Close Combat International Experience – Dare to Test Yourself

The Todd Group went International in 1996 when it conducted its first International CQB course at its New Zealand HQ in Dunedin.

What a success it was and continues to be growing in numbers every year.

That first course was very special and attracted a wide and varied range and calibre of exponents.

This was a phase one course only and the phase one-course slots were filled several months out from the course. There were many nationalities that made the experience truly interesting and saw many friendships forged. From Brit to Asian, Australian and American accents the facility was a real combative multicultural melting pot.

There were military, police and bodyguards, bouncers and martial arts champions and many other professions, all there to test themselves.

The facility had an atmosphere that the exponents had never experienced before with its decades of history and the smell of sweat and photos that depicted a history second to none. It had everything you could imagine for a close quarters combat course and much more including a gym of hard knocks where thousands had bled and sweated before this course.

The instructing team were experts led by Tank and there were regular visitors that had service records that made us proud to just be in the same room as them.

Exponents were given evening lectures by military experts on very interesting subjects such as psychological conditioning for battle and CQB medical aspects.

The first two days were hell as they learnt the basic unarmed offensive assault and unarmed counter offensive assault modules, in fact the days were over fourteen hours long but once the basics had been installed and the self-defence modules had begun, everything started to become more manageable and had a definite order of progression that made sense to everyone.

The revision was constant and most beneficial and the practice intensity was increased as they gained in proficiency to the point where they were practising at considerable commitment and this was with no protective gear.

The People

Todd Group 2IC ‘Cowboy’ Mitchell awarded his Close Personal Protection certification from Tank Todd and Larry Jordan.

Long-term Todd Group senior member Howard Bell pictured with Tank and his son Hayden, a second generation Bell family member to train and test in the Todd Systems.

Post-phase test Australia

Guest instructors on the annual Todd Group course. Motosada Mori, and Craig Gemeiner pictured with Todd Group senior member Barrie Rice.

Tank pictured with senior Todd Group instructor Ron Evans, and respected guest instructors Major John Whipp and Robbie Robinson.

Post Annual International course, Tank and Todd Group 2IC ‘Cowboy’ Mitchell with Larry Jordan, close combat Master Chief Instructor, and Major John Whipp, Australian Military Unarmed Combat Chief Instructor.

Ron Evans and Robbie Robinson.

Post-Close Personal Protection course 1996, Todd Group.

Tom Gordon, former elite forces, instructing at the Todd Group.

Tank pictured with respected Association member and Australian Commando Unarmed Combat pioneer Blue Curran.

We had developed their confidence and competence in five days to their maximum levels and they were countering one another out and combating one another constantly.

Getting near the end of the week they had racked up an impressive seventy hours on course and the likely candidates for the test phase had identified themselves while others had decided not to volunteer for the gruelling phase one test.

They were shown video footage of previous phase tests, which resulted in many more withdrawals but we had a committed group of candidates that had volunteered for the test phase on day six.

The reality is there is risk involved and there is no protective gear worn, but it is as close as it gets to real combat without the loss of life or limb and for those wanting the closest experience a civilian will get to a military CQB course outside the forces, the decision is easy.

Having expert military instructors conducting the proceedings also is a great confidence booster and source of inspiration. The test was conducted low key and the individual candidates were required to dig deep and show extreme inner resolve as this was very much a case of coming up against not only other candidates but oneself. You had to rely on your own skills and determination and any external advice or support was not wanted or required.

The no protector strikes and kicks were very real and the weapons were also the real thing, making the environment totally conducive with being the best combatant you could personally be without calling on any outside influence or receiving any outside assistance.

The Training

Mike Snowden put through his paces on the Todd Group Survival and Combative course.

Tank instructing amphibious close combat.

Boating-phase survival and combative course.


Rappelling on Todd Group course.

CPP Todd Group course 1996, instructor Larry Jordan.

Close Combat Course, Sydney. Dave Stevens and Larry Jordan demonstrating.

Blue curran instructing on the International Close Combat Instructors Association course, Syndey, Australia.

Mori instructing on Association course, Syndey.

Todd Group CPP Course

Todd Group course, Queensland, Australia.

Familiarisation with Combat Sports. Instruction by Alan Rolton in Wrestling.

Todd Group CPP Course

Introduction to CPP for the movie industry, The Gold Coast, Australia.

Craig Gemeiner, familiarisation with European stick fighting on Annual Course, Todd Group.

Motosada Mori instructing on Todd Group Annual Course.

Tank demonstating a bronco kick.

Larry Jordan instructing CPP Course, Todd Group

Larry demonstratring “good-night” techniques.

Johnny Whipp, guest instructor, Annual Todd Group course, phase familiarisation with other fighting arts.

Blue Curran demonstrates unarmed combat on Howard Bell.

The end results were based on your ability to conduct your self skilfully and quickly and quietly employing every dirty trick, edge and advantage you had been taught on how to recognize and exploit opportunities to win.

There were some remarkable outcomes and some very tough and skilful combatants identified. There were also some exponents that were exposed for their individual weaknesses and they could not hope to pass but had shown considerable courage to volunteer and endure the proceedings. Some didn’t finish the test phase and others failed but those that passed knew they had achieved something very special indeed.

