Caution: The contents of this article are for education purposes only. The principles described are extremely dangerous and are for military close combat training and operations only. Their application applies solely to the military.

I have been told of your connection with Col Applegate and think such an association would make the basis for a good book. Do you have any plans to write such a book?

I have files of notes I took directly from Col Applegate as well as considerable information he gave me.

One day when the courses slow down in the future I will compile a book based on these notes that are a true reflection of the Colonels personal likes and dislikes on close combat.

The following is a link to a previous article I wrote outlining our connection including information from correspondence.

Link https://www.fighttimes.com/magazine/magazine.asp?article=90

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We have received so many inquiries in regards to the annual international close combat course lottery draw and have addressed them individually and personally .The following are some of the questions we have received to date that we will answer publicly at this time .For those that are not aware of the free lottery draw for places on the 2008 International close combat course this is the link to the lottery draw advice.


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I read on Fight Times the advertisement for the lottery draw for free training could do tell me more about it.

The lottery will be drawn from successful applications that meet the criteria of being from faraway countries and that also meet the criteria of being adult applicants whose application paper work meets the vetting requirements.

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What a great idea providing a draw for free training and for myself this is an opportunity to good to miss. Can you tell me if it is only for the military people?

No. Applicants can come from the military, civilian, security or law enforcement. As long as the applicants are responsible mature adults that meet the vetting requirements.

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I have read the articles on your great courses and been told how successful they are. I can't understand why you would need to operate such a lottery as the results speak for themselves in attendance.

It has been eleven years since we opened the annual course up globally. Every year we have achieved capacity courses and wait lists.

We have increased instructor numbers to address the demand as well as conducting most of the course at our camp that provides the capacity to accommodate increased exponent numbers with several training areas operating at the same time.

The lottery was my idea based on so many persons that could do with a break on the considerable financial investment required to travel down under and take the course. I have no control over the cost of flights and we need to cover the minimal expense for accommodation and meals however I could afford to offer some free places for worthy applicants on course.

I have been aware for some time that many interested individuals from the likes of the United States of America and the United Kingdom would like the opportunity to complete the course and testing phase and work towards instructor qualifications and setting up a Todd group depot back in their country. The Todd group not being a franchise but being in control of the doctrine training and management packages and most importantly standards and security could support them in achieving their objectives and gaining revenue from instructing for no financial reason but strictly out of future proofing and expanding our organization with the right caliber of exponent or instructor.

So for me being able to provide worthy exponents the opportunity to train and qualify gain income and expand the Todd systems globally is very satisfying.

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Can you cope with the numbers of applicants this draw will most likely attract and how will you decide on the lucky people?

The Todd Group has an 80-year history and a considerable instructor cadre with many instructors with more than 20 years experience and service with the Todd group.

Combine our considerable staffing and course management experience with the head quarters and training camp of 280 acres and enough equipment to train more than 200 exponents we are well equipped and staffed to provide quality training.

Every year has seen the course full to capacity and this year being the 80th anniversary combined with the annual international close combat course and the close personal protection course saw record numbers of several hundred past present and new members attending. Link https://www.fighttimes.com/magazine/magazine.asp?article=668

I made the decision after the 80th anniversary to offer the free lottery draw based on interest and our ability to accommodate the substantial numbers that attended this year’s celebrations and courses.

The grape vine works well and the Internet has proven to carry great news faster than the speed of light. We are all keen to enter the draw for the course and think it is a great idea.

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Do you intend to conduct the same draw every year?

You're right about the grapevine I have had calls from friends of friends colleagues and police and military personnel that have been informed by fellow service personnel and the word seems to be running hot.

This years free lottery draw is on a trial basis however I would like to think it would be successful and continued in years to come.

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What an excellent opportunity to be part of a great course. Could you explain how the draw works and the eligibility aspects?

The draw is simple; applicants that come from further away than Australasia and that are over eighteen years of age may apply.

They must be responsible individuals that have completed the application forms and eligibility questionnaire and met the vetting requirements. These requirements require civilians or service personnel to provide specific details and reasons for applying.

The eligible applicants will be entered into a draw and the first five applicants drawn will be advised they have been successful.

