Military Mental Toughness for Sport and Combat Sports

Rocky Marciano

It takes mental toughness to endure the effects of heavy contact and fight back.

The Todd Group in our 90th year have a long history as military CQC (close quarters combat) tactics and skills developers and training providers.

Our training provision includes to the military elite and specialist police squads.

The Todd Group systems are based on European military tactics and skills and our mental toughness package has complete commonality with our CQC skills packages.

Brain to Boot Mental Toughness

Cover Brain to Boot Manual.

Military CQC differs considerably from combat sports and traditional martial arts practices in the sense that the aim is to neutralise the enemy by battle proven dirty or deadly armed and unarmed combat means.

proven skills

Only the most proven skills are employed to neutralise the threat.

Covertly neutralising one’s enemy or when compromised having the hardcover capabilities to enable the employment of dirty or deadly skills to neutralise the most formidable threats does not require the same type of physicality of competitive practices but it does require a ruthless commitment to objective achievement and high level intestinal fortitude.

covert armed capabilities

Covert armed capabilities remove the most formidable foes fight capabilities.

Military self- defence and military close quarters combat gives the underdog their best chance of threat neutralisation when up against a formidable foe even without primary weapons capabilities.

Lenny McLean

Big good Fighters against small fighters have big advantages.

Lenny McLean vs Roy Shaw

While primary proven deadly and dirty methods of taking the enemy out are the best means of military threat neutralisation we must train in capabilities to stop one’s foe by other means including emergency skills.

Having secondary alternative and emergency options is a must for specific threats and situations including when compromised or for rules of engagement or laws of self-defence requirements.

Confidence and mental toughness can be maintained in dire situations when the combatant has the capability to get the job done by the best means under the threat situation and in relation to threat specifics.

Reality clearly requires that combat sports are practised in gender and weight divisions for very good reasons.

On the battlefield or in urban warfare you cannot pick your enemy and your tactics and skills capabilities must give you the best combative chance to neutralise the most formidable adversary.

The Todd Group spent decades developing the Brain to Boot mental toughness and psychological enhancement package to provide combatants with a means of increasing their inner resolve and intestinal fortitude for close quarters combat.

The difference with the package to most on the subject is that it is written from a CQC Master Instructors perspective with more than two decades of instructing military elite.

The research and development took over 25 years on military elite CQB/CQC courses.

This package provides major and minor components that when employed with the combatant’s primary tactics and skills enhances their safety, CQC performance and increases their capabilities to neutralise their enemy.

The tactics of the Brain to Boot consist of major and minor psychological enhancement components that have commonality with human autonomic reactions and close combat primary practices.

The Triune Brain

The Triune Brain showing the more primitive less intelligent reptilian and mammalian brains and the more intelligent homo sapien brain.

They enable the combatant to set a state of readiness and preparedness to execute their decided combative skills maintaining mental toughness and combative skills execution competency throughout the skills employment.

Situational and self-preparation checks and re-checks part of setting and maintaining a positive ready status remove time for negative thinking. The execution of major and minor psychological enhancement components and conducting checks and re-checks combined with skills employment requirements remove time for the combatant to slip into self-doubt. The trained combatant must conduct themselves based on factual threat assessment and primary threat neutralisation decision making as part of their setting and maintaining a constant state of readiness and preparedness. This proactive setting and maintaining a heightened ready status removes time for the negative practises of threat perception over factual assessment and deliberate decision-making.

This removes time to slip into self-doubt by having tactical tasks to continuously undertake before any actions on encounter.

Unexpected actions-on

In an unexpected point blank body contact counter offensive actions on encounter the primary order of execution.

The Brain to Boot package covers the evolution physiology and psychological conditioning and enhancement mental toughness means and methods to set a state of CQC high intelligence capabilities in decision-making and decided options employment fully geared towards threat neutralisation objective achievement.

The manual is backed up by audio exercises where the user combines the major and minor mental toughness enhancement tactics with their decided CQC or self- defence skills.

Organised Chaos

Organised Chaos CQC exponents practicing Brain to Boot tactics and skills combined with their decided CQC unarmed offensive assault skills.

