Mass + Velocity = Momentum

Military CQC mass and velocity achieved momentum powered by high level mental toughness and best of mil CQC dirty tricks brigade skills increases the chances of objective achievement.

Most fighting styles and codes studies of momentum are based on traditional or combat sports techniques and not on military CQC close quarters combat skills.

The aims and objectives as well as the means and methods of traditional and sporting techniques compared to battle field CQC and MSD military self-defence, where it can come down to kill or die, are very different.

There are no rules, no referees, no judges and no age, weight or gender divisions in mil CQC actions on and the environment and terrain can be very removed from the safety aspects of competition mats, rings and cages.

Military combatant’s skills capabilities and levels of competency can vary by considerable as well as their combative systems and skills can be very different and based on their countries of origins.

The best of battle proven dirty and deadly skills give the combatant the best combative chances of victory over defeat.

Such skills that are all about enemy disposal or in compromised actions on enemy disarming, disabling and disposal are what enable an underdog to take out a superior over dog.

The kill or die best of battle proven over kill skills require considerably less momentum than take on fight techniques and this file is based on momentum relating to military CQC/MSD.

The importance of achieving and maintaining high level momentum cannot be understated in military CQC actions on and especially when compromised and up against formidable foes in actions on encounters threat neutralisation.

Although most actions on are over in 1-5 seconds combatants must train for the worst case scenario that being compromised and under assault from a physically superior highly trained enemy.

Even though in mil CQC the primary means of threat neutralisation is often by covert deliberate or overt over kill dirty or deadly means, combatants must develop high level momentum sudden aggressive shock actions on skills employment capabilities when immediate threat neutralisation is not possible.

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Simple mil CQC dirty tricks

Combat sports required high level physicality and accelerated movement of mass

Combat sports and fighting styles techniques are for different purposes to mil CQC/MSD skills employments being traditional and competitive codes and styles not kill or die battlefield trade-crafts.

Where competitors are pitted against other competitor’s momentum can play a major role in determining who wins.

Terms and terminology of these mil CQC actions on used in this file

Mass: means the amount of matter contained inside something and in the human combatant case how many kgs of matter contained in the combatants body.

Velocity: is speed and in CQC actions on means how fast the combatant can move their body mass.

Momentum: is moving mass and the amount of momentum is determined by the amount of mass and speed of movement.

Kill zone: is the close to point blank body contact ranges of CQC skills contact.

Mil: short for military

CQC: means unarmed combat or non-ballistic weapon employed close combat

CQB: means armed ballistic weapon combat

MSD: military self-defence

Actions on: means close combat encounters initiated/underway

Over kill: means actions on assaults of considerably more output than required to threat neutralise.

To achieve high level momentum the combatant must initiate explosive off the mark body mass accelerated movement that increases in employment velocity throughout the execution and contact.

Speed is velocity in ground cover closing on the target or clearing the contact zone in counter engagement. High level target contact in CQC is achieved by high velocity movement of the combatant’s body mass through the target producing combative momentum and maximising target destruction.

Mass + velocity = momentum, combine this with the best of battle proven dirty or deadly tricks brigade skills and threat neutralisation objective achievement chances against formidable enemies are increased.

Considerably less momentum is required with dirty or deadly skills threat neutralisation over competitive techniques means of threat neutralisation.

Mass and velocity achieved momentum combined with military battlefield dirty or deadly European military CQC threat neutralisation mil CQC trade-craft gross motor skills require lesser physicality than take on more complex and higher level physical output required techniques and this is a great advantage in close combat. You can take away considerable enemy physical attributes advantages by dirty or deadly means of actions on threat neutralisation.

Mil dirty or deadly threat neutralisation equates to an underdog up against an aggressive over dog having better chances of threat neutralisation by simple quick and quiet military trade-craft threat neutralisation.

I have included more primary skills threat neutralisation subject matter content later in this file.

High level three quarters of maximum physical out-put capabilities is the approximate physical output rate to increase threat neutralisation objective achievement and reduce being compromised by over loading/ telegraphing skills employments. Controlled approximate three quarters deliberate calculated skills employments also reduce the likelihood of self-injuries and loss of stability.

