Fighting to Survive is tactically flawed

Fighting to survive a situation like this will be a fatal last decision made

For military self-defence and military close quarters combat taking an enemy on, by fighting them is risk increasing and not the best means to neutralise the threat.

In a mil warfare trade craft where milli-seconds can be the difference between life and death fighting a combat trained enemy that will most likely be armed and will employ armed options is close quarters suicide.

Deliberately putting yourself in a situation where you are bogged down fighting leaving yourself vulnerable to additional enemy combatants is tactically flawed and increases risk.

Covert or overt enemy stopping in their tracks threat neutralisation is the mil CQC/MSD primary modus operandi under life threatening threat/assault for battle field close quarters actions on.

In a civi self-defence actions on, a threat neutralisation mentality similarly applies but by means that are within the laws of self-defence and often aggressor incapacitation is a threat commensurate best means of winning.

Fighting to survive is tactically flawed and risk increasing over fighting to win by the most dirty or for military life or death actions on deadly deliberate proven effective threat neutralisation means and methods.

Mil CQC/MSD terms and terminology like disarm disable dispose, take out, over kill, sudden aggressive shock action, incapacitate to eliminate are all reflective of actions on realities and what is needed to maximise safety and for fast over kill enemy threat neutralisation.

You won’t hear our mil CQC/MSD instructors telling the troops to take your enemy on by fighting them and think fight to survive.

Instructing such risky dangerous practices identifies a lack of mil trade craft smarts quals and a complete lack of a duty of care.

Under our Brain to Boot mil CQC/MSD mental toughness program a defeatist mentality or a survival mentality for MSD/CQC shows a level of acceptance that the enemy is superior and cannot be effectively neutralised.

Our European mil CQC threat neutralisation ethos does not promote even the consideration of such terms and options as fighting to survive or take on over take out.

Anything less than an uncompromising mentally tough mind-set when up against dangerous enemy combatants is simply unacceptable. You must have an uncompromising commitment to winning and by the best of battle proven threat neutralisation specific tactics and skills. Combatants under high risk threats like the depicted above need to know threat specific risk reduction tactics to lower risk levels as much as humanly possible as part of threat neutralisation that can include escape and evasion or enemy stopper CQB/CQC skills employments.

The under-dog with no out option with a survival mentality and less than the best enemy stopper tactics and skills is not best close combat armed and ready. Such a state of mind and less than threat specific skills capabilities lessens the odds of defeating a battle field enemy. By taking a survival mentality stands to increase the odds of bringing on self-doubt and reducing self-confidence in skills capabilities to neutralise the faced threat. This will only decrease confidence and commitment to believing one can stop the enemy in their tracks and making sure they do so.

Taking someone on with a survivor mentality installs an acceptance of the enemy/aggressor being superior and can weaken the individual’s inner resolve in an instant. The danger is any weakening of the required willing mentally tough combatant state of mind decreases the individual’s chances of victory over defeat before they have started. The defeatist inferior or survival mental mind-set over a take-out over kill threat neutralisation mind-set is not the modus operandi of mil CQC/MSD.

Just thinking about surviving an enemy in close quarters combat or self-defence means you are not fully focused on the fastest most deliberate safest means of enemy incapacitation or elimination.

The mil combatant trained in the best of battle proven over kill threat neutralisation knows that their primary threat neutralisation skills are human anatomy destructive if employed in a tactically correct manner and can stop a most formidable enemy and this is psychologically empowering.

Under combat armed or unarmed offensive assault threat neutralisation, it’s over kill deliberate controlled ruthless aggressive threat neutralisation and under counter offensive assault threat neutralisation, the same over kill deliberate modus operandi applies.

In a civi self-defence actions on, skills commensurate with the threat level that provide the means to incapacitate the aggressor like mil urban MSD threat applicable skills that are within the laws of self-defence of the land are threat neutralisation required and applicable.

In a civi self-defence situation under threat from a violent over-dog the risk is high as you are not a heavily armed combatant like in a mil battle field actions on.

You only have to look at the constant news reports of murders and violent assaults to be informed and aware of civilian urban and domestic violence.

Even in a situation where a battle field mil CQC actions on instant threat neutralisation is not immediately achieved by employing an over kill controlled aggressive actions on modus operandi, the combatant stands higher chances of maintaining momentum injuring or wounding their enemy making achieving their threat neutralisation chances under such conditions higher.

Taking a formidable foe on with a survival mentality is hardly the mind-set of a confident combatant armed with a (WAR) state of mind and body, (Willing Able Ready) to combat or counter their enemy with a fully committed to winning mind-set and by a best of battle proven mil CQC/MSD arsenal.

The most guaranteed mil role threat neutralisation means are covert take outs or sudden aggressive over kill shock actions.

Survivor and defeatist mentalities as well as inferiority complexes are all negative states of mind in the achievement of formidable enemy threats neutralisation.

