First responders’ tactical clinical primary practices training

The Todd Group are specialists in European military close quarter’s combat, European military self -defence and related specialist roles professional training provision.

Outside of military, law enforcement and close personal protection training provision the Todd Group provide training for wide ranging services trades and professions. We provide specific roles training and consultancy including tactics and skills for specialist duty requirements.

We also provide training programs for less abled citizens that may come under threat and for prevention combat and counter measures to neutralise serious sexual violence.

The Todd Group have a lineage of no other training provider in our field dating back to pioneer expert military instructors of World War II.

The Todd Group have been military and law enforcement training providers for over 90 years.

Our strength is our highly trained and qualified leading instructors on the training team and our proven role specific training packages.

We have had a long involvement with providing clinical tactical consultancy and training provision for medical roles including hospital security, emergency services and forensic requirements.

The Todd Group was formerly the Baldock Institute established by the late Harry Baldock. Harry started training in the early 1920s and begun instructing military unarmed combat and military self- defence in 1927.

Harrys fields of expertise included physical culture, physical therapy recovery and conditioning, massage therapy, strength training, wrestling, and jiu-jitsu.

The Todd Group took over the Baldock Institute in 1986 and specialise primarily in military armed and unarmed combat, military self- defence, law enforcement defensive tactics, specialist close personal protection and medical related specialist tactical training.

The Todd Group’s strength is in our highly qualified instructors in their specialist fields of expertise. Dr Steffan Eriksson is the chief medical advisor and a senior instructor on the Todd Group training team. Steffan is a family physician in private practice and a Todd Group phase 3 specialist close combat proponent and instructor.

Prior to private practice, he spent over 10 years working in emergency medicine and acute psychiatry in Australia and the United Kingdom.

He is the director of Clinical Tactical Systems, an Australian company specialising in specialist tactical procedures to enhance safety and security for medical and emergency services roles

He has come up through the ranks of the Todd Group completing phase 1 basic training and testing as well as a phase 2 advanced training and testing and is a respected phase 3 specialist proponent senior member and instructor on the Todd Group training team.

Steffan spends a considerable amount of his year working directly with myself providing training provision globally as well as working on Todd Group development projects.

He has assisted me personally instructing on courses in Thailand, England, South Africa, Germany, Australia and New Zealand.

His medical involvement includes instructing on Todd Group specialist close personal protection courses of instruction in relation to serious injuries and wounding.

He is the author of The Med Cell on CQC Times.

He is also involved in sports medicine, and is Team Doctor for the Illawarra Hawks NBL basketball team and a club doctor for the St George Illawarra Dragons NRL, Reserve grade and NYC under 20’s Rugby League teams.

Steffan and I work closely with consultancy and program development in relation to not only clinical tactical medical training provision and development of equipment but also on mental toughness enhancement and psychological conditioning for military self- defence and military close quarters combat roles and requirements.

Our specialist expertise and capability to provide consultancy and development of training programs and packages as well as the delivery of training courses extends to tactical threat assessment and primary option threat neutralisation decision making. Primary option tactically correct skills employments that are commensurate with the threat in relation to rules of engagement and standard operating procedures and for civilians the laws of self- defence maximise safety and the protection of all involved. This is not only in the execution of duties but also post incidents in regards to their actions being justifiable.

Conflict resolution and crisis management specific to the service their SOP’s and their roles duties and responsibilities are important aspects of training in regard to hard targeting personnel and as such risk reduction.

Clients that want the best training for their staff want them to be instructed by the most highly qualified military CQC instructors in the safest and most proven skills specific to their services roles duties and needs.

Combine this with his expertise and experience in the medical and psychiatric fields that Steffan provides and they are getting a comprehensive and complete primary practices training source.

The reality is employing civilian conflict resolution for the military in close quarters actions on encounters would not be best arming them with the means to deal with formidable enemies.

Training civilians in some military tactics and skills would be unprofessional and outside the laws of self-defence.

Having highly trained and qualified instructors on the Todd Group training team with expertise in military CQC and military self-defence, law-enforcement defensive tactics, clinical tactical medical and psychiatry fields ensures all the requirements are covered.

These are areas of expertise that require high level qualification expertise and involvement with the provision of specialist training programs as peoples safety and lives may well depend upon the tactics and skills as last resort options.

Over my 40 years as chief instructor, my services provision has included consultancy and skills programs and packages development in the delivery of training to military, police, close personal protection, hospital security, forensic institutions, and corrections.

On a recent courses circuit taking in Southeast Asia and Europe Steffan and I along with Dr Ken Oesterreich my Todd Group Germany Chief instructor conducted introductory training for emergency services first responders in Hannover, Germany.

Ken Oesterreich is the founder and head of SAMTACS (SAM®) Germany. He holds a PhD in English Studies, a Master’s Degree in Cultural Studies (Chemnitz University of Technology) and a B.A. Hons Degree in Political Studies (University of Otago). Ken is currently the only Todd Group Phase 3 proponent in Germany. His business SAMTACS specializes in camera-friendly use-of-force self- defence, tactical control and restraint options as well as personnel risk management and physical and mental stress management.

Ken is a full-time Todd Group / Todd systems training provider in Europe.

The European military self-defence and European military close quarters combat instruction from the Todd Group incorporates wide ranging means and methods of threat neutralisation.

These means and methods or tactics and skills provide capability to operate under threat levels from low through to extremely high.

The terminology threat neutralisation does not mean only by a terminal lethal modus operandi.

Role and duty specific tactics and skills to neutralise threats can range from verbiage and signalling giving direct orders of compliance through to threat control and restraint subject containment right up to the extreme high-level threat neutralisation for life and death military combative roles.

