Final exported course to Thailand for 2022

Jungle ambushes counter action training

The borders reopening in 2022 for course conducting, including exporting courses overseas has meant quickly getting back up to speed with our elite action adventure close combat overseas training provision.

This final close combat course was conducted two weeks after the CPP course ended in Thailand.

We needed every day of those two weeks for the re-establishment of courses in our international hub country of Thailand as well advance work for 2023 courses.

Training requests for next year in Thailand were received pre and post courses along with training locations and facilities usage offers.

There were many visits to undertake and training sites to consider for upcoming courses along with meetings with facilitators.

One of the pre-course training locations visited

Meetings, training requests, and site evaluations continued right up until the day before I departed for home post course. We conducted this course circuit at several different training sites over a week long duration and this provided variations in training environments ranging from the seashore to the jungle.

The course included Phase 3 specialist armed and unarmed close combat training combined with a Phase 1 Basic assistant instructor training component. This final course was made up of military pers and serious civilian proponents and exponents combined small groups training.

Attendees came from NZ, Australia and Thailand and in some cases it had been several years since attending proponents had been on courses together.

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Training group pics day 1 and post training day 5

Having long term in country Thai staff and facilitators is very important to our Thailand hub country training provision. Important to our associates is our qualifications lineage directly from leading former military pioneer Master-Chief Instructors and our longest private training provider provision of our military elite packages. Exponents attend as they want to be trained form the HQ source by mil elite Master Instructors that have lineages of no other training providers. They seek true European mil elite CQC/MSD from a trade-craft qualified Master-Instructor.

Through our Elite Action Adventure training provision in Thailand we have received requests from other South East Asian countries to conduct major corporate mil self-defence CQC and close personal protection courses next year.

We visited many locations leading up to this close combat course for official meetings and sites consideration inspections that will enable the increasing of our footprint in Thailand and expansion of our specialist services.

Receiving so many offers of facilities and facilitation assistance as well as requests for training is a positive situation indeed coming out of the Covid-19 border restrictions and lockdowns combined with subsequent adverse economic effects.

We are looking at establishing another standalone private specialist training facility to accommodate and cope with the visiting upcoming planned overseas corporate groups training requests and requirements.

This course was diverse in content with urban MSD/CQC skills training as well as amphib and jungle training and an introduction to aircraft defensive tactics.

Aircraft defensive tactics introduction

Having such a long history of mil close combat training involvement spanning over thirty years in Thailand and the specialist training facilities and all the required equipment along with staff on the ground enables us to provide wide ranging courses of instruction. There is no other training provider of our European mil elite/regular forces close combat in Thailand or other South East Asian countries.

Exponents course join because they want to experience training under military elite Master-Instructors in our most current European trade-craft close combat and mil self-defence training.

They are interested in the combat and not so much in the art or sports styles or codes.

They want to live CQC/MSD the military training way on intensive courses of instruction.

Our decades of course conducting in Thailand has expanded our training provision capabilities by considerable and being the only training providers of our European close combat systems has kept us busy conducting courses and is set to be increased.

This equates to primarily mil and civi serious types that know what they want in their close combat training and won’t settle for anything else. They have to be able to take orders accept instructions and cope with the realities of such training.

The jungle training Phase included not only skills training but also BHEs up in the jungle. There was also close combat training stands under the canopy conducted at another base on a previous day.

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Back up weapon disarming at point blank body contact range

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Non-ballistic CQC weapons training

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CQC training stands

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Jungle BHEs

The heat up in the jungle was very different to the climate of Todd Group HQ and Camp Todd in NZ.

The amphib training usually conducted in the sea on bases situated in sea shore locations was this time undertaken in a mil training swimming pool and after a hot day of land based CQC training was a welcomed way to finish the training day.

Amphib CQC

From amphib unarmed offensive and counter offensive threat neutralisation actions to detainee extraction and weapons usage considerations in the water, this was a unique training experience for the attendees.

The Phase 3 specialist training being irregular training meant for interesting and diverse tactics and skills provision and less of the regular type close combat means and methods of training delivery.

Attendees did however get to take some small groups skills to command drills training important to attending instructors in maintaining this most important capability.

CQC drills skills to command

Dagger close quarters combat

There was a brief introduction to primary mechanical restraint and mechanical rapid extraction methods. The lads on course were all serious exponents, proponents and instructors that understand what is required to achieve competency and capability and they as always were committed and dedicated to achieving and maintaining a primary current capabilities status.

These lads thrive under our mil CQC/MSD training regime accepting the challenges and taking orders and instructions with an uncompromising commitment to objective achievement and this makes for top training experiences.

One of our Phase 3 Specialists was meant to have back surgery in the days before he flew out for Thailand but postponed it until immediately after he returned home even though he was in considerable pain as he did not want to miss out on this course.

Down time included the course meeting mil facilitators and some of our long-term supporters as well as being able to see the sights and experience the cuisine and culture of Thailand.

I was pleased to meet up with General Chanit who I hadn’t seen since instructing on Ranger training group hosted courses some years back.


My Thailand visits are always capacity schedules visits with consultancy training and business meeting as well as doubling as product ordering trips for Fight Times supplies back home in NZ.

I visited my friend and business associate Gat the owner of Keatkhamtorn Muay Thai Gym who is also the owner of the high quality Sandee Muay Thai brand that we are the sole NZ agents for and finalised an upcoming order for our Fight Times business.


This Thailand course circuit was an excellent way to end a busy year of courses conducting and enabled advances to be undertaken for courses in Thailand for 2023.

Training inquiries [email protected]

Article written by Todd Group

The Todd Group, established by the late Harry Baldock, have been providing CQC, CQB, unarmed combat, defensive tactics, and self protection training since 1927.

They are instructors and consultants to military, police, close protection, corrections, security, and civilians.

The Todd Group has over 35 training depots nationally and internationally.