Capacity courses calendars and instructor demand exceeding availability

Here at the Todd Group we get constant requests for the provision of training courses.

The reality is our courses calendar is close to if not capacity up to a year in advance and we have some courses confirmed two or more years in advance.

Our instructing team demand usually exceeds instructor availability by considerable.

General public application week long intensive small group courses available positions are often filled within days of going live on our HQ website.

We often have large wait lists for available positions and most if not all on wait lists cannot be accepted for course joining.

This is unfortunate but there is nothing we can immediately do about it when we are operating at full musters and critical manning on the instructor team.

It takes over 1000 training hours to qualify a Phase 3 Specialist mil CQC/MSD instructor to the highly competent and confident required status to deliver specialist training.

There are masses of non-military qualified traditional fighting arts self-defence instructors but only a small number of military qualified phase 3 specialist instructors qualified to instruct advanced and specialist mil CQC.

We set and maintain the highest mil CQC/MSD standards as the caretakers of the doctrine and training packages at this point in time and will never sacrifice standards to accommodate demand.

Most of our specialist services CQC/MSD contract training provision is non-public and when combined with our civi enthusiasts HQ and exported courses our annual calendar runs at capacity well in advance.

The reasoning behind our capacity schedules is simply because military qualified CQC/MSD high level training providers are simply not available.

We are the only training providers with such credentials and qualifications in European military close quarter’s combat and military self-defence in New Zealand.

We are the oldest global training provider of European military specialist CQC/MSD and with contract services clients wanting the very best training for their personnel from the HQ source demand are constant.

Proof of the training provider’s expertise is not only in their prior training and qualifications in the military close combat tradecraft but also in their decades of continuous training provision.

Expertise and reputations are earned and as such referrals and requests are constant.

There is no credibility by association, slipping through the cracks or recognition of prior training in another system when it comes to proof of training testing qualification rank and mil instructor records of instructor service when it comes to Todd mil CQC.

Political passes back door entry or easy advancement options in mil CQC instructor qualifying or anyone that has not been prepared to volunteer front up and fully commit to training testing and proving themselves on mil CQC qualification courses eliminate them from instructor qualification and as such instructing on military CQC courses.

There is no non-mil CQC styles prior recognition of prior training as unless quals are mil CQC primary tradecraft practices and instructors have come up through the ranks under the mil CQC training and instruction regimes they are not qualified in the training packages and methods of instructing and courses delivery the mil CQC way.

There is no entry by outsider training connection association in Todd Group Mil CQC.

Our in constant demand status has come about through our setting and maintaining of the highest standards over more than 90 years of commitment to mil CQC training provision.

Those that do have a lifetime of recognised commitment in training testing and records of mil CQC qualifications are known for their expertise and are in high demand as such.

When you consider military close quarters combat and military self- defence actions on can come down to a life or death reality and as such is dependent on the very best of role specific CQC training and highly qualified and experienced instructors to ensure operators are armed with the best chances of threat neutralisation. The most current primary proven tactics and skills delivered by highly trained and qualified mil CQC tradecraft instructors are the order of requirement.

Our ethos at the Todd Group in relation to training provision, as always has been to provide our very best CQC/MSD training delivered by officially qualified instructors and we have always believed that if you turn down a job or a trip, you may not be considered again.

This certainly was the reality in decades gone by, but with the demand far exceeding training provision capability, we now have confirmed courses several years in advance.

This is not a situation that is ideal but the training testing qualifying regime from exponent through instructor for specialist courses of instruction requires mandatory training hours to achieve the required qualification along with the required assistant instructor and basic instructor training hours to achieve courses delivery competency and confidence.

Specialist services contract training provision requires the very best of instructors and training programs and there is no justification or consideration for settling for anything less than the very best.

We have provided specialist military contract training for decades and our contract clients course dates always take preference.

Here in New Zealand you can count the number of mil CQC/MSD qualified training providers that are mil master instructor qualified in European military CQC/MSD on one finger.

Our specialist services clients globally want their training from the source and often from the source Master instructors and are prepared to plan and schedule courses a year or more in advance as such.

The Todd Group and our special services contract clients share the same ethos of not settling for anything but the best and never sacrificing standards.

