2009 To 2010 Annual International Close Combat Course and General Report

Haggis ceremony

2009 was a capacity schedule year with courses running for 48 weeks. These courses included military, police, close personal protection, security and civilian courses.

The Todd Group global depots increased in number to 35, and when you consider every depot instructor has been independently tested by the headquarters here in New Zealand and that we only provide training for adults you soon realize the scope of the interest in the Todd systems.

In 2009 we conducted phase 1, 2 and 3 training on the Gold Coast in Australia, organized by the course manager and new Todd Group Australian chief instructor Shane Gordon. This was a good course with a phase 1 test component that proved to be very challenging for all exponents. The reality was evident in relation to exponents needing to surpass the required standards and that standards would not be lowered to accommodate the candidates.

In the last half of 2009 with that instructor cadre running at critical manning and capacity schedules we could not accommodate the many requests from overseas applicants for individual tuition and basic through specialist courses of instruction.

This left December only to accommodate visiting candidates and we had some very committed individuals from the United Kingdom, United States, Canada and Australia. There were two very lively energetic and capable lads from Alaska, trained by Chris, that were keener than keen to learn the skills and practice them. We had a ship's captain on a referral from his Brit head of security that was committed to self-improvement and had a very realistic outlook and approach to defensive tactics training.

Over the Christmas holiday we worked on dealing with the backlog of projects and training inquiries as well as research development and design work. This included the design of a new wrestling and grappling logo that has received rave reviews.

Kiwi Wrestling

One piece of equipment developed and since manufactured is the Todd Dispatchet that was put through its paces on the recent annual course. This tool provides a great means to single-handedly or double-handedly to clear the path and is manufactured by the knife making experts Samuel Staniforth knives in Sheffield England.

Todd Dispatchet Todd Dispatchet

The Todd Dispatchet is a lightweight, quality path-clearer that can be used single hand grip in two positions, or double grip for maximum effect. It is a quality tool, great for in the field.

Todd Dispatchet

The supplies arm of the Todd Group Fight times underwent considerable expansion in 2009 with the opening of three more shops in Christchurch under the control of Tim Wright, in Wellington under the control of Nick and Gina Betty, as well as Auckland under the control of Lee Smith. All the shops are operated by Phase 3 Todd Systems instructors and we have a new shop set down to open in Hamilton later this year as well as the possibility of an Invercargill shop.

There were new appointments with Shane Gordon replacing Dave Stevens as chief instructor of the Todd Group for Australia, Andy Boag becoming the New South Wales chief instructor, and Dr. Steffan Eriksson becoming the Todd Group chief medical adviser.

The training wing post 2009 International Course further developed the test phases and the required hours of training prior to the specific test phases. The introduction this year of global logbooks to record individuals exponent and instructor training and record of service will be an excellent means for exponents and instructors alike to keep track of their progress.

New products included the Safe-T-Pen for self-defence, the grey role knife, and securing the sole New Zealand and Australian agency for the travel wrench. Products due to be released this year include a wide range of training weapons including assault rifles and shotguns, pistols, and knives, as well as a very effective single hand restraint device.

Training Knives

The Todd Group can now provide replica quality training knives, pistols, shotguns, sub-machineguns, rifles, machetes, etc.

training weapon

Todd training drone
The Todd training drone, designed for safety and realism, now available.

We have released more DVDs and have the Brain to Boot Psychological Evaluation and Development programme for close combat very close to release along with a self-defence manual for wheelchair self protection, and an anti and counter rape programme.

This has been just a glimpse at the extent of the training projects and research and development undertaken between 2009 and 2010.

The Annual International Course conducted between Wednesday, March 24 and Sunday, April 3 this year comprised of in week one Phase 3 training in everything from the basic phase 1 skills to the advanced phase 2 skills package and the specialist phase 3 training package. The training included continuation training for our military courses of instruction and the instructing team.

Todd Group Phase Three exponents
A group of the Phase 3 instructing team members on course.

The phase 1 and 2 courses of instruction were increased by a day this year so the exponents arrived in on Saturday, March 27 and began training on Sunday, March 28.

The majority of the training was conducted out at Camp Todd with several visits into the Todd Group headquarters to train with the local exponents.