There are tradecraft methods of achieving explosive skills initiation and increased groundcover momentum that must be mastered for not only objective achievement but also increased safety levels under actions on assaults.

These are tradecraft capabilities that mil CQC/MSD Master- Instructors use to critique and make adjustments in relation to individual exponent’s skills execution faults. Such correction is to ensure individual exponents achieve maximum speed off the mark and increased velocity maximising momentum as they cover ground and penetrate the kill zone.

It may be a requirement to just make minor tweaks or adjustments to maximise CQC ground cover and increase destructive contact output or it could be that the adopted skill is not the best option in regards to objective achievement for the specific exponent as it does not best fit with their physical and or mental make-up.

In situations where an individual exponent is slow off the mark or does not increase velocity under entry groundcover towards the kill zone, multiple faults may be the reasoning.

Major and minor initiation and execution faults need to be singularly addressed until they have all been eliminated.

Some faults will have a flow on effect causing additional skills execution components errors or reductions in out-put and effect.

It is important to initially only critique the most major fault to not cause over critiquing overload confusion.

Once the major fault has been rectified the next fault can be addressed.

Slow is fast with military CQC skills initial learning, meaning a skill should be practised at slow speed and low intensity either in full or in multiple parts in the initial learning stages.

When primary employment competency levels are achieved, skills practised in parts should be reduced until the skill can be executed in one fluid accelerated expedient action.

In simple terms velocity is the speed of the movement in a given direction and the higher the speed the greater the impact contact for a minimal time period.

The impact of two colliding forces equates to increased impact and is something that should be avoided in CQC actions on.

Timing and target accuracy are very important in objective achievement.

Individual exponent primary skills competency gains and increased velocity in skills initiation/execution in a single entry fluid expedient action with all components included in unison will achieve increased actions on momentum and as such increase chances of threat neutralisation.

Momentum is the quantity of motion of a moving body, determined by its mass and velocity calculated by the mass quantity times the velocity.

In simple terms mil CQC velocity equates to the combatant’s body mass and their speed of movement of their mass through the kill zone.

While many traditional and competitive techniques are based on entry and withdrawal footwork, mil CQC unarmed offensive actions are committed through the kill zone skills employments of target destruction.

Primary mil CQC unarmed stamp kicks are executed diagonally down through the lower leg to the ground and not retracted post extension.

Velocity is the rate of change of the combatant’s position as in acceleration from start position A through target position B that can be measured in relation to the time taken to cover the distance at speed (velocity) maximising momentum.

Exponent mass combined with velocity which is accelerated speed of movement will achieve momentum and that momentum used to power dirty or deadly European military CQC skills equates to maximising chances of threat neutralisation and ending actions on encounters quickly by deliberate human anatomy soft targets destruction. Combine this with a confident military CQC mindset and over kill dirty and deadly skills that not only provide best chances of defeating an enemy but also promote combatant skills execution trade-craft safety practices and even an under-dog’s chances under threat are increased by considerable.

One important risk reduction TCP (trade-craft practice) is the avoidance of collision with the enemy as such collisions can result in considerably more impact/penetration force than a single combatant achieving deliberate sudden aggressive shock action contact on their enemy.

Although collision force is over in an instant the effects can include incapacitation, decentralisation or be fatal in over kill operational actions on.

Sudden aggressive actions on skills executions are deliberate actions by a combatant on another to defeat them by contact impact/penetration and as such are not bodily collisions.

The operator objective achievement may be enemy incapacitation or in kill or die battlefield actions on enemy elimination.

The modus operandi of kill or die mil CQC is take out not take on as a primary means of threat neutralisation.

The aim of sudden aggressive shock action is to stop the enemy in their tracks or move or manipulate them by forced actions for specific objectives achievement purposes.

Target destruction effects are increased when the combatant has greater mass and can move their mass fast and effectively achieving their highest level momentum and destructive out-put.

Take for example a 100kg fighter pitted against a 50kg fighter launching their strikes and kicks at the same speed and the momentum and impact generation of the heavier fighter could be doubled.

