October 2021 Specialist Close Protection Course Camp Todd/Todd Group HQ

CPP course of 1997 Participant and Phase 3 Specialist proponent Aaron Dale and Tank on the 2021 CPP course maritime exercise

The Todd Group CPP School has the longest history as a private specialist close personal protection training provider in NZ CPO training provision.

We have trained CPO’s to royalty, countries leaders, diplomatic protection and major corporates protectors dating back to our founder and former leading instructors that provided close protection to officers and dignitaries during WW11.

Our NZ training provision is unequalled and we have a pedigree in our trade-crafts of no other training providers and this is what attracts exponents on our specialist courses of instruction.

To the true professional in close protection the best training is a must to ensure they are armed with the most current best possible capabilities to provide the best protection for their protectees they possibly can.

The same applies to our CQC training provision as less than the best can be fatal in a life or death actions on.

Only a fool settles for less than the best of proven threat neutralisation capabilities under the potential for kill or die mil close combat actions on and the same applies to close protection of a protectee.

Under the difficult times for courses conducting of Covid-19 restrictions with the need to change the close protection course from an international dual country course to a NZ based course, we managed to complete this specialist course of instruction.

While specialist close personal protection courses do not include the combative physicality and hard contact of our CQC courses training or the realities that come with testing phases, close protection courses do come with stress factors of their own.

Successful exponents need to possess hard smarts to endure the long hours of training, practicing and partaking in training exercises.

Hard smarts enable individual exponents to make smart decisions under time restraints and situational pressure based on facts of the matter without confusion or over complicating requirements.

Extensive advance work and the need to be able to compile all-encompassing operation orders can strain some individual’s capabilities to perform under pressure to the maximum.

They need to understand protectee proximity to ensure they can provide high level protection while maintaining a low/discreet profile.

These courses include all our tradecraft specialist skill sets requirements of a current close protection specialist.

It can be a pressure cooker for those that can’t handle CPO demands or lack in practical capabilities to make correct decisions and take correct actions to achieve objectives.

Top operators need practical smarts and a tactical mindset to be able to provide best protectee protection.

Exponents need to be able to conduct themselves in a selfless manner as an individual and as part of the close working protective detail.

There is no place for selfishness or thinking of one’s needs or wants over the achievement of objectives and maintaining of the highest level of protective safety and security of the protectee as a tight uncompromising team.

The course included tactics and skills requirements for land air sea and rail operations.

Post maritime training exercise

Air exercise

CQB armed close protection related close combat and CQC unarmed close quarters combat related close protection skills along with defensive tactics hand over skills were part of the close protection specific close combat that the Todd Group specialises in and is part of all our Specialist close personal protection courses of instruction.

Todd Group HQ actions on CPO drills training

Exponents underwent lectures and practical training in all the tradecraft skill sets and then put their new learnt skill sets to the test under practical training exercises.

This was two long hard weeks of days and nights on course for exponents subjecting them to extremes of fatigue and stress factors.

Every weakness and inadequacy is blatantly apparent on such specialist courses of instruction.

The two “FUGs” Female Unarmed Combat Guns from HQ that attended the course excelled in every aspect of the course from their meticulous preparation of operation orders through to CQB/CQC CPO training and in their driving capabilities.

CPO driving including vehicle transfers

The courses include wide ranging driving skills that include 4WD, convoy and evasive and aggressive driving.

From 2022 the Todd Group CPP training provision will be changing from a public application course to a Todd Group members only course.

The only exception to the rule will be contract training provision and services personnel and allied referral attendees.

Vetting and doing our utmost to ensure only those that fit course joining requirements are accepted is very important to our setting and maintaining of the high standards of not only training but also exponents that are accepted for course joining.

All civi close personal protection applicants from next year must be Todd Group CQC/CQB training exponents, proponents or instructors. This is to ensure accepted attendees are fit and proper for the specialist training they are applying to undertake.

We need to know that accepted applicants are capable of conducting themselves in a mature responsible proper manner.

Them having to be HQ training members or depot/country members that have previously completed a minimum of a weeklong extensive CQC course will assist with ensuring applicants are suitable.

The Todd Group is fortunate to have global members including international depot instructors and training exponents that make conducting of in-house close personal protection specialist courses of instruction possible.

These courses are small group specialist courses and the course fees for our members are considerably reduced and at most reasonable rates for specialist close protection training courses.

Being accepted to attend such courses is a privilege not a given right that will begin with Todd Group membership and mandatory participation.

Making it a mandatory requirement for CPP courses acceptance that applicants have to have proven themselves on CQC courses will be advantageous with not only course joining selection but also eliminating those that are not suitable and can be disruptive.

The interest in available positions exceeds available courses positions and as such members must have priority as the CPP package completion is required for Phase 3 Specialist qualification.

All phases of training can have the CPP course signed off as completed at any time regardless of rank as it is a generic skill set that is required for protective security roles.

The CPP course completion will apply when they achieve phase 3 training status.

The same applies to defensive tactics/C&R training that are role and duty relevant in law-enforcement and security fields.

The seven year plan from 2021 through to our 100th anniversary celebrations in 2027 has a major focus on Todd Group members training provision and training packages development along with projects completion including design innovations and considerably less time allocation on contract work and external training provision.

Another specialist course done and dusted and we move onto our upcoming Kapiti phase 1 and 2 weekend training followed by the final HQ member’s courses for 2021.

2022 courses www.toddgroup.com Close Combat on-line magazine www.cqctimes.com

Article written by Todd Group

The Todd Group, established by the late Harry Baldock, have been providing CQC, CQB, unarmed combat, defensive tactics, and self protection training since 1927.

They are instructors and consultants to military, police, close protection, corrections, security, and civilians.

The Todd Group has over 35 training depots nationally and internationally.