The Todd Group, formerly the Baldock Institute have been involved with physical culture and training combat sports persons for over 90 years.

The needs and requirements in relation to mental toughness for sports fighting, martial arts and combat sports differ considerably to military CQC enemy take out principles and practices.

However, when compromised in a military CQC actions on encounter when up against a formidable enemy knowing how to conduct oneself with commitment, while conserving and maintaining physical capabilities required to neutralise such an adversary provide some practical proven elements that certainly prove very beneficial to sporting performance enhancement.

Sports like rugby league and wrestling where players have to be running fit, tackling fit and be able to think on their feet enduring the realities of heavy hard contact in the tackles and be able to get up and go on requires both extreme physical fitness and high level mental toughness.

Wrestling Takedowns

Wrestling take downs.

Many of the military CQC components such as skills specific respiration are based on employing skills with ruthless aggression from close to point-blank bodily contact range to end an encounter in 3 seconds or less.

The CQC skill specific respiration is utilised to power the execution of every aspect of threat neutralisation skills employments from the moment of threat recognition, assessment and decision-making through to threat neutralisation skills selection , then making range and the execution of the threat neutralisation skills including employing contingency options if required until the threat has been neutralised.

This is considerably different from running sports where you simply have to be physically fit to be able to run for long periods and at times sprint at maximum capability.

Such play does not allow for deliberate cycled start and stop CQC respiration but requires a high level of physical fitness where through being in peak physical condition high performance physical continuous output capabilities are possible.

Brain to Boot military CQC tactics and skills including CQC respiration can transfer effectively to stop and start play or set plays in sport.

In contact sports like rugby league rugby union and gridiron and in all wrestling and grappling combat sports and stand up combat sports the Brain to Boot major and minor components will increase and enhance capability including aiding in increased and continued output.


The very tough and willing T-Man and physical fitness and strength coach Adrian Wood.

When a player is affected by effects of impact contact and related pain injuries and fatigue, they need to know how to overcome the effects of adversity take control of themselves and set state of mental toughness preparedness and readiness to do what needs to be done.

This is when they can utilise tactics and skills of military CQC mental toughness to retain regain and reset their commitment restoring their inner resolve and enhancing their intestinal fortitude required to achieve their objective.

Such athletes should understand the difference and difficulty between performing when they are at peak performance levels and when they are fatigued and feeling the pain of physical contact and exhaustion.

Instructing them on how to use mental toughness major and minor components to enhance confidence competency and performance to fit with the requirements of the different aspects of play in their specific sport is very important.

By understanding how to turn the switch on and off and dial it up and down to the required level to meet the specific play requirements will enable the player to conserve energy and maintain a state of vigilance and as such readiness but not expend unnecessary physical energy.

It will also provide positive proactive practices to be undertaken keeping their mind occupied with positive real time requirements reducing the likelihood of sliding into self-doubt and feeling helpless.

The Brain to Boot package provides the means to operate under expected and unexpected threat situations and the practices can be adjusted and utilised for combat sports, fighting arts and general sports.

Catching a high ball that is expected and responding to an unexpected tackle are such examples of situations where Brain to Boot expected and unexpected practices can be applied in sport.

The importance of utilising the intelligent parts of the brain over the primitive reactionary parts of the brain is very important in order to override under or over reactions and reactionary low intelligence level responses and utilise the best higher intelligence means of achieving the specific objective.

So while the running aspects of the game are heavily reliant on physical fitness achieved through physical training there are impact contact and the employment of individual specific skills that can certainly be assisted by the utilisation of the Brain to Boot military mental toughness and psychological enhancement practices.

Some of the components of mental toughness are physical tactics to assist with controlling and maintaining physical output levels as well as methods to increase stability including utilising economic positional changes and skills execution angles.

Being able to enhance capability including resistance and positive yielding to increase objective achievement levels will reduce the negatives of the effects of contact and fatigue.

These practices can also enhance safety by understanding when resistance is failing and if you do not yield you may sacrifice your safety and increase the likelihood of injury.

Often players perform on autopilot with little consideration of how they actually do what they do and when they are shown methods of physical and mental capabilities enhancement their performance and capabilities rise.

