CQC Phase 3 Mil CQB/CQC/MSD Specialist Proponents course Thailand December 2018


This is the first time the Todd Group the oldest training provider of our European military close quarters combat and military self defence programs conducted a stand-alone phase 3 specialist proponent’s course in our international hub country of Thailand.

This course planned 12 months out received a full muster of noms within the first week of internal recruiting.

All proponents on course had come up through the ranks completing the mandatory required training hours before volunteering for testing and passing phase 1 basic and phase 2 advanced testing phases.

To volunteer for Phase 2 testing and advancement to Phase 3 requires a minimum of 500 hours of training.

Course joining not only requires rank but also individual proponent acceptance.


Mil Jungle CQC Seizure prevention training

This course had exponents in attendance with up to 30 years training in Todd Systems European Military CQB/CQC/MSD.

The Todd Group training courses calendar runs at capacity schedules and this has required the conducting of courses that include combined basic Phase 1 as well as advanced Phase 2 course and a specialist Phase 3 course training groups.

Conducting three phases of training simultaneously in different training areas means Phase 3 proponents are split between Phase I and Phase 2 instructing duties and Phase 3 proponents training.

This standalone Phase 3 course conducted in Thailand enabled all attendees to partake in all conducted training.

The Todd Group Phase 3 specialist training is restricted access only training and as such the Todd Group does not allow general access to Phase 3 specialist training for anyone other than qualified proponents instructors and approved course staff.

The same applies to Phase 2 advanced training.

There are no released programs manuals or productions on our restricted advanced and specialist training as security and privacy is paramount.

Being military CQC/MSD training providers requires strict SOP’s ethics and responsibilities to ensure that restricted skills are not made publicly available.

Our serious committed Phase 3 proponents and instructors have had to complete hundreds of mandatory training hours and volunteer for testing to achieve advancement and earn rank.

It would be unprofessional and disrespectful to release the training packages that they have had to earn the rights to undergo training in on intensive courses and under gruelling testing phases.

While in this day and age all too many want easy soft options or political passes and recognition of prior training in styles that are not being instructed by military qualified instructors and that they are not instructing to the military, that is not the modus operandi of the Todd Group and is not what serious military and civilian exponents alike expect.

They understand that training in European military armed and unarmed combat and military self-defence requires mental toughness, intestinal fortitude commitment and practical smarts.

They expect testing phases to be challenging and understand the risks and realities.

The Todd Group’s 91 year history has been built on setting and maintaining the highest military combative and military self-defence standards and never compromising standards in the development and delivery of our trade craft.

Phase 3 training includes mil CQC (close quarters combat) which includes deadly unarmed combat and non-ballistic weapons lethal armed combat.

Mil CQC Lethal Unarmed Combat Training

The phase 3 specialist military self -defence package includes our best of mil dirty tricks brigade urban and battlefield self-defence tactics and skills.

Phase 3 also includes CQB (close quarters battle) armed combat where proponents are trained in both aimed and instinctive point shooting.

Our shooting packages official origins were derived directly from our former military pioneer instructors including the late Sergeant Major Harry Baldock and the late Col Rex Applegate.

Todd Mil CQB/CQC/MSD are ever evolving packages comprising of same systems skills developed at Todd Group HQ to ensure our pers receive the most current and proven methods of threat neutralisation.

The Todd Group training team include shooting instructors with decades of shooting participation as well as thousands of instructor and range officer hours.

The Phase 3 course in Thailand included residence searching and clearing of intruders/ home invaders.

This required proponents to undertake both theory and practical training leading up to the live shoot clearing and searching training phase.

Basic CQB Intruder/home invader searching and clearing

Wide ranging armed combat skills were instructed including rifle and pistol disarming.

CQ Firearms Disarming

Being aware of different weapons primary positions of seizure and securing in disarming through familiarisation with disarming various firearms is very important and as such proponents undertook hands on disarming of a range of weapons.

The course also included instruction in amphib military close quarters combat and military self-defence in the warm sea waters of Thailand.

The course trained at four different military facilities during the week to ensure proponents experienced specific military combative training facilities and had exposure to the realities of different conditions and terrain.

From hard ground to sand and in the sea through to the jungle and being put through their paces on a military bayonet training field, this course exposed proponents to wide ranging terrain and provided primary elite threat neutralisation capabilities.

Jungle E&E CQC

Bayonet training course

Civilian proponents enjoy the opportunity to live military close quarters combat in camp on intensive courses of instruction training with military pers.

The reason why civi’s and mil pers on Todd Group courses work well together, is simply because you can’t just turn up for training.

You must apply be vetted and accepted and then complete the arduous military CQC/MSD training hours to achieve skills confidence and competence before volunteering for testing and passing testing.

Most fail to achieve Phase 3 specialist proponent status.

This ensures time wasters, wannabes, paper hounds and those that simply could never pass mil CQC testing do not disrupt courses or gain credibility by association.