Our founder the late Harry Baldock was an expert in not only skills of human destruction, but all so human conditioning, physical performance, rehabilitation and recovery. He was a tutor of physiotherapy and established our expertise in the development and delivery of specialist clinical tactical medical and emergency tactics and skills training provision.

Harry was an early police self-defence tactical instructor and also conducted police physical fitness testing.

The Todd Group attracts a lot of medical doctors to our headquarters and depots and this has led to regular enquiries and referrals for training provision of our specialist services.

The late Col Dr John Wilson was a long-term member of the Todd Group involved with our training packages development and provision for medical professionals in hospital security.

Tactics and skills for health professionals and emergency services first responders require service role and duty specific tactics and skills primary practices that provide personnel with the highest degree of safety and security in the execution of their duties under threat. These are very sensitive fields of expertise where there is a high duty of care to protect and provide the best possible assistance and treatment. To do this under threat requires very specific tactics and skills that are commensurate with threat levels, acceptable practices that are inside standard operating procedures fit with the oaths taken by medical professionals.

This has nothing to do with fighting arts and requires highly qualified specialist instructors with the expertise to develop and deliver the best of the best in safe and effective primary practices tactics and skills to achieve specialist objectives outcomes.

Instructors need to be able to deliver primary solutions to complex and difficult threat situations minimising risk and always endeavouring to achieve safe outcomes.

Specialist roles medical professionals and first responders are there to save lives protect care and treat those that need their expertise, but to do this under threat or go to the aid of others, they need to be trained in the most proven safest and very best of tactics and skills.

European military self -defence skills don’t come any more proven or effective and as they can provide primary secondary alternate and emergency specifically developed tactics and skills to provide desired outcomes, they are priority methods and means for such roles.

The Todd Group developed the brain to boot mental toughness and psychological enhancement manual and package that is a very important part of developing confidence and as such competency in the execution of tactically correct clinical tactical and first responder required duties under risk situations including direct threat.

On week long intensive military CQC courses as well as clinical tactical extensive courses of instruction the provision of such training is more important than the skills training. This is because the best skills possible are of no value if the user does not have the inner resolve to control fear and stress and correctly employ them. Individuals or teams that do not have confidence in them-selves and each other and their skills are at high level increased risk increased risk of being injured or out of fear allowing their primitive reactions to cause over reaction and lashing out.

They may also be overwhelmed through not being able to take control of their fears and the stress of the faced situation and as such freeze helplessly or run away leaving their colleagues under threat.

The tactics and skills included in the clinical tactical programs must have commonality with medical procedures requirements.

Skills must provide for medical security purposes controlled subject movements and swift smooth extractions of offending subjects. Skills transitions and movements must have commonality and be cohesive enabling changes in tact without losing control and enabling maintained safe secured controlled containment.

This requires same system same principle tactics and skills not a collection of different non-role and non- threat specific techniques that do not share commonality and are not cohesive in combination applications.

Skills that provide maintained subject control and the capability to force escalate and de-escalate commensurate with changes in threat and situation are a must.

First responders can be vulnerable in the execution of their duties as individuals so team tactics are essential to reduce risk and so members can cover each other’s backs, hard targeting the entire team.

Medical and emergency responses procedures and equipment usage must fit with defensive tactics skills so first responders and medical personnel can provide treatment safely working together not against each other in regard to maintaining control.

This is very important in regard to not getting in one and others way and ensuring subjects can be contained statically for the execution of fine motor skills required procedures.

They must be able to get into primary position to administer treatment with control being maintained throughout the execution of their procedures and this requires everyone to know their own roles and the needs of their other services personnel involved.

Defensive tactics self- protection capabilities must provide first responders and medical personnel with maximum safety to go about their duties uninterrupted through team tactics and trained security support personnel.

Should they come under threat they need the most proven safest skills for immediate threat neutralisation so they can continue with their provision of care and treatment.

Providing tactics in team arcs of responsibility increases early threat identification and enables early warning of threat and immediate intervention to prevent a threat materialising or neutralise it as early as possible to reduce risk to as lower level as possible.

From static to rapid extraction and subject manipulation including decentralisation the professional first responder, hospital security and medical professionals must be trained in the best of tradecraft practices to safely and effectively perform their duties.

The interest for such specialist role training is ever increasing and the Todd Group and clinical tactical systems are primary specialist program developers, consultants, and training providers in these fields.

The most recent short introductory course conducted in Hannover Germany was well received and the attending instructors and exponents had their duty and role related questions answered at real time and hands on.

Article written by Tank Todd

Special Operations CQB Master Chief Instructor. Over 30 years experience. The only instructor qualified descendent of Baldock, Nelson, and Applegate. Former instructors include Harry Baldock (unarmed combat instructor NZ Army WWII), Colonel Rex Applegate OSS WWII and Charles Nelson, US Marine Corps. Tank has passed his Special Forces combative instructor qualification course in Southeast Asia and is certified to instruct the Applegate, Baldock and Nelson systems. His school has been operating for over eighty years and he is currently an Army Special Operations Group CQB Master Chief Instructor. His lineage and qualifications from the evolutionary pioneers are equalled by no other military close combat instructor. His operation includes his New Zealand headquarters, and 30 depots worldwide as well as contracts to train the military elite, security forces, and close protection specialists. Annually he trains thousands of exponents and serious operators that travel down-under to learn from the direct descendant of the experts and pioneers of military close combat. Following in the footsteps of his former seniors, he has developed weapons, and training equipment exclusive to close combat and tactical applications. He has published military manuals and several civilian manuals and produced DVDs on urban self protection, tactical control and restraint, and close combat. He has racked up an impressive 100,000+ hours in close combat.