Injury reduction is also possible when intelligent deliberate methods are employed to increase safety as part of objective achievement.

Military close quarters combat physical skills that enable adjustment to reduce the risk of injury can be applied to sports such as in a tackle when resisting and being overwhelmed.

Simply by knowing how to reduce the risk of injury while maintaining the ball as part of self -decentralisation combined with quick recovery not only reduces or eliminates the risk of injury but ensures ball security and speed of recovery and play continuation is possible.

I have trained combat sports persons utilising custom developed mental toughness enhancement programs geared towards their code or style.

Such programs require interviewing and completing checklists in relation to the individuals physical and psychological make up.

This will identify strengths and weaknesses and tactics and skills can be custom developed to enhance their fighting chance.

Observing the individual in training and in competition will assist with the development of a custom program geared towards achieving their goals.

The program is set towards objective achievement and when preparing a fighter for an upcoming fight, the planning and preparation aspects of the program will commence months out.

Identified strengths need to be channelled and focused to ensure they can be maintained at primary levels exceeding the duration of the competition requirements.

Weaknesses need to be overcome or tactics put in place to ensure the fighter is able to overcome the effects of such weaknesses reducing the effects to the lowest level individually possible.

Methods of training to take their mind off individual weaknesses by introducing other aspects to the training that require a major focus on the introduced consideration can reduce the negative effects of the predetermined weakness simply by them focusing more on the introduced consideration requirements.

hard cover-guarding

Hard cover guarding and deflection utilising ball retention to change the exponents focus.

Enhancing their senses by removing some senses capabilities such as in blindfold or eyepatch training to enhance willingness capabilities to overcome the effects of reduced senses and when the eyepatch or blindfold is removed make them aware of the high level of capability they possess when able-bodied and ensure they fully utilise their senses.

Senses utilisation

Senses utilisation when the major sense is not available.

Likewise using mechanical restraints to remove an arm or arms from their capabilities requires them to make deliberate decisions to overcome the effects of their restricted status and utilise available capabilities. This can assist with individuals unnecessarily entering into a state of helplessness when injured.

mechanically restrained

Mechanically restrained and employing available CQC skills.

The importance in combat sports of knowing how to utilise fight respiration to empower and enhance every executed skill maintaining high level physical capabilities is the most important combined physical and mental practice.

Understanding the importance of powering skills executions with no more than three quarters physicality to enable the conserving of physical capabilities if required will ensure against a tough opponent in the later rounds performance can be maintained.

Quick recovery when fatigued is another important requirement in regaining and maintaining mental and physical capabilities.

The 6 Ps planning preparation practice to avoid pretty poor performance that needs to be dealt with when developing the pre-fight plan.

The planning will include everything from physical training through to mental toughness training diet rest and recovery familiarisation with attire and kit etc.

It will also look at the individual’s personal private lives to ensure it is not adversely affecting their training and ultimately their participation and performance.

As well as advance planning reverse planning is an important tool to ensure a competitor is familiar aware and prepared for the realities of winning and properly dealing with losing.

Reverse planning in relation to the individuals planning and preparation for the upcoming contest will make them live preparation every day.

Reverse planning from the outcome of the contest backwards to individual aspects of the contest makes the territory familiar and the required attitude and demeanour clearly understood.

Taking the reverse planning further back to their walkout to the ring cage or mat and back further to the changing room and their preparation in the changing room will not only set the standard for their physical and mental preparation requirements , but will ensure they know exactly what to do when to do it and how long to allow to ensure everything is taken care of before they leave the changing room.

The reverse planning takes them back to the day of the fight the night before the fight and the days and weeks before that when they are training and preparing.

T-Man Fight Prep

The T-Man preparing for an upcoming Fight.

Reverse planning includes what needs to be done from when you wake up to when you go to sleep and everything in between in relation to positive planning preparation and practice leading up to the end of the contest and even post contest when they are still under the effects of participation, including the physiological effects.

Teaching them how to quickly come down to a post contest relaxed state reducing the extremes of the activity and outcome is an important part of mental toughness practices and the planning aspects.