The course began with a most positive strike of luck when exponents outside the training hall at Camp Todd spotted a deer. The roar had just begun and later that night Chris and Tank found the deer, an 11 pointer stag, on an open field in the camp property and Chris head shot it from some hundred 150 meters. This meant fresh venison for the course celebrations and was a new experience for most of the exponents on the course.


The entire first day of the Phase 1 course was spent on unarmed offensive assault and in particular achieving quick take outs. This set the candidates in good stead for the test phase where ending an encounter as quickly as possible is not only the required objective, but also reduces fatigue through employing combative continuance and other contingency options. The Phase 1 course of instruction was conducted on the grassed training area immediately outside the training hall and the phase two training was conducted under the outside gym.

The Phase 2 exponents worked steadily the entire week under the tuition of the senior Todd Group instructors learning the individual skills principles tactics and procedures and then learning to employ them offensively and counter-offensively in a wide range of employments. To ensure the wide range of Phase 2 modules are not only learned and practiced, but also retained, requires exponents to log a minimum of 400 training hours prior to testing.

The Phase 1 course of instruction identified some very fine exponents from throughout New Zealand and abroad. It was evident that the pre-course instruction they had received from their individual Todd Group depot instructors was of the highest calibre with exponents being highly proficient in the individual skills.

During the six days of phase 1 instruction exponents trained and practiced high repetition unarmed offensive and counter offensive assault as well as self protection modules that included hold prevention and escapes and weapon disarming under entry assault and at point-blank under ambush threat. They also received lectures on the medical aspects and psychological aspects of close combat and the instructor guidelines for Todd Group depot instructors.

Exponents and instructors were messed in at Camp Todd and to have Angus Hall, a respected Phase Three exponent and Todd Group depot instructor who is a chef and knows the importance of providing substantial nutritious meals for the exponents, made the exponents mealtimes most pleasurable and beneficial.

There was plenty of camaraderie and nothing was sacred which added to a brilliant atmosphere and truly an environment well-suited to individual self-improvement and the less than PC required demeanour that fits the subject. The German, Asian, American, Australian, and other accents received some good old kiwi bending in interpretation to assume whole new meanings that only added further to great atmosphere. We were blessed with two weeks of fine weather and at times it was very hot indeed, which made the course even more enjoyable.

The test phase for Phase 1 exponents with candidates ranging from 49kgs through to over 100kgs does provide the chief instructor with considerable safety concerns, however understanding how to reduce risk by depleting physical capabilities in the toughener and sickener phases does to some extent marginally reduce the risk. There are always going to be casualties during the training phase prior to the test phase and 2010 was no exception with two exponents unable to test through injury.

Chief instructor Tank Todd personally oversaw the conducting and control of the test phase, assisted by Lee Smith, while the performance rating and assessments were conducted by Todd Group 2IC ‘Cowboy’ Mitchell assisted by Tim Wright. Don Gutsell, managing director of Pro Med, an organization made up of mainly former military medics that provide medical services and training, was in attendance and his expertise was required in the first toughener phase the combat milling where a candidate got a nasty cut close to the eye that required stitching.

The test phase resulted in a high 77% pass rate, testament to the individual candidates and the prior training received from the Todd Group depots as well as the course being expanded by an additional day in duration.

There were some fine skills demonstrated in the self protection and combative test phases and under the practical handling exercise phase where there was no time for anticipation and where candidates had no idea of the exact location or nature of the threat the candidates excelled employing instant assessment, decision-making, and the employment of mostly the correct skills to counter the specific threats.

The course concluded with a haggis ceremony where members assisted with the piping in of the haggis and the haggis ceremony. The celebrations included the barbecuing of the deer and a wide range of fine foods presented to congratulate all in attendance.

Haggis ceremony

Haggis ceremony

Haggis ceremony

Haggis ceremony

Haggis ceremony

Finally the course participation certificates as well as successful phase test certificates were presented and the annual prize giving certificate presentation for 2009-2010 Todd Group members was undertaken. Worth mentioning is that the annual prize giving recipients came from both national and international depots with an age range from 20 years to one recipient close to 90.

The most promising new Phase 1 exponent was trained at our most recently established depot in Canberra, Australia, by our most recently approved Todd Group depot instructor.

