Christchurch Weekend CQC Short Course July 9-10, 2022

Phase 1 Basic disarming drills training

We just completed a weekend short course in Christchurch where skills continuation training and skills competency assessments were the order the days.

The exported courses to national regional depots enable depot members and instructors to keep up with the most current tactics skills and any auxiliary CQC related training.

It was good to have all ranks of willing current member exponents, proponents and instructors in attendance.

We are in the midst of changing our nationwide training provision strategies so all regional courses will be members only courses and all new regional exponents will be vetted and trained at the NZ depots by depot instructors.

All NZ week long intensive courses other than contract training provision courses will be conducted from Todd Group HQ and Camp Todd and International courses will be conducted out of one of our training locations in our International hub country of Thailand.

This will hopefully reduce running at capacity schedules and critical manning on the training team and ensure all attendees are dedicated and committed to achieving highest standards and promotion and advancement. Being not only the oldest but only training provider nationally and internationally of our European mil CQC/MSD has meant we have been running at capacity for the last four decades and the training provision structure changes are necessary.

Working towards our 100th anniversary in 2027 we have a considerable amount of work to get done and with many projects on the go as well as consultancy and the writing of programs and manuals as well as the development of training resources we need to restructure and prioritise how we can best meet demand.

We do not mass recruit and our courses are small group 14 per maximum courses so HQ exported courses need to be for serious proven exponents/proponents not new entry unknown exponents.

The weekend Christchurch course was a course of members that had all their basic skills squared away and had proven themselves under testing and were committed to continuation training.

Training in mil CQC is a privilege that comes with responsibilities and conditions and on intensive courses of instruction it is important that we do not have new entry exponents that do not have the mental or physical required make ups and as such hinder training intensity through their lack of prior training or unsuitability for our mil CQC/MSD intensive training.

New entry exponents will be vetted and achieve the required competency by completing mandatory training hours at the depots and undergoing pre-testing intensive training and immediate post course testing at Todd Group HQ/Camp Todd or at one of our Thailand facilities.

This new strategy along with resigned members needing to re-apply be accepted for re-joining and then having to get back up to the required high levels of capability in mandatory training hours time frames then re-testing and passing will set and maintain even higher standards than previous.

Even with Covid-19 and injuries eliminating members at the 12th hour we achieved a full muster of committed enthusiasts.

This short course program included an introduction to close quarter’s contact inoculation.

This is an important need for CQC contact training and testing as well as for combat sports especially for those that have not fought before and experienced hard, heavy and hostile contact.

My mil CQC close combat inoculation package focuses on lethal armed and to a lesser degree unarmed threat neutralisation under actions on assault and I have drawn on this tradecraft skillset to develop an unarmed contact inoculation package for our CQC members and our combat sports fighters.

This weekend’s training meant attendees could undergo introductory training in contact inoculation and was well received.

The package specifically provides the tactics and skills to overcome fears of contact and as such reduces stresses and enables not only enhanced inner resolve but also sound means and methods to reduce the effects of hard contact and achieve as such increased chances of threat neutralisation.

The interest for this training package from CQC members and combat sports fighters is very high and will require the conducting of ongoing short courses training.

Some attending Phase 2 and 3 Pers training in one of the contact inoculation drills

There was a considerable number of mental toughness combined contact inoculation skills instructed on course for increasing intestinal fortitude and contact reduction in a range of threat situations.

Recently we have received interest from our combat sports fighters in this specialist skill set training with them having fights coming up.

This has been a trade-craft skills set at HQ for decades for combatants and fighters and has proven to considerably inoculate them against effects of contact and increase a winning not merely surviving mentality.

This is one of the most important necessities under actions on against a formidable assaulter where the reality is there is going to be contact.

The Brain to Boot mental toughness tactics and skills enhance the required mindset to deal with violence and the contact inoculation provides the capabilities to reduce the effects and be ready to deal with close quarters contact with a mindset of victory over defeat.

Several decades ago when I adapted our mil close combat inoculation training package for urban self-defence and combat sports, it was tested in combat sports competition by matching our novice fighters that had undergone the brain to boot mental toughness training combined with hard heavy hostile contact inoculation training against far more experienced proven fighters.

The outcomes proven they were not afraid of either the calibre of opponent or effects of contact and proved they were formidable taking their opponents the distance and some even defeated superior opponents fight capabilities and experience wise.

This training was discreetly introduced to enhance members resolve and toughness when weaknesses were identified or their individual improvement under CQC duress or for upcoming fights.

Some new exponents may have not experienced actions on contact and the contact inoculation will introduce them to controlled doses of the violence virus and upskill them with threat stopper counter violence vaccine capabilities to prevent or reduce the effects of contact combined with a winning mentality of counter engagement threat neutralisation over being just defensive.

The course trained diligently with attention to detail in this new skillset and their confidence and competence capabilities increased considerably by day two.

Day two included a mock Phase 1 Basic test in the form of stands that covered all tested competencies under Phase 1 Basic testing.

They went through the mock testing several times covering everything from drill to command through to toughener and sickener training, all the self-defence modules, the actions on CQC training and BHEs battle handling exercises. The toughener and sickener included coming back from the dead where the enemy party assaulters would engage the combatants and the combatants would have to hard cover guard, take control and seize and secure the assaulter to eliminate their unarmed capabilities. While anyone can throw a punch not everyone can deal with being contacted and take control and stop hostilities. This is a very important part of mental toughness development through intestinal fortitude and primary tactics and skills capabilities.

Coming back from the dead counter actions under assault against unarmed threat to control contain and threat neutralise as part of toughener and sickener training

The Phase 2 and 3 exponents and proponents worked on battlefield threat neutralisation, decentralisation and ground combat.

This was a solid two days of training made even better by the high standard of the attending exponents and proponents and the assisting Phase 3 proponent/instructors of the phase 1 and 2 groups training.

We are back at HQ setting up the upcoming dual country specialist CPP close personal protection course and the late November all ranks CQC Thailand tour of multiple training locations.

Courses information and joining instructions

Article written by Todd Group

The Todd Group, established by the late Harry Baldock, have been providing CQC, CQB, unarmed combat, defensive tactics, and self protection training since 1927.

They are instructors and consultants to military, police, close protection, corrections, security, and civilians.

The Todd Group has over 35 training depots nationally and internationally.