Blindfolded drills training to instruction and command where the fighter goes through the execution of their attack and counter attack skills including primary skills as well as secondary and emergency skills to deal with all possibilities will prepare them mentally and by deliberate decision enhanced by muscle memory for the execution of the same skills they will need and use in competition.

Situation awareness in the ring cage or on the mat is included in this blindfolded drills training.

Lanes where the individual must stay in restricted pathways by being aware of their space and boundaries such as low level walls will increase their capability to conduct themselves in an economical footprint.

This will reduce the likelihood of them getting driven out in competition.

Making the CQC or sporting lances change in angle and direction will increase situational awareness and make holding or changing position and direction less problematic through familiarity achieved confidence and competence.

Every fight is different in relation to the fighter’s preparation including their final entry to the arena and this must be factored into their individual planning and preparation.

Some individuals prior to going to the changing room to get ready like to be out in the crowd while others like to be on their own or with their team.

Once as an instructor or coach you understand the individuals likes and dislikes it is important their pre-fight preparation on fight day and entry to the arena fits with their demeanour and is a positive experience that will set them in good stead to perform physically and mentally at the very best.

Team sports are somewhat different where it is not a fighter pitted against another fighter but a group of individuals that must know the importance of working as a cohesive team.

This is where military CQC/CQB team combative tactics and principles can be adjusted and utilised to ensure the team knows the importance of maintaining formation and sticking to orders and instructions.

Areas of responsibility and methods to stop breaches of the team’s lines must be understood and adhered to. This will ensure the team is made up of individuals conducting themselves as a tight unit ready willing and knowing what they must do and getting it done.

In military CQC there is nowhere to hide and every fault error and inadequacy is very apparent to observers, instructors and proponents under training and testing.

The same can be said of sports including combat sports where contestants or players are not committed confident or competent and coaches along with fellow players and spectators can easily identify such inadequacies.

While during a game or contest is not the best time to go into high level criticism but by means of effective and partial short sharp verbiage the contestant can quickly change the error of their way by knowing what is expected and needed.

Like there are differences in individual players and contestants so there are differences in the demeanours and attitudes as well as methods of coaches and instructors.

Some are quite types that’s that know how to use a look that says it all, and others know how to use verbiage to get their point across.

While the modus operandi of praise in public criticise in private stands true. There are times during a game or fight that short sharp discrete orders and instructions must be given.

Character adjustment especially in relation to laziness when the individual is capable of considerably better or more need to be given so they know the error of their ways have been seen and they need to step up.

In these modern times there is a general consensus that bastardisation is not a good thing and good coaches do not give their teams or players right old rollicking’s, even if they are performing way below their capabilities.

Well I can assure you even some of the coaches of top teams in the privacy of the changing when their players have let themselves and the team down without any good reason fill find themselves getting a good serving of character and play required adjustment.

We must remember that in combat sports and contact sports there is a need for commitment and skills competency.

Letting deliberate weaknesses and lazy tendencies go unaddressed can only lead to negative outcomes.

So whether a coach or instructor does it quietly post game in the changing rooms or at training in the clubrooms or is more loud and direct depends on the coach or instructors demeanour and what is required to address the errors of the players or contestants ways.

I personally believe there needs to be a tactical technical and very deliberate and clearly understood means of character adjustment and fault fixing.

If players or contestants know what is required and expected and simply through laziness or being weak of mind or body neglect their duties and responsibilities, then the error of their ways need to be clearly addressed and they must know such behaviour will not be tolerated.

They must understand roles duties and responsibilities in relation to enhancing positives and eliminating or reducing negatives.

By having team tactics and good communication their workload can be spread and positive objective achievement capabilities enhanced.

Having confidence in fellow players and knowing everyone will do the upmost to protect the line plugging any holes in defence and back each other up will install confidence as a team. Likewise, being upfront and direct with players that are not performing their roles and duties and are not effectively backing up fellow teammates when required effectively puts them on notice that this will not be tolerated.

One of the most important factors whether it be for an individual fighter or team players is to never drop their guard until the contest or play is over.