Now consider the 50 kg fighter using the same acceleration and achieving the same momentum but instead of executing a point scoring or knock out technique they employ a foul skill targeting the eyes or destroying the airway and the effects are increased by considerable.

Then consider the addition of a mil CQC weapon used to incapacitate or eliminate the enemy and even an underdog increases their chances of enemy neutralisation of a superior over dog.

There are many variables in combat sports winning or losing simply because the techniques are competitive to give both contestants fighting chances under the rules of competition.

Some competitors use maximum accelerated full body mass momentum to power their punches where as others are more arm punches and as such their impact contact force is considerably less.

In military close combat there is a much higher likelihood of ending actions on with skills that are dirty or deadly and meant to wound or kill.

Punches in combat sports are faster but kicks generate much more contact impact and there are so many more variables that include not only the techniques but also the individual competitors.

The same cannot be said of foul skills that have no respect for the enemy’s combative capabilities or advantages in physical attributes.

Implement eyes spiking effectively employed will achieve the CQC actions on objective regardless of enemy physicality advantages.

There are good reasons for weight divisions in combat sports where contestants take each other on with competitive skills inside the rules of the combat sports codes. The chances under such rules governed styles or codes of light weights beating heavy weights are minimal but the likelihood of serious injuries under such weight disparities would be high. The disparity of a formidable male fighter against a female fighter of lesser physical size and strength in combat sports would also increase risks and dangers and this is why under professional combat sports there are gender categories and weight divisions.

The ethos of mil CQC is to believe your enemy is bigger, stronger, physically fitter, highly skilled and determined to cause you serious harm as well as being armed and as such needs to be stopped by the best of battle proven immediate over kill means.

The mil CQC analogy I use for combative momentum goes like this.

The speeding military tank through its mass and velocity can produce high levels of momentum and major destructive force.

The high powered round (bullet) fired from the soldiers assault rifle may be small but the velocity makes it produce high level penetrative destruction.

In combat sports lighter competitors are generally at a disadvantage against larger heavier opponents and there can be considerable disparities in contact momentum.

Considerably more experience and higher level expertise can advantage a smaller fighter but that is not the norm with two similar skill level competing fighters when there is a considerable size and weight difference.

Strikes extended and retracted with high level velocity can increase effectiveness and stamp kicks directed with sudden aggressive shock action right through the target to the ground maximise destructive capabilities.

Strikes that are executed with maximum velocity can produce what is known as contact crack impact which can be an indicator of the transfer of high level momentum. Understanding how to achieve high velocity fluid action strikes that include hard hands clenching and bodily tensing immediately before impact can increase the effects of contact impact.

While my specialist trade-craft is military self-defence MSD and military armed and unarmed combat CQB/CQC many of the principles and practices of achieving combative momentum also apply to performance achievement and enhancement in fighting arts and combat sports.

Momentum and best of battle proven dirty tricks brigade means are important in the combating and countering of violence especially when compromised and when there are major disparities in physical size and strength.

The best means of overcoming adversity when gender, size, strength or superior fight capabilities are the reality comes down to best of battle proven mil CQC/MSD combined with combative self-protection smarts and mental toughness empowered by overkill momentum.

While the mil CQC actions on ranges are from extremely close up to point-blank bodily contact range, specific means and methods of actions on skills initiation are required to maximise groundcover kicking off and forward speed generation/ velocity to achieve high level contact momentum.

Where there are many variables with traditional striking, kicking and grappling techniques there are considerably less with mil CQB/CQC human anatomy life support vitals and delicate human senses destruction by gross motor skills means or covert deliberate target destruction.

Most studies and the general population masses thinking is that self-defence is based on civilian take on traditional or competitive techniques and not military take out threat neutralisation.

Military dirty or deadly threat neutralisation trade-craft battle-field tactics and skills of armed and unarmed combat predominantly have lesser physicality requirements than competitive or traditional codes/styles techniques options by being dirty or deadly mil combative trade-craft practices.