Anyone who lays claim to training in the Todd Systems who had never volunteered for testing and passed is simply indicating they have not proven themselves and have no quals.

Having both mil and civi exponents and proponents training and testing in the same systems requires quietly confident committed individuals that can work together to achieve their best outcomes.

This course was no exception and the mil civi status identified what we call individual unitism, meaning individuals wanting to self-improve and self-achieve that are like-minded and are prepared to work with others of the same or similar mentality and commitment in military CQC objective achievement.

The course program kicked off with knife combat before moving into deadly unarmed combat and improvised weapons for the battlefield.

Training day and night provided time to conduct presentations and undertake meetings in relation to weapons and equipment developments and innovations and upcoming HQ and exported courses of instruction.

The Thai military meals were of a very high standard and as always our pers were well looked after.

We have over 25 years of CQC involvement in Thailand and have developed life time allied connections.

Proponents were provided with instruction in the most primary means of threat neutralisation under wide ranging diverse threat situations and conditions, as well as being introduced to some of the deadly skills of our former allied military pioneer Master-Chief instructors.

Some skills were from the mil official programs of our allied experts WW11 Master-Chief Instructors.

Learning methods from yesteryear of using cordage to make mechanical restraints as well as primary and backup weapons seizure prevention, weapon retention to prevent weapon loss and if compromised and the drawn weapon has been seized and secured by the enemy, then regention a Todd Group term for regaining control of the weapon and neutralising the threat, were all included during the week long training course.

This course provided time to ensure all Phase 3 proponents in attendance were up skilled with the most current approved tactics and skills for all phases of training.

European mil CQC/MSD must be kept ahead of enemy threats and to do this committed proponents stay current by attending courses annually.

Self-respect and respect of fellow proponents is a result of all on such courses having passed the same testing phases or undergone same or similar courses in the military elite.

Todd Group training team instructors working as mil CQC instructors must be fully committed and current.

To see attendees on this course that were mere teenagers when they first joined the Todd Group and are now in their 50s and still as committed makes such courses unique and special.

We have already plotted another Phase 3 specialist course in Thailand for 2019.

The lifers are getting older and may not be in the same peak physical condition they were decades ago but they are just as dedicated and committed to their military CQC tradecraft.

They know the importance of a return of service by giving back some of the training they received from their instructors to current exponents.

They remember the words of military unarmed combat expert instructors that they underwent training with telling them that military self-defence and military close quarters combat provides the best chances of defeating an aggressor for life whereas fighting arts and combat sports require considerably higher levels of physical fitness and are often competed in genders and weight divisions which is very different to the realities of mil CQC.

They are well aware if dirty and deadly mil CQB/CQC/MSD wont achieve the objective for the underdog up against a formidable enemy they are in dire danger.

The completion of this Phase 3 specialist course brings the training courses year to an end except for a final phase 1 test at Camp Todd.

The interest in current European military CQC/MSD of recent has increased tenfold but just interest alone isn’t enough when it comes to mil CQC/MSD, individuals must be prepared to accept training and testing challenges respect the chain of command, take orders and obey instructions, and never make excuses for their own shortcomings or failures.

They must earn the right to advanced and specialist training and remain current like the attendees have on this final intensive week-long course of instruction 2018.

Anyone interested in achieving European military combative competency must start at the beginning with a basic course of instruction and earn the right to advanced and specialist training by completing the mandatory training hours and passing testing phases.

If it was easy and didn’t require personal sacrifices anyone would be able to do it but this is not the case.

Military close quarters combat and military self-defence for civi’s are not given rights they are privileges that require integrity, responsibility, loyalty and honour.

If you are made of the right stuff and want to be the best CQC exponent you possibly can be, then apply for an intensive course of instruction in 2019.

Courses joining instructions/information www.toddgroup.com CQC Times mil CQC e-mag www.cqctimes.com enquiries [email protected]

Article written by Tank Todd

Special Operations CQB Master Chief Instructor. Over 30 years experience. The only instructor qualified descendent of Baldock, Nelson, and Applegate. Former instructors include Harry Baldock (unarmed combat instructor NZ Army WWII), Colonel Rex Applegate OSS WWII and Charles Nelson, US Marine Corps. Tank has passed his Special Forces combative instructor qualification course in Southeast Asia and is certified to instruct the Applegate, Baldock and Nelson systems. His school has been operating for over eighty years and he is currently an Army Special Operations Group CQB Master Chief Instructor. His lineage and qualifications from the evolutionary pioneers are equalled by no other military close combat instructor. His operation includes his New Zealand headquarters, and 30 depots worldwide as well as contracts to train the military elite, security forces, and close protection specialists. Annually he trains thousands of exponents and serious operators that travel down-under to learn from the direct descendant of the experts and pioneers of military close combat. Following in the footsteps of his former seniors, he has developed weapons, and training equipment exclusive to close combat and tactical applications. He has published military manuals and several civilian manuals and produced DVDs on urban self protection, tactical control and restraint, and close combat. He has racked up an impressive 100,000+ hours in close combat.