Anything other than total commitment until the final whistle or bell is sounded is simply not good enough as points can be scored in seconds. Losing focus even for one second that removes the player or contestants primary state of readiness and preparedness to score or defend and they will stand to pay the price by allowing the opposition soft points.

Utilising phases of the fight or the game to reduce physical and mental effects by maintaining a state of readiness that can be turned up and then again down quickly will increase positives and eliminate or reduce negatives including unnecessary fatigue.

Professional boxers can have their hands down when out of range is a good example and can then raise their guards when required.

Knowing how to reduce the effects of contact including impact with the ground and how to quickly tactically recover and get on with the game is another aspect of a combination of physical and mental practices.

Silent Self reassurance as well as mind orders and instructions to stay ready and maintain belief in yourself will enhance mental conviction and capabilities to win.

Contestants and players must respect their coaches and know they can best prepare them to win which will enhance their confidence in their capabilities to win.

Players and contestants need to be honest with themselves and not blame coaches and officials when it is clearly obvious that they have shown weakness or fault and as such have not performed to the required level.

It all begins with the fighter or the player’s honesty with themselves in relation to their training preparation and self-confidence.

If they are honest with themselves understanding they need to self-improve and can do so by enhancing their combined mental and physical capabilities, they are on their way to achieving high levels of performance. Having mental toughness practices that are a cohesive combination of major and minor components that fit with competitive play or contest requirements will increase confidence and competency.

Combined this with high-level individual skills for the specific code or style and the individual player or contestant can conduct themselves at their highest personal performance capabilities.

In military CQC skills are by majority gross motor skills and require more mental toughness capability to achieve their objective of enemy destruction than anything else.

While skill in relation to major employment components requirements of such gross motor skills is important for safety and objective achievement the most important factor is having the mental firepower to ignite and transfer the skill physical capabilities through to objective achievement.

In military CQC this equates to more than 90% mental toughness and less than 10% gross motor skill levels.

The higher the stress level the lower the response time and the greater the effects on skills execution levels and the more need for mental conviction and mental commitment transferred right through the required means of objective achievement.

All too often you hear people stating that the action was a result of a reaction through high level training.

This is something I dispute as I believe the only reactions are autonomic reactions that are outside the individuals control.

True reactions include flinching, blinking, reaching out to regain balance are autonomic reactions of self-preservation or self-protection.

Physical skills executions that have been honed in training and powered by an individual that is committed and confident are not reactions, they are deliberate responses.

The player or contestant having trained in attack or defence methods by means of extremely high repetition will develop some muscle memory levels but it is a deliberate decision and response that empowers the action.

The fighter that slips covers and counter punches is responding to the opponent’s action not automatically reacting to it.

The player that lifts their legs off the ground to avoid touching the side-line and reaches out to score does so by responsive decision-making.

Skills that have commonality with autonomic reactions to sudden unexpected action do provide a means of regaining control and momentum and a means of increasing mental toughness under such conditions.

Just like in parking a car familiarity with the vehicle and curb will involve some level of auto pilot parking as the driver cannot see everything but the action of turning the steering wheel looking in the mirror etc. is deliberate.

Preparing a player or a fighter utilising applicable major and minor components of the Brain to Boot mental toughness enhancement package custom adjusted to fit the role and the individuals physical and psychological make up will certainly increase their confidence and competency and as such capabilities to achieve their goals and objectives.

Having strategies to deal with weaknesses in an individual’s capabilities by addressing them in a fitting way will certainly increase their overall confidence.

A player that is not good at tackling or catching a high ball can carry this concern throughout the game, leading to unnecessary stress and increased error right across their game.

They may overthink over or under respond or through a lack of confidence be out of position or not even attempt to catch the high ball.

Simply by looking at the physical faults in their high ball catching skills and addressing them initially in a clinical coaching manner, their confidence can be increased and as such their proficiency in performing high ball catches.

When it comes to weaknesses and the cause of the weakness has been identified, it can simply be addressed by using inoculation.

By providing a small dose of the virus and increasing it in intensity gradually with the development of enhanced skills capabilities confidence will grow. The intensity can be increased with rising competency until the fear of failure has been reduced to as lower level as individually possible.