The reality is the demand and instructor availability has dictated course conducting available slots which are often 12 to 24 months out.

Being a small specialist private training provider of over 90 years we have identified trained tested and qualified high level instructors and can provide in country and exported small group specialist courses of instruction by having the people resources and long-term allied connections and facilitators making this possible but this requires considerable advance planning and for intending exponents very early applications.

There simply is no justification for second best training when it comes to military self- defence and military close quarters combat and when training provision availability exceeds demand requirements, there is no other option but to advance plan and plot courses for the earliest available dates. The main reason why specialist services contract clients request training from the Todd Group over utilising instructors internally trained is simply so they can get the most current proven capabilities from the source and to set and maintain the highest standards and get the most current best training for their personnel.

With military CQC/MSD being a progressive tradecraft having a highly qualified Master-Chief instructor full-time committed to ensuring delivered training is the best of the best and most current and proven specialist means of threat neutralisation is a must.

Here at the Todd Group we never want to have to turn down training requests and we do our utmost to fulfil all training request requirements as soon as we possibly can.

We must maintain available dates for our services long term clients’ contract training provision as we have a commitment to our specialist contract training provision clients that is not just job considered.

We are committed dedicated and loyal to those that need our training most and that have an uncompromising pursuit of ensuring their pers get the required training.

As small group civilian courses are conducted year round and like our contract training provision dates and course numbers are in relation to instructor availability and instructor to exponents ratios.

We do our best to accommodate all responsible realist citizens training requests.

The best way to ensure course participation is by as early as possible submitting your course application and on acceptance fulfilling all course joining requirements.

Such is the demand for course joining and our intent to recruit the most responsible exponent there is a mandatory 7 days period post acceptance for completing course joining conditions or being removed from the nominal roll and being declined for any future courses joining.

Mil CQC training for civilians is a privilege not a given right and serious committed civilian enthusiasts must understand that requires personal and financial sacrifices including travelling to attend available courses.

Those that do not have the desire will and commitment to do everything it takes to best arm themselves with knowledge and capability will not make the cut with the Todd Group.

Exponents must be of integrity responsibility reliability and must be quietly confidently committed to being the best exponent they can be.

They must be able to take orders and instructions and be a likeminded small tight group training member.

They must abide by their combative codes of conduct contracts or they will lose training privileges or will be binned.

Setting high standards, demanding training hour’s completion before testing, providing mil CQC/MSD tactics and skills content only in mil training packages and the requirement for candidates passing challenging testing are but some reasons for training demand exceeding immediate training provision availability.

Serious services pers and civi enthusiasts applying for Todd Group courses joining want their training from the mil CQC source under the instruction of respected mil qualified instructors.

We have received more training requests for 2019 than ever and have just had to turn down overseas organisations training requests.

2019 civi and combined mil/civi courses interest and applications have increased and are coming in earlier than ever out of the realisation that this is necessary to secure positions on upcoming courses.

Upcoming courses joining instructions and online application facilities.

Article written by Tank Todd

Special Operations CQB Master Chief Instructor. Over 30 years experience. The only instructor qualified descendent of Baldock, Nelson, and Applegate. Former instructors include Harry Baldock (unarmed combat instructor NZ Army WWII), Colonel Rex Applegate OSS WWII and Charles Nelson, US Marine Corps. Tank has passed his Special Forces combative instructor qualification course in Southeast Asia and is certified to instruct the Applegate, Baldock and Nelson systems. His school has been operating for over eighty years and he is currently an Army Special Operations Group CQB Master Chief Instructor. His lineage and qualifications from the evolutionary pioneers are equalled by no other military close combat instructor. His operation includes his New Zealand headquarters, and 30 depots worldwide as well as contracts to train the military elite, security forces, and close protection specialists. Annually he trains thousands of exponents and serious operators that travel down-under to learn from the direct descendant of the experts and pioneers of military close combat. Following in the footsteps of his former seniors, he has developed weapons, and training equipment exclusive to close combat and tactical applications. He has published military manuals and several civilian manuals and produced DVDs on urban self protection, tactical control and restraint, and close combat. He has racked up an impressive 100,000+ hours in close combat.