April through June 2015 Todd Group Southeast Asia, United Kingdom, Germany CQC Training Circuit

Thailand Course Group 2015

More than 40 days in five countries cram packed with conducting of courses as well as consultancy and conducting future courses locations assessments.

The demand has led to capacity schedules for 2015 and the requests for even more courses in 2016.

Three South East Asian countries in two days to conduct location assessments for future courses made for a hectic but interesting schedule.

The 2015 UK week-long intensive course of instruction was down on 2014 exponent numbers mainly through injuries and personal circumstances of intending exponents.

In 2016 with initiatives to recruit new entry-level exponents as well as having assurances of attendance from individuals who have previously attended courses, we can look forward to increasing our presence in the United Kingdom next year.

Our aim is to conduct not only an intensive course of instruction but a test phase and have candidates pass, moving on from basic level phase 1, to advanced level phase 2 with view to becoming depot instructors.

We now have two more Todd Group HQ qualified instructors living in the UK which will assist with recruiting and the provision of introductory and continuation training.

UK course pictures


Hold escapes

 Military self-defence hands tied

Lift counter engagement

Temporary subject decentralised control

From the United Kingdom it was to Leipzig, Germany for the annual week-long intensive course of instruction and test phase.

Both phase 1 basic and phase 2 advanced courses of instruction were conducted simultaneously.

Unfortunately one of the candidates for the phase one test broke his arm during pre-phase test preparation training the day before the phase test.

As he put it, his broken arm was testament to the effectiveness of hard cover guarding.

Ken the Todd Group Germany chief instructor and Germany annual course manager ensured the course was well conducted.

Two candidates committed to self-improvement passed the gruelling phase 1 test achieving promotion to advanced phase 2 training.

CQC pre-phase test practice

Ken overseeing control and restraint

CQC lane of enemy pers.

 After effects of connecting with a hard cover guard

Phase 1 test unarmed threat evasion

Long range unarmed offensive assault put down

Oblique stamp kick put down

Leg stamp kick put down

Blind folded as part of testing

Then it was Thailand for the May week-long intensive course of instruction.

The summer heat was made more bearable by the sea breeze at the Navy base.

Training included five full days and three nights of amphibious CQC and self-defence.

We also conducted a D-WAR (declare war against rape) introductory short course.

Mechanical restraint device training was conducted to ensure utilisation of emergency contingency options including utilising heightened senses when blindfolded and under threat.

The Todd Group utilise various toughness and sickener training and testing methods including prisoner of war type military self-defence and combative skills as well as unrestricted military self-defence and unarmed combat and armed capabilities improvement such as pugil stick training.

The single candidate that volunteered for phase 1 testing and Thailand did not achieve the objectives but is committed to achieving his objectives in the immediate future and will be given every assistance to this.

Down time included a capacity schedule of meetings with representatives of training organisations wanting to discuss the Todd Group providing training for their personnel.

Thailand CQC Course

Ambush knife disarm

Set range training

Hands bound behind back multiple enemy pers testing

The 2015 schedule has civilian courses upcoming in New Zealand, Zambia, South Africa and Thailand as well in the Philippines. These courses include military CQC, military self-defence and close personal protection.

With requests for training in several new countries in 2016 and the instructor team stand to be in high demand.

The attendee on course in recent years tend to be there by referral or through being savvy and undertaking research in relation to the system and the instructors qualifications.

The recent circuit included exponents from many countries all seeking military combative training and striving for achieving their highest level of competency.

Course travel time and down time was filled with proofreading and editing the Brain to Boot Psychological Conditioning and Enhancement manual, as well as work on developing programs for upcoming courses and replying to the constant requests for training and training related information.

Having good course managers and assistant instructors on course from the Todd Group training team combined with Todd Group depots nationally and internationally assist considerably with conducting exported courses of instruction.

Disappointment through failure to achieve ones objectives under testing conditions is a reality of training in a military CQC and military self-defence testing regime. However the testing regime neither favours nor prejudices any candidate and failing to achieve a phase test pass is a great motivator for the committed proponent.

All instructors and exponents have experienced the uncertainty in the high level of physical combative skills and mental toughness requirements of the testing regime. Instructors share in the disappointment when candidates are removed from the test phase through failing to achieve their objectives.

On this circuit we had a candidate that previously failed to achieve the required objectives pass his Phase one testing and another that on this occasion did not pass his Phase one test but is committed to training continuation and testing again in the near future.

Individuals that show such inner resolve and commitment to self-improvement are the quietly confident type that achieve in close quarters combat.

The Todd Group increases its global exponent roll one exponent at a time, ensuring the highest standards are maintained. The exported intensive training course circuits ensure diverse musters of exponents and are creating expanded interest through exposure and referrals.

Article written by Todd Group

The Todd Group, established by the late Harry Baldock, have been providing CQC, CQB, unarmed combat, defensive tactics, and self protection training since 1927.

They are instructors and consultants to military, police, close protection, corrections, security, and civilians.

The Todd Group has over 35 training depots nationally and internationally.