When an individual allows their pre-actions on thoughts to be affected by a threat perception over faced threat facts of the matter or focuses on enemy strengths and is not mentally committed to winning their resolve is affected. The defeatist or less than a prepared to win mentally tough uncompromising mind-set required to defeat a dangerous over-dog increases the likelihood of overcoming adversity and doing what needs to be done to win. Combining the best of battle proven dirty foul skills or for life or death mil battle field actions on deadly threat neutralisation combined with an uncompromising winning mentality is the order of effective threat neutralisation. The defeatist or mere survivor mentality is synonymous with negatively affecting resolve intestinal fortitude and capability by slipping into self-doubt helplessness and giving up before the actions on begins.

It’s a slippery slope taking a less than deliberate definite committed uncompromising threat neutralisation mentality into a close quarters threat neutralisation encounter.

Predicting being defeated the effects of pain and injury including thinking you could be killed only weakens your intestinal fortitude to do what needs to be done to put an end to your enemy threat as quickly deliberately and safely as you possibly can.

Any negative thoughts of any enemies perceived strengths can cause weakening of the required mental toughness to win state of mind.

The survivor mentality can prolong the actions on and when the survivor come victim under assault determines that they are losing and in grave danger, it can be all too late and they can be already defeated wounded injured or under continuing assault having no means of putting a stop to it.

Skills competency and confidence in ones capabilities must be installed and enhanced in training. Installing a survivor mentality over an over kill controlled aggressive enemy combatant take out or aggressor incapacitation modus operandi increases risk of losing.

Just like in combat sports there is a winner and a loser not a winner and a survivor.

The realities of losing a close quarters actions on encounter in mil combat and against criminal violence are very different to losing in competition and hence the need in mil CQC/MSD for nothing less than a combative winning mentality to empower primary trade-craft battle proven skills threat neutralisation.

The military self-defence and military close quarters combat modus operandi is all about as close to instant silent safe as humanly possible overkill means of enemy incapacitation or elimination and there is never any room for weakening of the required mental toughness state of mind by thinking anything less than doing what needs to be done with ruthless controlled aggressive commitment as immediately as possible.

Believing in and instructing or training in techniques for battlefield military close quarters combat or military self-defence that prolong the actions on over formidable enemy take-out skills is not best arming an exponent with the required hard heavy and hostile threat neutralisation capabilities. Mil CQC/MSD take-out skills of enemy incapacitation or elimination are based on over kill dirty and deadly human destruction by armed or last or specialist threat neutralisation requirement unarmed capabilities.

Obviously the most important required attribute is mental toughness and intestinal fortitude to be able to deal with any assault adversity by means of proven trade-craft hard cover guard self-protection or evasive hardcover employed threat neutralisation capabilities as part of closing range or clearing the kill zone and safely and effectively targeting human bodily targets in relation to threat neutralisation objective achievement.

Standing toe to toe with a physically superior fighter taking them on with inferior fight skills and a survival mentality over a winning mentality armed with best of battle proven mil combative skills will be understood by anyone that has tried fighting against an over-dog that is trying to do them grievous bodily harm, when they are not willing able ready and armed with the best threat neutralisation tools. Anyone that has not been close contact exposed and inoculated is not best prepared for close quarters actions on and could find the realities under assault very different to safe survivor studio training with never having had to employ close quarters actions on contact reduction tactics to lessen and overcome the effects of hard contact. Training partners that are compliant and submissive or pre-determined situational training like staged choreography is not preparing anyone to deal with the realities of urban jungle criminal violence or battle field close quarters actions on where it can come down to life or death outcomes.

When you have no out option thinking fight and survive some one that has superior physical attributes and capabilities that is determined to cause you harm and that knows how to fight is far from being combative/self-defence intelligent.

To win as an under-dog you need to be armed with the best tools for the job not less than the best.

This means dirty tricks brigade urban operators self-defence skills or for the battle field mil dirty and deadly skills for kill or die actions on.

The advantage ring and cage fighters have over people that have never experienced heavy contact is huge and for someone that has not experienced heavy contact, their first introduction can be a reality check of an identifying type of their lack of practical capability if they are not properly prepared and do not have high level mental toughness.

Real actions encounters could not be more far removed from running around tapping and kneeing studio training with training partners that are of no harmful threat.

Training partners that fall down turn or run away with no retaliation or just stand there all padded up doing nothing hardly could be considered over dogs.

Such unrealistic training only stands to provide false confidence.

Tactics for objective achievement and maximising hard cover safety under assault are primary trade-craft practices in MSD/Mil CQC.

Range skill commitment position real time adjustments fast mapping assessment and change of tac under actions on increase safety and objective achievement.

I can’t understand why anyone serious about their self-protection would settle for anything less than the most safe proven and effective skills.

They are only fooling themselves and in the case of instructors sadly less than best preparing their under studies.

Weakness can be infectious and often those that are of lesser mental toughness will seek out training that is completely safe and far from the best means of protecting themselves.

Through self-weakness they are prepared to sacrifice their capability to self-protect and by doing so put themselves at increased risk.

Those of a similar feather flock together and are only fooling themselves if they are training to be best ready and competent for real life actions on threat neutralisation where winning is most important. If the training is not challenging does not enable the under-dog to stop an over-dog in their tracks and doesn’t come with hard knocks then it is not best preparing them to deal with a dangerous over dog.