Players that execute movements out of range can be tethered during practice to ensure they are in range.

Tethered range finder training

Tethered range finder training.

Those that do not chase hard enough can be tethered to fellow teammates that are hard fast runners and they will have to keep up.

Utilising methods to overcome weakness, phobias and laziness by introducing training methods designed to take the focus off the specific major error or fault will indirectly address it by shifting the focus to the immediate required task and this will improve competency and commitment by considerable.

Being able to redirect the individuals focus on another aspect or consideration that is more immediate but includes the stimuli that led to the identification of their weakness is a good means to enable them to overcome their prior coping problems.

Being able to utilise transfer of focus to rectify fault is a positive means of competency enhancement.

Understanding how to use point and place visual sighting to maintain a visual on the immediate attacking or defending player while using place peripheral vision to be aware of opposition players and surroundings will enhance competency.

Likewise understanding how to interfere with opposition player’s visual and mental focus will provide opportunities.

Understanding body mechanics in relation to opposition players or contestant’s reactions and responses to your actions will provide advantages in knowing how to exploit such reactions or responses.

In the tackle by forcing the player ground ward will usually make the opposition player try and maintain their footing by opposing your downward pull and simply by a directional change of momentum the player’s resistance energy can be used against them to achieve a tackle.

Understanding human autonomic reactions and utilising deliberate responses to actions is using a higher intelligence means of problem-solving and when this is combined with a sound proven mental toughness enhancement capability the player or contestant can achieve their highest level of combined physical and mental toughness output capabilities.

Undertaking problem solving analysis and with problem solving strategies it is very important to get to the bottom of problems and overcome them.

Knowing how to identify cultural or pack weaknesses and issues that may involve behaviour outside of play or practice is very important so as to be able to introduce strategies to fix problems.

Having regimes to ensure outside of training players or contestants are not partaking in negative practices or pastimes that can affect their performance is very important.

This is especially important close to competition or game day and immediately after competition or play.

Often ensuring they come into camp staying in group accommodation move train and conduct himself as a cohesive team will address outside influences and negatives.

I have trained fighters in different combat sports codes utilising custom developed mental toughness packages to suit their psychological and physical make-ups that have enhanced the individual’s confidence and performance by considerable.

The first time fighter on top pitted against a much more experienced fighter

The first time fighter on top pitted against a much more experienced fighter went the distance losing on a points decision after undergoing Brain to Boot preparation training.

Getting to the root of problems and issues is essential to be able to put in place strategies to reduce or eliminate the effects completely and as such increase player or contestant confidence and competency.

The instructor or coach must be able to objectively evaluate all concerns and considerations identifying every strength and weakness and develop strategies to maximise the individual or team’s strengths and reduce negatives and weaknesses to the lowest level possible.

There is nothing more deliberate or terminal than military CQB/CQC and as such, many of the management and training principles and practices can be effectively adapted to combat sports fighting arts and general sports codes.

While humans may be all made of the same flesh and bone, they are not all of the same level of mental toughness, inner resolve and intestinal fortitude.

Being able to introduce concepts and strategies to negate negatives and weaknesses and enhance mental and physical skills capabilities is such an important part of training and preparing players and contestants just like it is in preparing combatants for the realities of actions on encounters on the battlefield.

The T-Man featured in the kickboxing training and preparation photos in this article has always been one of New Zealand’s most willing competitors in wide ranging combat sports codes.

I can remember promoting some of his title fights late in his career and how willing he was to partake and just as willing in the ring or cage.

On one such fight against a giant of a man highly skilled in kickboxing the T-Man took him the distance losing on a decision.

The referee said to him after the fight you were close to getting a result and the T-man replied the mind wanted to do it, but the body just could not.

This is Testament to his will to never give up and fight to win if at all possible.

A lot of fighter’s minds give up when their bodies are fully capable of fighting on.

Not the case with the T-Man.

Some fighters are the victim of their own lifestyles and these lifestyles affect their performance and outcomes by considerable simply because all the mental and physical requirements have not been addressed.

In competitive codes where there are rules and regulations, the players or contestants must be both physically and mentally prepared to perform at their highest possible levels and this requires both physical and mental preparation and discipline.