The course certificate presentation was an event that all involved will never forget and to see individuals that six days earlier had never been tested or had any idea of what they were going to face or could achieve was remarkable.

These young men and some not so young were far more proficient than they had ever been combative wise and they were all humble and relishing in the opportunity to spend the last night of the course in each others company.

They were proud, quiet professionals but on close inspection you could see how confident they were and how some had arrived looking anything but a picture of confidence but now were walking tall and proud.

That was the first of the annual national and international close combat courses and there have been ten since.

Many of the exponents have gone on to become Todd Group depot instructors and have moved up through the ranks to phase three level or joined the Todd Group military training team.

Every year the course continues to grow and every year all available positions are filled.

The Testing

Phase One Test – Hayden Bell employs eye gouge and flat hand.

Phase One testing, ground finish.

Post-Phase test, the Hunter Valley, New South Wales. Christiaan, Peter and Brian, the 3 successful test candidates.

Phase One Test

Phase 2 training

Phase One test

Introduction to Phase Two training

Phase Two testing

The course now consists of all three phases of the Todd Systems being instructed simultaneously at the HQ facility or the new hundred man training camp.

There are also instructor courses as part of the annual course where exponents can get the required basic grounding to become a Todd Group future depot instructor.

Military current and former CQB instructors from the US and UK, as well as Australia and South East Asia all return regularly to share in this very special course and assist and conduct a variety of training on close combat and related subjects as well as combating enemy fighting arts.

These instructors include Larry Jordan, Ron Evans, Barrie Rice, Johnnie Whipp, Robbie Robinson and Motosada Mori.

Such experts describe the course as unequalled outside the military anywhere in the world and an experience not to be missed.

You get to not only learn from military experts but also be privy to the latest in everything CQB from equipment to weapons and new publications and productions.

Many of the Todd Group members are champion combat sports persons in many codes and they are very approachable and prepared to show you their sport and answer your questions.

They all agree that in combat or self defence for them the Todd System wins first time every time and that is why they train in it and are so committed to the Todd Group.

The great thing about this annual specialist course is that you complete the equivalent of a years casual hobby training in a week and for the many service persons and professionals that return annually this is a very good means of continuation training and remaining current.

The military close combat systems are constantly being evaluated and it is very much a living package that is designed to combat new threats of armed and unarmed combat.

This gives return exponents access to the most current and proven skills and principles that is a must for the professional.

The Todd Group never envisaged having thirty plus depots worldwide and exponents and instructors alike requesting their services constantly but this is testament to just how specialist and proven the Todd Systems are.

They are full time military expert training providers in over fifty specialist subjects with a lineage to the expert pioneers of no other organization and this makes the Todd Group and the annual CQB course the choice of the serious combatant that is prepared to accept the ultimate civilian combative challenge.

The 2007 close combat course is filling quickly and for entry-level exponents or those aspiring to become instructors and operate their own Todd Group depot early applications are essential.

There will also be a specialist close personal protection course conducted immediately after the CQB annual course in 2007 and likewise applications for this course should be made now to avoid missing out as we have applicant waiting lists that date back to our previous such course.

Our previous CPP course graduates are working close protection worldwide and in NZ we are the leaders in the field of close personal protection.

Our courses attract military police and current Royal Family protection unit operators as well as security personnel and responsible citizens wanting to venture into a new career.

We have trained Royal Family close protection units, the movie industry CPP teams, the Americas cup Alinghi syndicate CPP team, close protection operators for the corporate sector and personnel to operate in hot spots around the world.

The course is the only course of its kind conducted in NZ and comprises of land, air, rail and sea specialist close protection as well as war zone close protection training and hands on offensive and evasive driving and armed close protection modules.

The course incorporates practical exercises that involve varied locations and means of travel and include a wide range of operational practice.

We have our own pilot and chartered aircraft as well as chartered vessels for the maritime phase, a full camp facility, driving track and instructors and 4WD instructors, a shooting range and all equipment is provided apart from the exponent’s personal requirements.

We pride ourselves in providing the best possible training and welcome the serious and committed on course.

2007 will be the eightieth anniversary of the Todd Group and a very special annual course indeed with the anniversary being celebrated during the annual course and we encourage all current and former members and new members to join us and our expert instructors and guests to celebrate this special occasion.



Interested in Close Combat Training? Todd Group Depots are located throughout New Zealand and at various overseas locations.

For more information on Todd System of Close Combat see the following books, dvds and cds:

  • Close Combat Books

    The Do’s and Don’ts of Close Combat – Tactical C&R – Control and Restraint – No Nonsense Self Defence – Military Close Combat Systems Phase One – Combative Masters Of The 20th Century

  • Close Combat DVDs

    Self Defence of the Elite – 80 Years of Combative Excellence – Primary Option Control & Restraint – Military Unarmed Combat – Phase 1

  • Close Combat CDs

    Technique To Command – Combative Code of Conduct

Article written by Todd Group

The Todd Group, established by the late Harry Baldock, have been providing CQC, CQB, unarmed combat, defensive tactics, and self protection training since 1927.

They are instructors and consultants to military, police, close protection, corrections, security, and civilians.

The Todd Group has over 35 training depots nationally and internationally.

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