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Should they not be able to attend replacement applicants will be drawn? Do you conduct more than one of these lottery draw courses per year?

Firstly we only conduct one international course per year due to capacity contract instructing schedules. Secondly this is the first time we have conducted a lottery draw for positions on course and the success of this initiative will determine if it is to be an annual event.

I would like to apply for the lottery and was wondering if you have had many applications and if there are still available positions.

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Could you also let us know what the weather will be like in New Zealand at this time of year?

We have received many communications from interested persons and have sent them the application paperwork.

Some have been returned already and there are more to be returned as well as we have received more inquiries since then.

We wont draw the lottery until the end of January 2008 and will accept applications right up until then. In regards to the weather in New Zealand in March it will be changeable ranging from warm to a cold wind and sometimes showers.

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Hi could you tell me if the lottery draw course is for females as well as males and about the accommodation facilities?

The course is for both males and females and while we get predominantly male applications we have barracks accommodation and toilet and shower blocks for both males and females.

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Flying into New Zealand from the US could you please advise of the arrival airport?

Auckland international airport will be your entry point and then once you have cleared customs and immigration you will need a domestic flight to Dunedin airport.

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For those that do not get a lucky draw free position, will there still be paid available positions to apply for?

This is a difficult question simply because the interest has been high and we do not know if all the applicants that do not get a free place would pay to attend. What I propose to do is advise the unlucky applicants as early as possible and endeavor to make positions available for them on course.

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I intend to put my application in the draw and was wondering if this would be a good time of year to bring my family along and vacation before the course?

Yes this would be a good time to holiday in New Zealand.

I recommend you holiday prior to the course as the weather would be most likely even a little warmer and you could then focus on your training and your family could see the local tourist sights while you were training.

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I am going to apply for a draw position and was wondering what I would need to bring along and what facilities were available at the course?

On application you will receive an information pack but in the meantime this is an outline of the facilities and your requirements.

The camp has Army huts that sleep eight pers and barracks that sleep four.

There are two toilet and shower blocks a training hall and commercial kitchen.

The camp comprises of considerable outside training areas and the Todd group headquarters office and store is located in Dunedin city. The headquarters consists of two stories and incorporates several training areas fully equipped for close combat.

What you need to bring is a sleeping bag, pillowcase, your clothing, towels, toiletries, training footwear and spending money. Everything else will be provided.

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Do you conduct such lottery courses in other countries?

We have conducted courses around the world over the years and our depot instructors continue to instruct the system in their countries however we do not have courses scheduled outside the annual international course simply because of a lack of slots because of our capacity contract instructing commitments.

The other reason the annual international course is important for overseas exponents is that the Todd Group headquarters are the only allowed phase testing providers.

This ensures the highest standards are maintained and there is no favoritism or prejudice. The testing phase cannot be charged for as exponents must earn their promotion and will be certified for their achievement without charge. Visiting exponents relish in the opportunity to visit the old headquarters and take in the history and atmosphere.

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I have read your articles on Charles Nelson and how you trained from him. Did you live in New York or just visit and how long did you train from him for.

I started training with Charlie in the mid 1980’s and trained in New York with him annually up until he retired.

This was for over 10 years and on each visit I trained for between two and four weeks everyday.

This is a link to an article about my association with Charlie Nelson.


Interested in Close Combat Training? Todd Group Depots are located throughout New Zealand and at various overseas locations.

For more information on Todd System of Close Combat see the following books, dvds and cds:

  • Close Combat Books
    The Do's and Don'ts of Close Combat – Tactical C&R – Control and Restraint – No Nonsense Self Defence – Military Close Combat Systems Phase One – Combative Masters Of The 20th Century
  • Close Combat DVDs
    Self Defence of the Elite – 80 Years of Combative Excellence – Primary Option Control & Restraint – Military Unarmed Combat – Phase 1
  • Close Combat CDs
    Technique To Command – Combative Code of Conduct

Article written by Todd Group

The Todd Group, established by the late Harry Baldock, have been providing CQC, CQB, unarmed combat, defensive tactics, and self protection training since 1927.

They are instructors and consultants to military, police, close protection, corrections, security, and civilians.

The Todd Group has over 35 training depots nationally and internationally.

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