I once utilised my military CQC mental toughness preparation training for a first-time fighter in mixed martial arts who was up against an experience fighter with titles to his name.

I used a custom developed planning and preparation program including reverse planning and blindfolded reality drills training.

I drilled this individual in how to overcome the effects of the crowd and the hype the goes with such contests.

He lost on a points decision taking his champion opponent the distance.

He did lose on points but had his opponent in trouble at times dictating the action.

His mental toughness and physical capabilities were maintained throughout the entire contest.

Sometime after in a low-key informal debrief, he said, walking out through the crowd remaining focus throughout the fight the decision being given and returning to the changing room was hard to remember as it did not cause any dramatic distress and he was in the zone.

His setting of a mind-set of readiness ensured his major focus and awareness was on the task in hand and remaining ready willing and able at all times.

He escaped submission holds that most would have tapped out to or blacked out from the effects of by methodical controlled methods.

He reiterated that at no time did he feel he was losing or was in danger.

He was a livewire easy to install confidence type lad that followed the mental toughness and physical skills and tactics plan performing it to his very best against a much more highly skilled fighter.

He was not physically injured in any way and could be proud of his professional preparation and on the night performance.

I trained another heavyweight fighter that was very aggressive and I had to implement strategies to reduce aggressiveness levels to ensure he did not provide openings and opportunities for his opponent to exploit through being over aggressive.

He had to be taught to control his aggression and win by using tactics skills and controlled aggression.

I taught him to know he was more than capable of winning but never to underestimate his opponent.

Fighters and players must be made aware that there are rules and regulations and that it is a game or contest and they must abide by the rules and regulations and stay in control at all times.

Giving away penalties can cost the player and the team dearly or get the contestant disqualified.

Knowing how to control emotions and reactionary fuelled deliberate responses by maintaining a proper level of readiness and preparedness will increase competency and objective achievement by considerable.

Game day or contest performance can be considerably enhanced by proper planning preparation and practice combined with setting and maintaining mental and physical ready willing and able capabilities geared at winning.

I have proven the benefits of utilising my military CQC Brain to Boot mental toughness based proven practices to enhance military combatants as well as competitors’ and contestants’ capabilities.

There is nothing more terminal or dire then kill or die battlefield close quarters combat where it’s as brutally and aggressively basic as it gets.

Mental toughness and ruthless controlled aggression is a must and the methods of enhancing such requirements in the combatants is a CQC specialist tradecraft practice of a military combative Master – Chief instructor.

A very important part of the Brain to Boot program for post training and post-competition or contest is the coming down and cooling off practices to reduce and ultimately eliminate the effects of hormonal dumping.

coming down and cooling off

Being able to effectively control such effects is very important for the competitor or contestant post training testing or competing. Knowing how to return to a normal pre-actions on or pre-competition status reducing the likelihood of adverse reactions to triggers that can land the individual in trouble is very important for the player or contestant’s safety and security.

Article written by Tank Todd

Special Operations CQB Master Chief Instructor. Over 30 years experience. The only instructor qualified descendent of Baldock, Nelson, and Applegate. Former instructors include Harry Baldock (unarmed combat instructor NZ Army WWII), Colonel Rex Applegate OSS WWII and Charles Nelson, US Marine Corps. Tank has passed his Special Forces combative instructor qualification course in Southeast Asia and is certified to instruct the Applegate, Baldock and Nelson systems. His school has been operating for over eighty years and he is currently an Army Special Operations Group CQB Master Chief Instructor. His lineage and qualifications from the evolutionary pioneers are equalled by no other military close combat instructor. His operation includes his New Zealand headquarters, and 30 depots worldwide as well as contracts to train the military elite, security forces, and close protection specialists. Annually he trains thousands of exponents and serious operators that travel down-under to learn from the direct descendant of the experts and pioneers of military close combat. Following in the footsteps of his former seniors, he has developed weapons, and training equipment exclusive to close combat and tactical applications. He has published military manuals and several civilian manuals and produced DVDs on urban self protection, tactical control and restraint, and close combat. He has racked up an impressive 100,000+ hours in close combat.