Those that are not convinced in their man stopper capabilities should consider the realities of facing a violent dangerous over-dog or multiple violent thugs in an urban jungle environment and the realities of the risks presented. There won’t be head guards protectors mats or anyone to put a stop to the actions on in the urban jungle or on the battle field and the enemy intent and contact will be hard heavy and hostile.

CQC actions on contact inoculation combined with mental toughness preparation training are essential so as to best prepare the combatant to deal with adversity in the achievement of threat neutralisation.

Think about how tough footy players and fighters can endure heavy contact but when targeted with foul illegal contact to sensitive vitals the effects are immediate and can majorly effect continuation.

If you don’t understand the autonomic reactions and effects of your eyes airway or spinal cord being targeted or penetration wounds and other effective means of reducing or removing your capabilities to protect yourself and threat neutralise you are not CQC MSD savvy.

This is why the Todd European mil trade-craft of CQC/MSD does not include traditional arts or competition takes on fight skills.

There are no blocking techniques as to raise or lower an extremity defensively will leave a quadrant unprotected and exposed.

There are no kicks above the knee joint and the only head kicks are to a grounded enemy on the battle field.

Your primary practice is what you will be best at and in mil CQC/MSD that needs to be best of battle proven dirty foul or deadly threat neutralisation.

The reality in competitive fighting is females don’t fight males and light weights don’t fight heavy weights and this is for good reason under the codes rules and for safety.

Even though the realities and probable outcomes of the risks and dangers of less than best of battle proven mil self-defence and mil CQC must be obvious, you only have to look on-line to see less than the best threat relevant techniques being promoted for self-defence.

Then there are instructors using mil trade craft titles having never exponent let alone instructor qualified on military CQC/MSD courses of instruction. If they have not been trained tested and exponent and instructor qualified in mil CQB/CQC/MSD then they are not a mil qualified instructor and are not instructing mil trade-craft CQB/CQC/MSD.

On the battle field or under urban assault you must combat or counter your aggressor regardless of their gender physical size and fight capabilities and to do this you don’t want a survivor mentality or a try and stand toe to toe and fight it out with a bigger stronger hardnosed street wise thug with violent intentions towards you.

If you have never had to fight to win and are unsure of just how ready and prepared you are, you could undertake a mil CQC course of instruction and test phase under a highly qualified mil CQC instructor or to test your state of mind and body by doing some heavy training with a solid physically capable MMA fighter. These options will provide a factual indication of just how mentally and physically ready prepared and capable you are.

If you want to test your physicality freestyle or Greco Roman wrestling will be an immediate indicator of your factual fighting fitness physical capabilities level.

A survivor mentality when in dire situations in the bush desert or lost at sea is very different to the same mentality being applied when some big lump with bad intentions is beating the life out of you.

A survivor mentality in combat or self-defence equates to a defeatist weakened mind-set and the acceptance of enemy inferior capabilities.

Mil CQC/MSD is all about winning by attacking your attacker by offensive or counter offensive unarmed or armed assault means or by escape and evasion if that is the best option under the specific threat faced.

Waiting hesitating stalling, over thinking, considering the what ifs or turning your back on the danger are all suicidal negatives when under threat or assault by a dangerous over-dog. Making the D (decision) and employing best threat neutralisation skills with commitment from close to kill zone point blank range enhances threat neutralisation capability.

Laws of self-defence and rules of engagement dictate means, levels and methods of threat neutralisation for law abiding citizens and military combatants respectively but they do not mean the combatant must or should adopt a survivor attitude over a winning uncompromising mentality when they are under threat of being injured or killed.

Mil CQC/MSD provides options of objective achievement by means and methods commensurate with threat neutralisation within the laws of self-defence or ROE’s.

The combatant is responsible for the outcomes of their actions and as such must be able to decide on best means of threat neutralisation and employ it to achieve their objective inside the laws of self-defence and ROE’s.

Article written by Tank Todd

Special Operations CQB Master Chief Instructor. Over 30 years experience. The only instructor qualified descendent of Baldock, Nelson, and Applegate. Former instructors include Harry Baldock (unarmed combat instructor NZ Army WWII), Colonel Rex Applegate OSS WWII and Charles Nelson, US Marine Corps. Tank has passed his Special Forces combative instructor qualification course in Southeast Asia and is certified to instruct the Applegate, Baldock and Nelson systems. His school has been operating for over eighty years and he is currently an Army Special Operations Group CQB Master Chief Instructor. His lineage and qualifications from the evolutionary pioneers are equalled by no other military close combat instructor. His operation includes his New Zealand headquarters, and 30 depots worldwide as well as contracts to train the military elite, security forces, and close protection specialists. Annually he trains thousands of exponents and serious operators that travel down-under to learn from the direct descendant of the experts and pioneers of military close combat. Following in the footsteps of his former seniors, he has developed weapons, and training equipment exclusive to close combat and tactical applications. He has published military manuals and several civilian manuals and produced DVDs on urban self protection, tactical control and restraint, and close combat. He has racked up an impressive 100,000+ hours in close combat.