The Med Cell

The Knee

The information presented here is for educational purposes only. Introduction This installment of The Med Cell looks at the knee. The knee is an important target in close combat. Injury can lead to loss of mobility and possibly even loss of the leg itself through disruption to blood supply. The amount of force required to […]

The Ankle

The ankle is the second region of the body to be covered by The Med Cell. As in the foot, the ankle region is of significance to the combat practitioner in terms of both inflicting and receiving injuries. Like injuries to the foot, ankle injuries can effectively immobilize the injured party. During the American Civil […]

The Foot

The following information is for educational purposes only. “bare feet are for bathing in, boots are for kicking in” The foot is the first region of the body to be covered in the Med Cell series. It is one of the most important areas available to the combat practitioner for two opposing reasons. First, due […]

Introduction to ‘The Med Cell’

Disclaimer: The information presented below is for educational purposes only. This is the first in a series of articles under the banner ‘The Med Cell”. The aim of The Med Cell is to help combat practitioners understand how and why injuries occur as a result of close combat. In order to do this we have […]

Med Cell

Med Cell is a new column to Fight Times that will I’m sure really interest our readers. Let me introduce Doc, as we know him at the Todd Group, Dr Steffan Eriksson. Doc is an emergency registrar in the A&E and as such deals with trauma as part of his duties on a regular basis. […]