February 2021 Basic Exponents Intake; a Top Result


First training session February intake

Monday, March 8 was the first training session for the February 2021 basic level exponent’s intake.

The Covid-19 situation has led to our international calendar of courses and overseas contract training having to be postponed. This has enabled increased New Zealand locations training with interest and applications being constant.

We have stringent recruiting practices and vetting conditions and requirements as part of our standard operating procedures as training providers of military self- defence and military close combat.

We never use sensationalism in our recruiting promotions and never play down the fact that exponents must be committed and responsible.

We recruit by fact of the matter and back it up with proof of credentials and instructing service and this is something that ensures intake after intake are full musters and have been by decades.

Stringent joining requirements and conditions often eliminate applicants and this is something that must be.

Demand or late applications often lead to applicants missing out on our small group training muster available positions.

Those that are serious will be put on a wait list for any available position, but the reality is by majority they will have to wait six months until the next intake for the next Todd Group HQ intake induction if it is the weekly training sessions they are seeking.

We can’t advise them on any other training providers that instruct our European military self- defence and European military close combat training packages as there are none.

We can suggest traditional or competitive based training if that is something they are interested in until the position becomes available for the next intake induction.

The usual reality is applicants only want to be trained in current military self- defence and military close combat methods by a military qualified Master-Instructor.

We have initiatives including week-long intensive courses of instruction and individual or small group tuition by arrangement to ensure serious enthusiasts can undergo our training year round.

Recently we have introduced catch up training so serious applicants can be trained individually by a training team instructor and can join small group training when a position becomes available and when they are up to the same level as the group.

Even under the Covid-19 status full intake musters have been achieved with more being turned down than accepted.

The old HQ first floor training hall was full of willing new exponents for their first two hour training session on Monday evening.

The intake induction process is very self- revealing and ensures those that commence training are well aware of the training realities and are prepared and willing in their pursuit of combative competency.

The general consensus is one should never settle for less than the best when it comes to your self- protection and this is pleasing in the sense that applicants have done their homework and checked out that the applied for training is in fact genuine military close combat and military self-defence and the instructor is in fact military qualified with a long record of military instructing service.

The Covid-19 borders restrictions has played an important role in enabling us to provide more training at Todd Group HQ and Camp Todd, as well as exported courses to regions around New Zealand.

We have the annual Australasian course at Camp Todd and Todd Group HQ running from March 20-27 with all phases of training being conducted simultaneously in different training areas.

We are pleased to report that this course has attracted good numbers for its 25th public application anniversary.

This course is an excellent opportunity for those living throughout New Zealand and for those that cannot attend weekly training sessions but can commit to a full week of training where they will rack up the equivalent hours of 12 months of weekly evening training sessions.

For those wanting to apply for intake inductions or courses, is important that you apply and comply with all application requirements as early as possible to ensure you secure a position.

The lockdown has also been positive for completing of tradecraft projects and training resources.

So in conclusion out of a restricted year there have been many positives for our Dunedin HQ training exponents and nationwide courses attendees.

There are regional training opportunities being regularly added to the upcoming courses list on www.toddgroup.com

Training enquiries [email protected]


Article written by Todd Group

The Todd Group, established by the late Harry Baldock, have been providing CQC, CQB, unarmed combat, defensive tactics, and self protection training since 1927.

They are instructors and consultants to military, police, close protection, corrections, security, and civilians.

The Todd Group has over 35 training depots nationally and internationally.