own development and attended more private and annual training under the supervision of Tank. Completing CPP training with Tank and Sergeant Major Lawrence Jordan (retired, formerly US Army Special Forces Hand to Hand Combat Master Instructor) in 1997 and Passing my Second Phase Testing in 1998, then being promoted to Third Phase.

Dave (phase armed ambush) while Larry Jordan demonstrates correct procedures during an Australian Close Combat course. Sydney, Australia

Dave (phase armed ambush) while Larry Jordan demonstrates correct procedures during an Australian Close Combat course. Sydney, Australia.

Larry Jordan demonstrating disarming technique on Dave Stevens

Larry Jordan demonstrating disarming technique on Dave Stevens. Sydney, Australia.

I was the first Australian to reach this level of training in the Todd Close Combat Systems so this is a great accomplishment and honour. After accomplishing this honour and training under Tank for seven years I was promoted to the Chief Instructor Status for Australia by Tank Todd and this continues to this day.

After over a decade of working the door I decided to change careers – well sort of. I wont specifically identify the career but lets say it has enabled me to experience operational exposures that most people will never come close to experiencing. During this career I have had the opportunity to utilise the advanced skills that Tank has taught me and develop a better operational understanding of close combat. With this new career I have had the opportunity to cross train with a lot of external agencies and get a better understanding of their needs and expectations. Whilst training with these agencies I have demonstrated and taught them operational techniques to better suit their current operational needs. All of this has been draw from the Todd Systems doctrine.

Dave watches on during Phase One testing during Australian Close Quarter Combat Course he helped organise. Sydney, Australia

Dave watches on during Phase One testing during Australian Close Quarter Combat Course he helped organise. Sydney, Australia.

Group photo from Australian Close Quarter Combat course. Sydney, Australia

Group photo from Australian Close Quarter Combat course. Sydney, Australia.

I currently reside in the Hunter Valley in New South Wales but I regularly travel down to Sydney once or twice a month to undertake training with my developing exponents. I also conduct regular C&R training for security guards wanting to gain skills that are applicable to their line of work. I usually conduct private training one-on-one but there are exceptions to this rule, which can be negotiated prior to training.

The Todd Group has continued to grow from strength to strength. This year we will be conducting a week long training course on the Gold Coast from the 1st to the 5th of August 2005 with the interest that has already been shown the outlook for the Todd systems in Australia looks bright.

For those Australians that might read this article if you wish to contact me regarding training I can be contacted on the following Mobile 0412154927 or my email address is located on the Todd Groups Web site.

I will leave you with this thought: The Todd Close Combat System does not limit itself just to the unarmed side of training. There is more to learn, so take the plunge and get out of your comfort zones.

Dave Stevens

Chief Instructor, Australia

Todd Group

Article written by Dave Stevens

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