What is advantageous for the underdog with best of mil dirty or deadly tricks brigade threat neutralisation is that the skills are over kill trade-craft dirty tricks brigade means and methods to incapacitate or eliminate enemies that require less impact/force by the target selection and target destruction means.

This provides the under-dog with the best combative chances of threat neutralisation if the skills are employed covertly or if compromised with controlled aggression, commitment and intestinal fortitude from the correct range and with primary practices sets up initiation and execution.

Mil CQC tactics and strategies include trade-craft practices that maximise objective achievement and safety in objective achievement by battle proven means and methods to reduce risk.

Seizing and securing the enemy and specifically the bodily target before employing target destruction or using a weapon greatly reduce the physicality and momentum requirements in threat neutralisation.

A compact ready set go actions on kick off skills initiation status reduces target mass and sets off expedient actions as well as interfering with the enemy’s visual and mental focus.

Hard cover guard capabilities increase safety and deception and distraction actions enhance safety and can cause enemy confusion and hesitation.

In military CQC we have actions on kick off means and methods to maximise the initiation/execution acceleration of combative actions achieved by increased momentum of ground cover and deliberate targeting destruction.

In unarmed combat/military self-defence or non-ballistic weapon armed combat training, improvements in physical capabilities and speed of expedient action will increase momentum.

These momentum trade-craft practices include strategies to provide hard cover hard target protection in the execution of actions on threat neutralisation under assault.

The actions on strategies also include full contingencies to provide the capabilities to deal with changes in threat/ situation.

Maintaining or tactically regaining momentum is an important capability in actions on threat neutralisation.

Close range unarmed offensive assault strikes to maximise effect must maximise the combatant’s movement of their mass and the strikes must be at high level velocity to produce high capability momentum output forces.

Fast extension retraction of the striking limb increases objective achievement capabilities and also improves safety through immediate hard cover guarding resetting.

Body to target alignment combined with ground upward and outward velocity generation and immediate strike retraction increases strikes impact effects as does hard hands as in sap gloves or brass knuckles.

CQC stamp kicks velocity down out and through the limb to the ground sudden aggressive shock action maximises destructive force capabilities.

Maximising full body upper quadrants targets striking output requires momentum generation from the boots to the head and out to the striking extremity in an up and out towards to the target sudden aggressive shock action.

Under stand-up unarmed offensive and counteroffensive actions executions bodily alignment to the enemy and high level body powered skills executions will enhance the output and effect.

Minimal pre-actions on tension or resistance through incorrect body alignment to the target can cause contact impact force reductions or self-injury during your skills employment.

The perfect skill is seldom ever achieved but close to perfect can be achieved through skills competency high level commitment.

The close to perfect skills employment is so fast and fluid that there is little recollection of the skill execution and the first indicator is often the painless but destructive whip cracking contact sound or the dropped and stopped enemy/opponent.

Setting and maintaining stability positioning through maintaining a constant ground affinity combined with target alignment through positional adjustments are important in threat neutralisation skills employments.

The torso often referred to as the chassis in mil CQC and the striking or stamp kicking limb must be in the same alignment to the target to maximise output by preventing opposing direction output interference.

Maintaining ground contact under entry or evasive combative footwork by sliding boots groundcover increases stability and lessens risks of balance loss.

Primary mil CQC tradecraft major and minor components employed in a correct order of execution with full body mass velocity in a fluid action precisely timed will minimise target entry time taken and maximise destructive capabilities.

Working on improving initiation and entry execution speed is a primary means of increasing chances of objective achievement.

Strikes and kicks can produce destructive force levels between 1000 psi and 3000 psi, respectively.

The reasoning why kicks can generate more force than strikes is the increased mass of the lower extremities.

Everything is relevant to mass and velocity including effects and destructive capabilities. The leg has more mass than the arm and can produce more destructive force.

Smaller bones of the arm require less force to fracture than larger bones of the leg and this is also relevant to force generation capabilities and adverse skills execution effects.

Negative effects of full body mass high velocity maximum momentum strikes and kicks can come down to the individual’s physical make up, age, gender or previous injuries. In mil CQC boots, battledress and body armour hard protectors combined with dirty and deadly tradecraft practices change output effects and increase safety by considerable.