Awards included the Number One Close Combat Exponent in the Group, and the Vince Smith, Harry Baldock, Charles Nelson, Anthony Whiting, Sam Haley and Johnny Burt Memorial awards, as well as the Colonel Rex Applegate Memorial award presented to a serving special forces soldier for commitment to CQB.

The Phase 3 armed component included a shooting phase organized by the phase 3 members in daylight and darkness which was won by ‘Cowboy’ Mitchell.

Finally I would encourage those considering attending the 2011 annual international course to begin training at a global Todd Group depot immediately to ensure they have the best opportunity at test phase success.

For those that do not have a Todd Group depot in their location, or close to their location, we recommend securing the phase 1 DVD package that includes the unarmed offensive and counter-offensive assault DVD and the full self protection DVD that are excellent introductory and continuation training aids.

Be sure to apply for the 2011 course as soon as possible, to avoid disappointment as we had a wait list for positions for this year's course, and were still receiving inquiries right up to when, and even while, the course was being conducted.

Course Photos

CQB training
At close quarters, at the Todd Group headquarters

CQB training

CQB training
Technique to Command

CQB training
Technique to Command utilizing the Todd Systems Technique to Command CDs

CQB training
Low light shooting

CQB training
Practical handling exercise aspect of the Phase 1 test

CQB training

CQB training

CQB training

CQB training

CQB training

CQB training

CQB training

CQB training

CQB training

CQB training

CQB training

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Letters received from exponents on course.

I have been a police officer in Australia for eight years, and am currently a tactical operator and defensive tactics instructor. After having attended the Todd Groups international" close quarters combat course, I consider it to have been amongst the most challenging and realistic training I have ever had the privilege to undertake. Skills passed on by Geoff and his cadre of instructors are extremely practical and highly effective, and by far the most valuable tools I have ever learnt for self protection. I would recommend this course without hesitation, for anyone wanting to challenge themselves, and learn real skills they can rely on working when it counts.

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The March course reinforced what I had previously discovered about CQB and the Todd Group. It is the last remaining haven for good honest people looking for 100% practical and evolving systems of self-defense and training, free from the mind and testicular reducing effects of political correctness.
– another satisfied exponent

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Hi again Tank and Trish

I'm an English Language instructor and engineering student, currently living and working in South Korea. I met a great dude from America back in '06 that was a former US tough-man competitor who first taught me CQB. He had travelled to the Todd Group headquarters, trained, and successfully phase tested. Before completing and passing the most recent international course, I did somewhere between 10 and 15 hours of hands-on instruction with a couple of guys in Australia (Gary and Anthony; the rest of my instruction was from the excellent distance education packages i.e. Technique to Command CDs and Phase 1 DVDs and book, produced by Tank and the Todd Group. The course itself was awesome, and I met some great people, both students and instructors. The food was also great (kudos to Gus for that). I highly recommend this course and the distance education packages for Phase 1 and am looking forward to attending future ones and moving up the ranks. Cheers again to Tank for all his help in answering my numerous emails over the last couple of years. Hang ready Tank, 'cos no doubt there will be plenty more emails to come!

For more information on the 2011 Annual CQB Course click here.

Article written by Tank Todd

Special Operations CQB Master Chief Instructor. Over 30 years experience. The only instructor qualified descendent of Baldock, Nelson, and Applegate. Former instructors include Harry Baldock (unarmed combat instructor NZ Army WWII), Colonel Rex Applegate OSS WWII and Charles Nelson, US Marine Corps. Tank has passed his Special Forces combative instructor qualification course in Southeast Asia and is certified to instruct the Applegate, Baldock and Nelson systems. His school has been operating for over eighty years and he is currently an Army Special Operations Group CQB Master Chief Instructor. His lineage and qualifications from the evolutionary pioneers are equalled by no other military close combat instructor. His operation includes his New Zealand headquarters, and 30 depots worldwide as well as contracts to train the military elite, security forces, and close protection specialists. Annually he trains thousands of exponents and serious operators that travel down-under to learn from the direct descendant of the experts and pioneers of military close combat. Following in the footsteps of his former seniors, he has developed weapons, and training equipment exclusive to close combat and tactical applications. He has published military manuals and several civilian manuals and produced DVDs on urban self protection, tactical control and restraint, and close combat. He has racked up an impressive 100,000+ hours in close combat.