Simply more muscle mass and fat content can reduce the effects of unarmed contact.

Stamp kicks can produce more than a ton of force and when combined with the hard sole of a combat boot to the lower leg not only produce massive destructive force but also autonomic nervous system reactions to sudden aggressive shock action contact.

Jumping stamping forces can produce more than double the destructive force output of just ground-based stamp kicking.

Close Combat

Stamp kicks being a gross motor skill that are very simple actions can produce similar or greater impact force than high level competitive kicks even though the training time for stamp kicks to produce devastating output and effects is considerably less.

There are many more variables in competitive techniques employments than in mil take out CQC.

Striving for perfection of mil CQC/MSD simple gross motor skills makes them a most effective means of threat neutralisation.


Mass plus velocity enhances momentum and gross motor skills or covert dirty or deadly mil CQC enemy incapacitation or elimination methods maximise destructive capabilities.

Boots, body armour and hard protectors improve safety and increase chances of objective achievement.

Dirty and deadly actions on combined with sudden aggressive shock action committed mass generated velocity produce high level momentum that equates to high level destructive force capabilities.

Considerably less physical attributes are required to achieve enemy threat neutralisation by armed or unarmed mil CQC targeting of vulnerable sensitive human anatomy targets like the eyes, airway or spinal cord.

Eye spiking can produce immediate effects even if one combatant is of lesser physical attributes and skills capabilities.

Think about foul actions used in sport and how they immediately affect the targeted player/opponent and visualise dirty or deadly take out skills being employed continuously and ruthlessly on the battlefield with high level momentum and the differences between the objectives and outcomes of sport and combat will be blatantly obvious even though momentum maximisation is most important to both.

Always striving for excellence in combative skills executions and practising them to reduce the likelihood of errors of execution will increase your combative skills and execution momentum and as such increase your chances of safer and more effective threat neutralisation.

Gross motor skills threat neutralisation of high momentum increases ones chances of defeating formidable foes.

Deadly take out skills of high momentum maximise combatants battle field chances of stopping an enemy in their tracks.

Range, skill, full body mass commitment at high velocity will maximise momentum and when combined with the best of battle proven dirty tricks brigade skills will increase your chances of defeating formidable foes.

The most important factor is if the individual has the mental toughness and intestinal fortitude to do what needs to be done and can reduce/endure the effects of actions on assault in the achievement of enemy threat neutralisation.

All the techniques in the world amount to little if the individual cannot overcome their fears and conduct themselves with controlled ruthless deliberate actions on threat neutralisation.

Those that have not experienced close quarters actions on contact may well find themselves in a world of danger.

The trained combatant must be inoculated in training against the effects of contact and know how to and be fully confident and committed to defeating their foes.

CQC toughener and sickener training are a most important combatant training component and like mental toughness are all important components that when combined with skills employment momentum increase chances of objective achievement in close quarters combat actions on.


Article written by Tank Todd

Special Operations CQB Master Chief Instructor. Over 30 years experience. The only instructor qualified descendent of Baldock, Nelson, and Applegate. Former instructors include Harry Baldock (unarmed combat instructor NZ Army WWII), Colonel Rex Applegate OSS WWII and Charles Nelson, US Marine Corps. Tank has passed his Special Forces combative instructor qualification course in Southeast Asia and is certified to instruct the Applegate, Baldock and Nelson systems. His school has been operating for over eighty years and he is currently an Army Special Operations Group CQB Master Chief Instructor. His lineage and qualifications from the evolutionary pioneers are equalled by no other military close combat instructor. His operation includes his New Zealand headquarters, and 30 depots worldwide as well as contracts to train the military elite, security forces, and close protection specialists. Annually he trains thousands of exponents and serious operators that travel down-under to learn from the direct descendant of the experts and pioneers of military close combat. Following in the footsteps of his former seniors, he has developed weapons, and training equipment exclusive to close combat and tactical applications. He has published military manuals and several civilian manuals and produced DVDs on urban self protection, tactical control and restraint, and close combat. He has racked up an impressive 100,000+ hours in close combat.